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25 of almost 400 Thais who returned home rushed to hospital with high fever


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29 minutes ago, petedk said:

What about the so-called "fit to fly certificate"? Or has that been dropped?

Certainly dont need one to fly oit of thsiland, and as few foreign doctors are willing to provide one it seems unlikely.

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1 hour ago, hotandsticky said:






Confirmed case figures have no relevance to death rates.


The only meaningful measure is death/million population.



In that respect Thailand is doing very well........................................ or do you know where the bodies are being hidden.

Not testing for Covid19 does not just affect case figures.


It also affects death figures. If someone is not tested for Covid19, how would you know if he died of Covid 19? You can't.


So it is not just case figures, but also death figures that aren't meaningful in Thailand. Same in Nigeria, Vietnam, Japan.



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Just now, uhuh said:

Yes, the official death statistics in banana republics like Japan,  Taiwan (very little testing done, so of course no more virus) are all lies. They are all communists! 


In reality, the streets in Bangkok are filled with rotting corpses, just like in Guayaquil.

Hospitals turn away thousands of patients,  like they did in Wuhan.

Mass graves and refrigerated trucks for the dead all are all over Bangkok,  they are discussing the possibility of mass graves in Lumpini park,  just like in New York City.

People in care homes drop dead like flies, like in England,  the military removes the corpses, just like in Spain.


Death is everywhere in Taipei, Bangkok, Tokyo, Saigon. Better stay in Paris or Milan.

It is not a given that the virus has to cause a huge wave of cases like in Italy. We saw in Germany, Austria, Norway and many other countries, that Covid 19 can happen without hospitals being overwhelmed.


It is possible that the virus is not as virulent, not as wide-spread and not as deadly as some people thought.


Yes, in some countries, the virus has caused huge waves of cases, but it has not done so everywhere.

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9 minutes ago, Logosone said:


9 minutes ago, Logosone said:

 We saw in Germany, Austria, Norway and many other countries, that Covid 19 can happen without hospitals being overwhelmed.


Yes, because they did the right things - albeit too slow and a bit timidly.

Norway's neighbor, Sweden has deaths per population 10 times more than Norway, more than the US.


You have to hit the virus hard and fast. Jacinda Ardern's New Zealand did very well,  Norway has 10 times more deaths per population than NZ,  and 100 times more deaths per population than Hong Kong and Taiwan. 


(Didn't you say it's all because they don't test? )

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1 hour ago, uhuh said:

Yes, because they did the right things - albeit too slow and a bit timidly.

Norway's neighbor, Sweden has deaths per population 10 times more than Norway, more than the US.


You have to hit the virus hard and fast. Jacinda Ardern's New Zealand did very well,  Norway has 10 times more deaths per population than NZ,  and 100 times more deaths per population than Hong Kong and Taiwan. 


(Didn't you say it's all because they don't test? )

Yes, Sweden has 4000 deaths, but even in a small population of 10 million, that is only 0.04 per cent of the population, so you probably don't have streets in Stockholm filled "with rotten corpses".


If it wasn't for the media and the measures themselves, provided they're not one of the 0.04 per cent, would Swedes even notice there is a deadly virus?


As for New Zealand, its a very small nation - its population is smaller than New York City's, half of Sweden's - and it is very remote with easily sealable borders, which all played in its favour when the virus broke out. Plus it probably has very few Chinese tourists, many patient zeros had contact with Chinese work colleagues (Germany), or themselves were Chinese tourists (Rome). 


So the fact that New Zealand is geographically located in a part of the world that is very remote, easily sealed, and has few Chinese tourists to start with, coupled with the fact that New Zealanders are relatively poor and due to the remoteness of their islands don't travel all that much, except for long term work, all this played in New Zealand's favour. Also population density is extremely low in NZ.


Also of course that New Zealand was affected later, and therefore had the luxury of time. Something places like Italy did not have. Besides, in small mini-countries putting measures in effect is always easier.


But you have to give credit to the New Zealanders, their high testing regime was among the most intense in the world and must have played a role. Still, their contact tracing was very poor, and their clusters were not fully investigated.


As for Taiwan, they did not test a lot actually, and the numbers for Taiwan and Hong Kong are unlikely to be accurate. I think Taiwan is more interesting than Hong Kong though, because again HK is a tiny place with a tiny population, whereas Taiwan is a real country with a sizeable population.











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One person with a fever should equal one month of lock down.


All international flights banned until vaccine.  


Apps on everyone's phone with camera and ability to take temperature.


rectal insertion.


Get ready for your freedom on July 1st.  It will last one day.


Then back to your room farangs!!!!  lol  


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A shade over 6% of these returnees have a fever. None of them have been confirmed yet as having Covid 19 and they have all been confined anyway.


So what is all the fuss about?

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

Twenty-five of the 399 Thais who returned home on Monday (May 26) from Japan, South Korea and the Maldives were found to have high fever and rushed to hospital, Suvarnabhumi Airport deputy director Kittipong Kittikachorn said.

Begs the question "how did they get on flights" if they were sick??

Another one is, wasn't S.Korea taken off the dangerous country list?


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8 hours ago, Blumpie said:

A FEVER?!?!  I do hope they make it though the night.  

With due respect, to the confused, I thought this was meant to be amusing in respect to the Bee Gee's song:-


Then I get night fever, night fever
We know how to do it
Gimme that night fever, night fever
We know how to show it

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7 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

There will be no follow up on this, same as the 9 Thais who arrived from the UK with high fevers just a week ago. Almost sounds to me like Thailand is attempting to emphasis how dangerous other countries are compared to them.

They always announce confirmed covid cases on the daily brief and indicate whether they imported or domestic infections. There's no reason to suppose that these arrivals or the UK 9 will be treated any differently.


You're over-thinking it Brian.

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Sit back, relax & enjoy the fact that Thailand has done a great job (even if just got lucky)'

There is no use in getting your heart rate up over restrictions that we have no control over.

Thailand does not even want their own people back at this time but has no option.


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8 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

This is exactly why Thailand is right to have the strict quarantine requirements.



This is why Thailand can control new outbreaks.



UK (and others) take note.

Well spotted Thailand

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8 hours ago, zeamonkey said:

So all these thais are getting sick on the flight???? There is plenty of screening at the airports they left from, so why arent they getting treated there??  One big hoax

I agree, it just doesn't add up. They develop symptoms on the flight? That never showed up prior to boarding? Do me a favour! What are the chances? 1 in 16 will develop symptoms in flight. Bad odds on a 160 seater!

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8 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

These terribly sick people with their dangerous fever are foreigners?

Now me, having read the OP is under the impression that all the returnees were Thai people and not a foreigner amongst the lot.

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7 hours ago, n00dle said:

Certainly dont need one to fly oit of thsiland, and as few foreign doctors are willing to provide one it seems unlikely.

A fit to fly certificate is pointless.  Thais returning from USA were requesting this and all they did was a consultation via Zoom and they got the certificate.

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Funny, high fever arriving sounds like all of these countries dropped the ball? sounds like a bit of patient dumping? We got 25 which just infected the rest which is a few hundred. Did any of them provide testing results negative within the 72 hours and carry insurance?  Something smells?  Leaders better think again about taking some countries off the list don't you think?

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10 hours ago, EricTh said:


That is only for the temporary situation in March when the virus was spreading fast in Thailand and rest of the world.



The article is from yesterday and states:

Deputy Immigration Bureau Commander explains the legal and official situation for foreigners currently seeking access to Thailand. 



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12 hours ago, hotandsticky said:

This is exactly why Thailand is right to have the strict quarantine requirements.



This is why Thailand can control new outbreaks.



UK (and others) take note

Really? You will note that as usual, these are infections coming from abroad. 25 people out of 400 = 6.25%. Using the UK as a comparison (as you do), if that number of infections was a true state of affairs, then over 4.4 million people in the UK would also be presenting with Covid symptoms - clearly they are not.


In the usual Thai manner - everything bad is outside Thailand whilst only good comes from within.


I struggle to believe any of the figures relating to Covid 19 that Thailand puts out but putting that bias aside for a moment there could be a variety of reasons for the high percentage of arrivals to Thailand presenting with symptoms. They could become sick abroad and so wish to go home, they could become infected due to an understandable higher exposure through travel etc. etc.


Given that Thailand had the first case of Covid outside China on 13 January and the fact that very few measures were taken to control the virus until mid to late March - don't you find the number of internal infections a little hard to digest?


Corona virus is clearly very contagious and has virtually 'ripped' through other countries yet despite over 2 months with little or no controls, it failed to do the same in Thailand. How so?


There have been a number of examples that anywhere else, would have lead to huge increases in the number of infections. Take for example the exodus from Bangkok when the closure was announced.  It was accepted at that time that the virus was prevalent in Bangkok, thousands flocked to Mo Chit bus station and others to return to their provinces. They were shown packed closely together in many media photos and there was no social distancing on buses.  In any other country the result of that experience would have been thousands of infections - widespread across the country. Did you see any reports of that happening?


I have no proof of my assertions but the numbers just don't stack up and neither do a lot of things relating to Covid 19 and Thailand. 



Edited by KhaoYai
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28 minutes ago, KhaoYai said:


I have no proof of my assertions but the numbers just don't stack up and neither do a lot of things relating to Covid 19 and Thailand. 



Then go along with it until you can call them all fraudsters with impunity.

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2 minutes ago, Traubert said:

Then go along with it until you can call them all fraudsters with impunity.

I've been connected to Thailand long enough to know that whichever government is in place, they rarely tell the truth when something adversely affects their country.

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3 hours ago, pantsonfire said:

A fit to fly certificate is pointless.  Thais returning from USA were requesting this and all they did was a consultation via Zoom and they got the certificate.

LOL. An easy way to make money without catching the virus.



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