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U.S. savages WHO as it promises pandemic review, but China pledges $2 billion


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21 minutes ago, rabas said:

There are existing international treaties including the US that cover these dangerous biolab facilitates and related military biological activates. China has been warned repeatedly so it seems China is the one on the outside.

Many of the treaties are under various sections of the UN, which the current administration in the US hates, and do not give the automatic rights of inspections which would have been necessary to intervene in the COVID case in China at an earlier stage. 

Regardless of the outcome of the next US election there is still a substantial constituency in the US which resents the UN or another body having supremacy over the US actions, and so it is time to consider moving the UN Headquarters away from New York, possibly to a more neutral venue such as Stockholm.

Of course that would mean the removal of the countries ambassadors and their entourages from New York, all the visitors to the high-level meetings and conventions etc. and less revenues for high-end hotels - such as those owned by Trump.

As I said before, be careful what you wish for

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33 minutes ago, rabas said:

Exactly how the CCP thinks and exactly opposite to how the real Free World operates. They, the CCP, not the Chinese people, have always misunderstood the noise of freedom. It will be their failing to the delight of the Free World and Chinese people everywhere.


Best start treating them like the really big third world thug they are. Demand they come clean on their dangerous biolab and military biological research. If not shut them down.

irony is way above many on this forum!

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30 minutes ago, rabas said:

There are existing international treaties including the US that cover these dangerous biolab facilitates and related military biological activates. China has been warned repeatedly so it seems China is the one on the outside.

And the Bush administration rejected a projected internationally binding verification protocol to the BWC.

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1 minute ago, candide said:

And the Bush administration rejected a projected internationally binding verification protocol to the BWC.

Thank you, I was thinking of writing that but could not remember the exact circumstances

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15 minutes ago, ChouDoufu said:

jinkies!  you missed the point completely!


this is how MY country responds to international investigations about our exceptional selves and the suggestion of investigating war crimes.


i didn't include the (alleged) older quote of bolton telling an ocpw investigator "we know where your kids live" as i don't have a suitable link to a quote of him saying that.

Understood clearly. I just took your effort to paint the US as a rogue bully and placed on the real rogue, the CCP.


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12 hours ago, webfact said:

Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged $2 billion over the next two years to help deal with COVID-19, especially in developing countries.

Trying to buy closure... $38 million a year to $2 billion over the next two years is a clear indication of a country trying to erase history.

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8 minutes ago, hotchilli said:

Trying to buy closure... $38 million a year to $2 billion over the next two years is a clear indication of a country trying to erase history.

or maybe a country trying to make up for the shortcomings of a rogue bully nation, paying their own assessed fees, along with the assessed fees and donations formerly given by same rogue bully nation.


kinda makes trump look petty, roguish and bullying.

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1 hour ago, hotchilli said:

Trying to buy closure... $38 million a year to $2 billion over the next two years is a clear indication of a country trying to erase history.


They promise a lot.  They usually do.  But if history is any indication, looking back after 2 years will reveal far less than $2B contributed.   And by then, the heat will be off and the world will have moved on to a different crisis.


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The official China got caught with their ever-important face-saving exercise. Nothing is higher and more important than the face; a Chinese thing which applies to anything Asian, Middle Eastern and quite a few Mediterranean states. 

The 2 billion USD is loose change; the Chinese - oncemore again - managed to try to swipe their mess under the big red communist carpet and ......... failed again. 

The avian flue, SARS and many other funny little diseases of smaller and bigger proportions could have been avoided if they would have pushed the button "we have a problem" and "we need help". 

Another question is of course, who is the big winner(s) in this race? Trillions of any decent currency got destroyed, without a doubt a billion people are suffering in one or the other way and the only problem is, that the WHO will not recognize Taiwan ROC. 

If you ask me, too many clowns and far to few circuses. Either you take the Chinese, once and for all, to reasoning and responsibility or you officially declare that the Chinese won the battle. 

Stop buying from China, stop selling to China and they will be creeping up your fibula anytime soon - question of course is, how long would it last and most likely the wrong Chinese would get punished. 

I do my little private thing and avoid buying anything Chinese - if I can. The admin of this forum prohibits me using the real vocabulary which would be befitting these godforsaken "*ç%"%+! 

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4 hours ago, thesetat2013 said:

Another trump hater using anything he can to make trump in a bad light. A shame really since America is not the only country devoured by this virus.. So what you are saying is that all the leaders listened and followed trump and so they all had their people in lockdown or dying. 

Surely if trumps staff knew them other countries staff also knew and allowed this virus to spread. Or quite possibly the WHO downplayed the virus for China's benefit or believed everything China was telling them and used less force in their warnings that led the rest of the world to get infected. 

The proof is already shown the virus was known and harsh measures taken inside wuhan and China prior to WHO telling the world to worry. 

This increase to 2 billion being offered by China seems more like bribery money or compensation for the WHO helping make them look like they actually followed protocols and didn't ignore the data that wasn't approved by China's leadership. 

There is no question that Trump failed completely at Covid 19 and all he says now are excuses to blame everyone else for his mismanagement.  The whole world saw through this ..... with a few exceptions????

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trump making threats?  that's not nice.  but par for the course.


how about breastfeeding?  not even trump would say a mother feeding her child isn't a beautiful thing.  not unless you're in the pocket of the baby formula lobby.


The Americans were blunt: If Ecuador refused to drop the resolution, Washington would unleash punishing trade measures and withdraw crucial military aid. The Ecuadorean government quickly acquiesced.




and tuberculosis?  that's a smart enemy, an invisible enemy.  unless you're a lobbyist for the pharmaceutical industry and have trump's blessings, and then it's a profit center.


The United States had already threatened to pull out of the resolution, due to be signed at a September summit, if language linked to the World Trade Organization’s TRIPS agreement on intellectual property flexibilities remained. The now-removed sections would have allowed developing countries to override drug companies’ patents in cases of public health need, a practice known as compulsory licensing that can make medicines more affordable — but has drawn drug makers’ ire before.






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oh, man, this is vile.  not even xi would do that to the troops.


The Trump administration’s order ends deployments on June 24, just one day before thousands would qualify for education and retirement benefits.


It seemed kind of weird to me,” said retired Brig. Gen. J. Roy Robinson, president of the National Guard Association, the advocacy group for Guard members. “It’s a Wednesday. And it also coincides with 89 days of deployment for any soldiers who went on federal status at the beginning. I was getting all kind of calls about it and I said, ‘It’s probably just a coincidence.’ But in the back of my mind, I know better. They’re screwing the National Guard members out of the status they should have.”



Edited by ChouDoufu
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3 hours ago, Estrada said:

The United States under Trump has already been in arrears on paying their dues to the W.H.O. for the last two years.


Ah!Ah! Brilliant! Thanks for the information.

Trump has halted contributions he wasn't paying anyway!


"Kolker has seen the U.S. get behind before on its payments to the WHO, though never to the degree that it has during the Trump administration. Amid the worst global health disaster of the past century, he notes that close to $200 million was already past due the WHO."


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It"s all about agendas, there's a US agenda and a China agenda. From my experience in public service I'd say you just go straight down the line. Once you start pandering to either side you're screwed, as an objective force, you just become a pawn in the game.

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And as usual, Trump lied. ????

"The Lancet, however, said Tuesday "this statement is factually incorrect" and that it "published no report in December, 2019, referring to a virus or outbreak in Wuhan or anywhere else in China."

The Lancet said it first published reports on January 24, 2020."


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On 5/19/2020 at 7:28 AM, Mama Noodle said:


2 billion over 2 years is literal pocket change. 


Over 100 countries also want an investigation into China and the WHO as well, signaling that most people dont trust anything coming out of Xi's mouth. 



Yeah bro, everyone knows you've already have all the time in the world to cover your backside, and now you want to frame the investigation in a way that absolves you, and use the WHO to back you up - meanwhile you have your toadies on social media claim that the virus might have started in the USA. 

Agreed 100%. We in Australia are vulnerable to the economic impact of distancing ourselves from the Chinese Communist Party Government. 

Not a racist policy but good businesses don't have such vulnerability to political and economic blackmail being used now by these bath plugs 

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12 hours ago, ChouDoufu said:

oh, man, this is vile.  not even xi would do that to the troops.


The Trump administration’s order ends deployments on June 24, just one day before thousands would qualify for education and retirement benefits.


It seemed kind of weird to me,” said retired Brig. Gen. J. Roy Robinson, president of the National Guard Association, the advocacy group for Guard members. “It’s a Wednesday. And it also coincides with 89 days of deployment for any soldiers who went on federal status at the beginning. I was getting all kind of calls about it and I said, ‘It’s probably just a coincidence.’ But in the back of my mind, I know better. They’re screwing the National Guard members out of the status they should have.”



Could really backfire with trump's base, likely he will U turn. However, demonstrates poor governance decision making.

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On 5/19/2020 at 6:56 AM, simple1 said:

Rather than trump attacking WHO, surely it makes a lot more sense to work with the UN for WHO to gain authority for more actionable authority.

If Trump is smart, he won't waste another cent backing of a UN agency clearly in the pockets of the Chinese and messianic vaccines "king" Bill Gates.


One can only speculate how many lives were lost as a result of the WHO'S rash public endorsement of China's initial claim that the COVID virus could not be spread by human transmission.





Edited by Krataiboy
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17 minutes ago, Krataiboy said:

If Trump is smart, he won't waste another cent on backing of a UN agency clearly in the pockets of the Chinese and messianic vaccines "king" Bill Gates.


One can only speculate how many lives were lost as a result of the WHO'S rash public endorsement of China's initial claim that COVID virus was not spread by human transmission.

WHO has completed wonderful programs for disease eradication / minimisation. WHO corrected their knowledge and advise for the international community within a matter of days of gaining entry to Wuhan, whilst trump continued for weeks minimising the threat of Covid. Would be a great shame for the US to vindictively undermine WHO rather than working with WHO to implement lessons learnt.


Why is it trump supporters never address the errors of judgement made by trump and ignoring his agencies advice which is now quickly heading to 100,000 deaths from Covid in the USA.


trump's lack of leadership has facilitated influences by China.



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25 minutes ago, simple1 said:

WHO has completed wonderful programs for disease eradication / minimisation. WHO corrected their knowledge and advise for the international community within a matter of days of gaining entry to Wuhan, whilst trump continued for weeks minimising the threat of Covid. Would be a great shame for the US to vindictively undermine WHO rather than working with WHO to implement lessons learnt.


Why is it trump supporters never address the errors of judgement made by trump and ignoring his agencies advice which is now quickly heading to 100,000 deaths from Covid in the USA.


trump's lack of leadership has facilitated influences by China.



Trashing the US economy, which Trump is rightly reluctant to do, would cost far more deaths than the glorified flu epidemic which caused the WHO to get their knickers in such a twist.

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On 5/19/2020 at 9:25 AM, twocatsmac said:

Time for free speaking countries to wholeheartedly support Australia and buy their produce.

Im australian and i wont do that. Australia has a bad reputation of dumping.

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