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Pattaya: "I'm not sick and it's my right not to wear a mask" - Thai man makes a video stand at market


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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Sure thing, Canuck.

Never mind that there is very strong scientific evidence by now that massive mask wearing is very effective in reducing the spread of the deadly virus. 

So  would  blowing  your own brains out, that would stop it dead in it's  tracks.

So the Thais  continually  "yo-yo" mask wearing makes it a farce, non stop  fiddling with them.

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1 minute ago, frantick said:

When CO2 levels are elevated in the body it is known as hypercapnia. Hypercapnia can occur for a number of reasons, one of which is rebreathing our own exhaled CO2. Rebreathing CO2 can lead to increased blood pressure, headaches, muscle twitches, rapid heart rate, chest pain, confusion, and fatigue.

And doesn't occur when wearing a surgical mask. So your point is?

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He doesn't know he's not infected. Many cases have no symptoms. I guess he didn't get the memo. I'm somewhat impressed though to hear that he does understand that the point of everyone wearing masks is to protect others. 

This is kind of a tricky one. I believe everyone should be wearing a mask outside right now whenever possible if they are going to be less than 2 meters from someone else. It is not a law to have to wear one as far as i am aware of but it is a term and condition that certain businesses will not be allowed to remain open if they do not require this. Thus many local businesses will not allow you to enter with out one and that is their right

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Tracking Smacking who cares , what are people hiding , you think they have time to-hunt  69 million people Big Deal, -if in the West I would be nervous , Crybabies , you want to get Mad Boycott China 

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3 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

Is this a defense of the Thai bashing which I criticized in my post? I don’t see the connection though. Please specify what this reply has to do with my post, the one you are quoting. 

Why oh why must you insist in "Only my way and beliefs are right"


3 hours ago, yuyiinthesky said:

However, please don‘t be racist, there is no reason. Just look at the stupid nonsense Neil Fergusson (Professor Lockdown) came up with, flawed models, totally wrong coding, and so on. 

On the other side look at this Thai, he understood that if he is not sick he cannot infect anyone, which is absolutely logic and indisputable correct.

Here is the logic, He does not understand he is not infected or possibly an asymptomatic carrier, he may feel just fine, but so did the Italian in Phuket, so unless the man has gone through the numerous testing process and can prove he is not sick then he still possesses the possibility of being infected.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Thais in general are massively more advanced in their understanding of the need for mask wearing

and what about handwashing and social distancing and sharing while eating and how do you explain those stupid face shields they are wearing instead of a mask - yes massively more advance my (deleted)


the difference between the west and Thailand is we don't just do stuff unless there is sound scientific medical evidence to support it, now there is under certain conditions 

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To be honest if he doesnt want to wear the mask, its really up to him. I dont think its against the law. However when coming into markets etc, he should put it on for everyones sake.

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Just now, lee b said:

To be honest if he doesnt want to wear the mask, its really up to him. I dont think its against the law. However when coming into markets etc, he should put it on for everyones sake.

It is the law in a market in Pattaya.

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3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

He claims he is not sick, which is not the same as not being infected, he appear not to understand that. Not peculiar to Thailand though. 

the reason could be that Thailand doesn't explain these facts to people, the whole population thinks that unless they have a high temperature they are not infected - understandable since that is all they are doing - testing temperatures all over the place which is highly flawed 

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3 hours ago, pixelaoffy said:

Not many Thais stand up for their rights! most are lead by the nose. Good on this man. Think about it, Hes not wearing a mask in an outdoor market... Uh so what!   The depths of Thailand get lower every day !!

No social distancing in a market, that's why.........????

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19 minutes ago, Canuck1966 said:


You are just like 99.99% of the Thais, you couldn't give a shìt about others, you wear one to protect yourself, even though that's a load of BS in the first place

Just admit it 

Wearing a mask to protect yourself isn't shît. It depends on the type of mask you wear.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:


It is not correct.

He may not feel sick.

But he still might be infected.

Which means he would then be infecting others.

Wearing a mask reduces the chances of that.

Legal or not, he has no moral or ethical "right" to do that.

Is that any different to smoking in a public place or maybe even driving? Don't want an argument, just playing devils advocate.????

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3 hours ago, DaLa said:

This is only part of the equation though.  Wearing a mask will not prevent him from picking up the virus from a contaminated surface.  If he is infected wearing a mask will not prevent him touching surfaces and contaminating others.

I wish the WHO and governments would get their act together and come to a consensus on the effectiveness of prevention.

they have - you're just not reading about it


Primary mode of human to human infection is airborne all the rest are secondary  

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