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Startup's Animal-Free Burger "Let's Plant Meat" Hits Thailand Stores


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I do egg plant with diced veggies, spices and cheese wrapped in foil

for 25 minutes in the pizza oven.

Beats any beef burger out there!

I'm fully for this. Too much chemicals in meat today.

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I'm getting contradictory messages  like on the one hand people are encouraging me to adopt a carnivore diet, on the other people are encouraging me to go vegan. Make up your minds people please. Personally, I tend to go with 2 standards, the cruelty invoved in preparation, and the emotional intelligence of the animal involved. 

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19 minutes ago, 473geo said:

I understand the wish to slaughter less animals, not sure how a farting cow is more detrimental to the planet than a diesel or petrol engine, but I'm rather lost as to why people cannot just rustle up oven baked/barbque vegetables, a veggie soup, or a vegetable curry. Maybe open tin of beans!! This type of food appears to be heading in the direction of eating flavoured cardboard.

Methane production. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than C02 (23 x more potent at point of release).

And when you factor in the enormous numbers of cows, pigs, and sheep who all produce gases and astronomical amounts of faeces that isn't processed like the human equivalents are

Edited by z42
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If your choice is to be Vegan or whatever variation of it you choose, I have no issue with that.


What on earth is this some some chemical concoction with some vegetable matter thrown in?


Be a vegan, eat meat whatever but is this a healthy choice?

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1 minute ago, z42 said:

Methane production. Methane is a much more potent greenhouse gas than C02. 

And when you factor in the enormous numbers of cows, pigs, and sheep who all produce gases and astronomical amounts of faeces that isn't processed like the human equivalents are

But the faeces of the animals facilitates the growth of plant life that is required for a healthy planet, vehicles do no such thing they pollute full stop!! vehicle disposal can also have a detrimental effect on the environment, not to mention the obtaining of product to build, and the energy used to build, the tarmac roads and drains running oil and rubber into nature, I could go on but hey, it appears to me cows and sheep are not too demanding on the environment, and the end product is disposed of with little or no waste.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

the burning largely came from fields growing corn to feed livestock.

That's the first time I've ever seen that reported.  That sounds pretty wrong to me. My Dad's family grew corn and they never burned fields. Maybe he doesn't know the difference between corn and cane.  And, he's picked up on the mantra if you repeat a lie enough times people will believe it.

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What are the ingredients? water, vegetable proteins from soy & rice, coconut oil & rice bran oil, spices, yeast extracts, salt, vinegar, thickening agent (methylcellulose), natural colours (beetroot extract, caramel), emulsifier (lecithin from soy), natural flavors. "contains soy".


For a burger/ground beef use, I guess I would try it, as long as it's the cheaper product vs. beef. But when it comes to beef, give me a nice juicy STEAK.

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36 minutes ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

What are the ingredients? water, vegetable proteins from soy & rice, coconut oil & rice bran oil, spices, yeast extracts, salt, vinegar, thickening agent (methylcellulose), natural colours (beetroot extract, caramel), emulsifier (lecithin from soy), natural flavors. "contains soy".



Some folks have allergies to soy based products.....

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52 minutes ago, Dumbastheycome said:

Please provide me  with evidence of all whole meat being injected with preservatives and fillers? Beef product in the US is certainly known to contain excesses of growth promoting chemicals of various kinds which is why many many countries  ban the import of it. Processed meat products in many places also because they are commercial byproduct but which would not  be dissimilar to this tvp type of thing.

And long term a  vegetarian and more so a vegan diet has been repeatedly shown to  NOT be optimal because it leads to a lack of many essential components not found in plant based proteins.

Personally I would  rather trust unadulterated genuine meat than some look alike, taste alike chemically altered and contaminated plasticized vegetable burger patty. I actually have not eaten any  burger of any brand for over 35 years or any reconstituted meat product knowing what it is also likely to contain.




Ok, so this article is generic, but it explains what processing is done and why. But as it's from PETA some people may take issue with it, so my suggestion is read and then search more to verify their claims 




And your supposed studies that show vegetarian or vegan diets to not be nutritionally adequate sound like an anecdote.

The academy of nutrition and dietetics is just one of many dietetic associations around the world to provide peer reviewed studies indicating that well planned vegan diets are nutrionally adequate for all stages of life



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I haven't seen a nutrition label for this local product as yet, but would like to...


However, from what I recall, the comparisons between the popular imported brands vs regular hamburger showed that the plant based stuff really wasn't that much better for you than the regular hamburger, in that it actually still had pretty substantial levels of fat, calories, etc...  Somewhat better, but not by much.





The bad news: Meatless burgers are heavily processed and high in saturated fat

The same can’t necessarily be said of the aforementioned beef substitutes, which have been created to mimic what many people love about a burger — the red juicy center and meaty taste. Along with the ambition to replicate hamburgers comes a comparable amount of saturated fat. Since diets higher in saturated fat are associated with increased rates of both heart disease and premature death, they may not be the type to opt for if your ambitions are purely health-related. They are also a significant source of sodium, particularly for those on salt-restricted diets.






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I am a carnivore, but once, in Bombay was taken to a veg restaurant, where they had some kabobs that tasted exactly like ground meat kabobs!


Wish I had thought to get the recipe, all this meat is killing me!

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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

What on earth are you on about?

Too much chemicals in meat? 99% of all veg sold here has been sprayed, and sprayed many times with chemicals.

So that makes your comment crazy.

Exactly!! And I am amazed how long apples, potatoes and such last so long in the fridge and then still full of moisture!! Not just pesticide chemicals but preservative ones too!!????????????????????????????????

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2 hours ago, RuamRudy said:

I assume that the macro intention would to replace the grazing areas currently used by the livestock with crops? I have read that the footprint required to rear livestock could, if repurposed to crops, feed many more people than the livestock could feed.  

Yes that would work if we are prepared to destroy the soil's natural fertility through intensive use of mineral fertilisers, pesticides (including Roundup) and not bothering about crop rotation. 

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