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this puts a whole new slant on the 14 day incubation period


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if this is true.... we are in for trouble down the line;

Latest positive test may have carried 'dormant' virus for 12 weeks



A passenger of the Ruby Princess who tested positive to coronavirus is suspected to have carried the “dormant” virus for almost 12 weeks before falling ill.

The woman was diagnosed in Cairns on Monday, taking the total number of Queensland cases to 1057, with only 12 remaining active.
Authorities suspect she is the latest coronavirus case to have carried the inactive virus and become sick weeks after exposure.
Last week another woman in Queensland was diagnosed two months after returning from India.



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China reported a case where the virus was dormant for 4 weeks and that was over 2 months ago. There was a report from Spain where a person first tested positive, then negative a couple of times and was cleared, then positive 4-5 weeks later. Relapses doesn't seem to be contagious.


12 weeks sounds a lot though. Probably some other reason 

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