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Britain heading for a limited easing of lockdown next week


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3 minutes ago, sawadee1947 said:

Most stupid idea..... unless UK want to be Number One in Corona cases AND deaths! 

Unfortunately only number one in Europe! 

But Bojo is working on it! 


I really don't understand all the fuss. Any announcement will be advice. That is all. If you don't like the advice then don't listen to it. If Boris says it is OK to go out more then fine. If you want to go then go. If you don't, just stay home. Simple.

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12 minutes ago, puchooay said:

I really don't understand all the fuss. Any announcement will be advice. That is all. If you don't like the advice then don't listen to it. If Boris says it is OK to go out more then fine. If you want to go then go. If you don't, just stay home. Simple.

What about if your employer makes you go back to work based on this advice?

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3 hours ago, mrfill said:

England is actually 259/km2 - you figure of 671 is per square mile


USA population density is 36/km2


I don't think it is any kind of kicker, whatever that might be.

Yes, but Scotland ain't much at all in comparison, so you might get a hint as to what I mean, even though I got my miles & km mixed up. Britain as a whole has getting on for double the density of PR China.

Some numbers of US states:
Alaska: 1.3 people per sq M
New Jersey: 1209 per sq M

District of Columbia is showing as: 10,588 per sq M!!!

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Do you know how much the government has made off of oil over the past 4 decades? Why do you think the British government want to keep Scotland? It certainly isn't to give the Scots money!

Not all of the oil & gas is under Scottish waters.

Also, do you know how much it has cost to run Scotland (and the rest of the UK) over the past 4 decades?

There has been a similar debate going on in Canada between east & west over oil.


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40 minutes ago, Neeranam said:

Not much of a choice  -  go back to work or starve! 

You make it sound as though no one has been working since lockdown. There are millions of people who have been making the choice for the past several weeks.

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2 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Yes, but Scotland ain't much at all in comparison, so you might get a hint as to what I mean, even though I got my miles & km mixed up. Britain as a whole has getting on for double the density of PR China.

Some numbers of US states:
Alaska: 1.3 people per sq M
New Jersey: 1209 per sq M

District of Columbia is showing as: 10,588 per sq M!!!

China is the 4th largest country on Earth and I'm sure some of their provinces are quite sparse, just like the US.


Other high density places

Singapore has 20445 per sq mile (20 deaths)

Macau has 53224 per sq mile (0 deaths)

Monaco has 49106 per sq mile (4 deaths)


Oh dear - looks like density of population is not necessarily a prerequisite for a high death rate.

The density of the politicians is a far more likely reason....

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2 minutes ago, mrfill said:

China is the 4th largest country on Earth and I'm sure some of their provinces are quite sparse, just like the US.


Other high density places

Singapore has 20445 per sq mile (20 deaths)

Macau has 53224 per sq mile (0 deaths)

Monaco has 49106 per sq mile (4 deaths)


Oh dear - looks like density of population is not necessarily a prerequisite for a high death rate.

The density of the politicians is a far more likely reason....

Singapore (280 sq M, about half as big as London), Monaco (area 0.81 sq M), Macau (area 44 sq M) are much more city states than countries.

 London (607 sq M) has a density of 14,670/sq mi. (Greater London also has more than double the GDP of Singapore).

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I wouldn't expect too much from Boris's announcement on Sunday.  Probably a few intentions for the future and then a bit more freedom going out to exercise and the opening of a limited amount of shops like garden centres.  Everything else will be fluff.

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23 minutes ago, Andrew65 said:

Singapore (280 sq M, about half as big as London), Monaco (area 0.81 sq M), Macau (area 44 sq M) are much more city states than countries.

 London (607 sq M) has a density of 14,670/sq mi. (Greater London also has more than double the GDP of Singapore).

And the District of Colombia is only 68.34 square miles so that is also more like a city state, although less densely populated than the examples I gave of very densely packed places with very low death rates.

I repeat - density of population is not necessarily a reason for high death rates.



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1 minute ago, mrfill said:

And the District of Colombia is only 68.34 square miles so that is also more like a city state, although less densely populated than the examples I gave of very densely packed places with very low death rates.

I repeat - density of population is not necessarily a reason for high death rates.



Point taken.

Another thing would be seasonality and climate, but that's another can 'o worms that's probably best not getting into.

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8 hours ago, dunroaming said:

I wouldn't expect too much from Boris's announcement on Sunday.  Probably a few intentions for the future and then a bit more freedom going out to exercise and the opening of a limited amount of shops like garden centres.  Everything else will be fluff.

Listening on BBC News, they say that people arriving in UK will have to give an address where they will quarantine for 14 days. What about someone coming for just a week. What about someone giving ANY address. What about cabin crew. And this will start on MAY 31st. Horse & bolted spring to mind. And there is the thread on here which says masks and lock-down have had very little effect.

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3 hours ago, shy coconut said:

Well, yes the clue is in the name.


It's hardly going to be the conservative and unionist party is it?

You do realise that not all Scots are nationalists, infact when they had their "once in a lifetime referendum" most Scots voted as unionists. The clue is in the referendum result.

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21 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


I read yesterday that the British government statisticians include "deaths suspected as being due to covid 19" in the official figures. Whereas some other countries only include confirmed definite cases.



Yes i read the same thing the operative word being "suspected" though why they want to drum up numbers i don't understand!

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20 hours ago, stouricks said:

And get Thailand to put out 'genuine' numbers IF they can test enough people. Same as road deaths, they don't count if they do not happen at the roadside.


Anyway, good to see you back Yinn.

Anyway, good to see you back Yinn. wonder what her front looks like, she seems to be very anti English though!

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On 5/8/2020 at 3:49 AM, colinneil said:

Why wait until it is over to compare numbers between Scotland/ England?

BBC show it daily, all you need to do is look, or are you too busy trying to discredit Boris and the English.

the jocks are always ready to stick the dirk into boris but its just that theyre an unhealthy lot with underlying health problems in jockland..so easier to pop off from covid .poor diet and living conditions haunt them and too much booze and fags and diabetes

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9 hours ago, vogie said:

You do realise that not all Scots are nationalists, infact when they had their "once in a lifetime referendum" most Scots voted as unionists. The clue is in the referendum result.

Not true, I am afraid - most Scots-born voters voted in 2014 to slip the burden of the Union, but it is off topic. Therefore, probably not the place to point out to you that independence supporting parties are currently polling at 56%. 

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