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Several countries seek ban on wildlife markets


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It has cost China a lot of money and face that alone might convince the CCP to do something about it


I reckon they will do it quietly in their own time, they have shown many times that they can be absolutely ruthless when they need to be so public opinion of the serfs doesn't really matter. Well here's hoping....

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It's not just Asian countries that do it.  People eat bats for dinner because they have nothing else all over the world.  And not just bats, whatever they can get their hands on.  

At least we're going in the right direction.  It's moving forward.  

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12 minutes ago, Captain Monday said:

Nonsense. These are not primitives in the forest. The Chinese eat bats and wolf cubs because of irrational beliefs, like it will make them more "potent".

There is not much meat on a bat and they are expensive to source. If they are to consume meat better it is from agriculture and factory farms like any other country.

I don't really care why they do it.  However they get to eat whatever they are eating, the result is the same.  Buy it, hunt it?  Why do I care?

And let me completely assure you this happens in the middle east, other parts of Asia, Central Asia.  I've seen it with my own two eyes.   

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8 minutes ago, Blumpie said:

 I've seen it with my own two eyes.   

I took my Thai partner to a park and when a pidgin landed she tried to grab it for a snack. You kidding. Wuhan has population 10mill+. Which other city that size can buy a live monkey or whatever. 

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How about we ban all of these level 4 warfare labs.. Make only virus protection a thing of all the countries combined at designated labs with all countries involved. Not each individual country under disguise. China needs to be taught a huge lesson and fall to the sewer. I hate China! period! It ain't the wet markets. 

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16 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Several countries seek ban on wildlife markets

Yeah make 'em illegal the 'black market' will take up the slack same as drugs and arms!


Who is RALPH Harris?

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Its been known for years the health risks from these live animal markets which are all over Asia mainly supplying China. Thailand closed the live animal market in Chatuchuk Bangkok some weeks ago after an under cover report by 60 minutes Australia. No doubt its moved somewhere else by now. WHO has done nothing to shut these markets. 

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18 hours ago, mark131v said:

It has cost China a lot of money and face that alone might convince the CCP to do something about it

I disagree with that - a little.

According to tv about a week ago, 350,000,000 have lost their jobs due to this Chinese virus - that means an opportunity for a new 350 million Chinese exports worth of jobs !


A small hit to their economy now, will be replaced by a bigger boom later - assuming the world does not wake up and make stuff in their own country 

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On 5/26/2020 at 8:44 PM, holy cow cm said:

How about we ban all of these level 4 warfare labs.. Make only virus protection a thing of all the countries combined at designated labs with all countries involved. Not each individual country under disguise. China needs to be taught a huge lesson and fall to the sewer. I hate China! period! It ain't the wet markets. 

In principle banning such labs is a great idea. The problem would be secret labs. Now that China was given the lab technology by the US (!), it can reverse engineer and evade any prohibition. We really need internationally-staffed sentinel outposts all over China and the Third World, not just the West, so that we can detect outbreaks early and evade the Chinese Communist propaganda dept in particular.

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