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Thailand reports nine new coronavirus cases, no new deaths


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4 minutes ago, DrTuner said:

Where? So far everything I've seen has been "needs more research".

You need to do more research.


You could start by asking Dr Thira Woratanarat, the nationally renowned swimming pool expert who has informed the Thai public that "coronavirus is a virus".



Edited by Phil McCaverty
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11 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Clairvoyant you are.  Thanks for the leg up to give us permission to whine on and on about events and things deemed relevant.  If there was no one to have open and frank discussions then this world would be a dull and boring place, but then some people just want easy and want to do what they want without ever being called out for it now don't they.


9 new cases from returnee's is kind of the point here.  As has been stated many times over it would be nice to know exactly why they were allowed to come into the country.  Now I get it, they are Thai Nationals and you can not keep them from coming home.  However, what kind of a track and trace issue does this now cause for the countries they repatriated from, where they should have been obtaining treatment if known to be sick.  Maybe just maybe, the Thais knew they were receiving ill citizens, but then why the big hullaballoo about the high fevers, and not just this group but the 25 prior returnee's being rushed to the hospital, and so far nothing in the daily count regarding them, but these 9 are already tested and placed into the daily report.  What about all of the others on the plane, are they testing them as well.  The story leaves out so much that should be included but then that is the type of reporting we have grown accustomed to here in Thailand.  Now from my understanding they have also identified a border crossing that has to be closed as well because of some returnees who travel through there prior to quarantine.....does not bode well for the other countries who also claim they are on top of it.  Just my 2 cents worth.  That and a tooth pick will get me a miniature hot dog.

Still not opened that bottle I see.


All Thai returnees are taken directly to a government quarantine facility for 14 days, where they are tested. The results of those tests take several days to be returned. They are isolated from each other in the quarantine facility, thus posing little or no danger to each other or the Thai public. Any Thai on the same plane will be subject to the same procedure.


The Malasian border crossing has the same procedure. The crossing point has been closed for 2 days to allow for a thorough disinfection.


What procedures are in place in the countries where they were infected? Not Thailand's concern, I doubt that they give a <deleted>.


Please try to enjoy the rest of your day.


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20 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

You need to do more research.


You could start by asking Dr Thira Woratanarat, the nationally renowned swimming pool expert who has informed the Thai public that "coronavirus is a virus".

I was looking for more like the results of peer reviews for the couple of papers that analyzed the GISAID data genomes. You know, the one you can see at https://nextstrain.org/ncov . Actual science.

Edited by DrTuner
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48 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now that it is under control they are going to have to be super careful when it comes to international tourism. Especially from super Covid nations (highest number of infections) like the US, Brazil, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK. 


My guess is nobody is coming in from any of those nations without a covid free letter (since you cannot get one in the US, may be a year or longer until another American is admitted into the Thailand) and possibly health insurance with a pandemic exception. Much care needs to be taken. Thailand cannot afford another economic shutdown. It could throw the place into a years long economic depression. 

I think they are in long recession already, projected -28% drop in GDP for 2020.

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55 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now that it is under control they are going to have to be super careful when it comes to international tourism. Especially from super Covid nations (highest number of infections) like the US, Brazil, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK. 


My guess is nobody is coming in from any of those nations without a covid free letter (since you cannot get one in the US, may be a year or longer until another American is admitted into the Thailand) and possibly health insurance with a pandemic exception. Much care needs to be taken. Thailand cannot afford another economic shutdown. It could throw the place into a years long economic depression. 

Yeah. I'm concerned that there are different ideas about what it means to be super careful


Do you restrict people from places with highest number of infections, or highest number as a percentage of their population? That would make a big difference. For example, if half the people in the country of Aruba were infected, that would still be only 50k in raw number. So, comparatively speaking, the U.S. (say, with current moment figures) with about 2 million cases would look like a better candidate for banning. But, in that scenario, Aruba has a 50% infection rate and the U.S. less than 1%. As a ratio to the population, the U.S. would be much, much safer than Aruba. There's also the point that in big countries, cases are centered in some areas and mostly lacking in others. In the U.S. a large percentage of the cases are in just 3 or 4 states. To really be careful, people from states with a high percentage of cases to the state population would make more sense. 


Also, what about countries whose reported numbers are just not valid due to either inadequate testing or dishonesty? 


Hopefully there is a reasonable and careful policy but one that is not too restrictive. And, being from the U.S. and missing my daughter quite a lot, I hope that whatever the case, travel between here and there is possible. I agree that those certificates are going to remain impossible to get because they are stupid and however dysfunctional the medical system is there, I've worked with many doctors in my career and can't think of one that would quickly produce a fake certificate like that just so someone can travel. Too many rules against malpractice there for that to happen much. 

Edited by JCP108
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52 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

Now that it is under control they are going to have to be super careful when it comes to international tourism. Especially from super Covid nations (highest number of infections) like the US, Brazil, Russia, Italy, Spain, Germany and the UK. 


My guess is nobody is coming in from any of those nations without a covid free letter (since you cannot get one in the US, may be a year or longer until another American is admitted into the Thailand) and possibly health insurance with a pandemic exception. Much care needs to be taken. Thailand cannot afford another economic shutdown. It could throw the place into a years long economic depression. 

Oh well, every cloud eh?

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Speaking of Nextstrain...




They have sequenced more samples and now have many that came to Thailand from China in January. It actually looks like Thailand was seeding the virus forward in February, until everything got locked down. Press "Play" on the map while zoomed in. I do know of one certain case where a Finnish woman got infected while on holiday in Koh Lanta.

Edited by DrTuner
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1 hour ago, ftpjtm said:

Then why are schools closed, beaches closed, no alchohol allowed to be served at restaurants, islands closed, a state of emergency extended, interprovincal travel restricted, and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


It seems from the government figures that the ban on foreign arrivals is all that's needed. 


Let Thais get back to work!


and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


why indeed, countries with 30,000 plus fatality rates and with daily fatality rates still in the 100s (especially the uk with a similar population size to thailand) compared to thailand's 56 overall(!), are getting back to work, but thailand isn't... there has to be a reason...

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1 hour ago, ftpjtm said:

Then why are schools closed, beaches closed, no alchohol allowed to be served at restaurants, islands closed, a state of emergency extended, interprovincal travel restricted, and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


It seems from the government figures that the ban on foreign arrivals is all that's needed. 


Let Thais get back to work!

All good things which is why the numbers stay low.


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2 hours ago, Percy P said:

How come so many people have died from it . UK,America, Germany, Italy..Ect

The reports I have read say that the vast majority of corona deaths in these countries were people who were old, obese, had diabetes, heart problems etc. and what about the amount of elderly people in care homes who have died from corona in the UK?

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8 minutes ago, samsensam said:


and why do a litany of other regulations remain in place which deny Thais to earn a  living?


why indeed, countries with 30,000 plus fatality rates and with daily fatality rates still in the 100s (especially the uk with a similar population size to thailand) compared to thailand's 56 overall(!), are getting back to work, but thailand isn't... there has to be a reason...

Yes everything is starting to open up in the UK, infection rates and daily death rates dropping. Thailand will just cripple it's economy for years, manufacturing is down 12 months in a row now and tourism likely to be non existant for at least 6 months. When tourism does restart it will start from zero and have to build back up.

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1 hour ago, 5633572526 said:

Then why are we still under curfew with travel restrictions and so many things closed. Do you think the government is just enjoying its people out of work and starving. Or is this just a bunch of power mad generals mostly interested in eliminating political opponents.

i would say that it is mostly the Thai generals power trips. while postering about with their nice uniforms and fancy ranks along with the medals, wings and all that other bling.

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This will morph into any number of unforeseen, unlimited hair brained boogeymen, forcing the marshal hand.  “ obey “do not like the way this progressing.  Someone should start watching for private jets loaded to the maximum with gold flying out at midnight .

In the us the treasury has officially bankrupt the fed. The same is going on in Europe, central banks buying all the toxic bs on the books, will bankrupt all of them.  Without one shot fired in anger. Rothschilds, Rockefeller’s will be on the hook. BOOM!!!’      This is biblical.


Chinese troops are moving in s Korea, and India. EU Troupes  moving in Europe. US Troupes  moving in US.

Iran has snuck supertankers of oil, past an embargo in South America.  Huge.

The Los is betting hard on uncle, but we all know how that’s going to go. 

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1 hour ago, spidermike007 said:

My guess is nobody is coming in from any of those nations without a covid free letter

When an where?

If it is not done with prior total isolation, and administered the moment prior to boarding the plane, it is a total waste of time.  This is going to be a huge challenge for the airlines and their governments.


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5 hours ago, Anton9 said:

This super scary and dangerous virus which so many people don't even know they have it.


LOL funny. They didn't get tested and probably didn't care. I know nobody with this virus because they are clean hygiene friendly people. These Thai workers simply don't care. They shouldnt have been allowed fly without a test.

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3 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

And my daughter had a few 20 and 30 something healthy patients suffer greatly and die, as well as a few young children...This virus is not only for the Sick, Elderly or infirm as you wish to believe.  They Had a run of 15 Covid-19 patients into the ICU on Sunday night......

Quantifiable evidence please....I call BS

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1 hour ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Still not opened that bottle I see.


All Thai returnees are taken directly to a government quarantine facility for 14 days, where they are tested. The results of those tests take several days to be returned. They are isolated from each other in the quarantine facility, thus posing little or no danger to each other or the Thai public. Any Thai on the same plane will be subject to the same procedure.


The Malasian border crossing has the same procedure. The crossing point has been closed for 2 days to allow for a thorough disinfection.


What procedures are in place in the countries where they were infected? Not Thailand's concern, I doubt that they give a <deleted>.


Please try to enjoy the rest of your day.


Thank you Phil, I am on the Third bottle of Ballentine's finally, glad you gave me permission to drink today, gosh as a diabetic it has been so hard to even have just one, you sure are a pal.  


I do understand the entire quarantine procedure, sequencing and testing that goes on with all returnee's.  You unfortunately glossed over the facts I brought up regarding the actual Story.  I do realize reporting is not some peoples strong point, but to leave out information which must be gleaned from other sources defeats the purpose of a news article.  Pedang Besar has been cleansed and disinfected, you missed the point in which I purposely left out the fact that the borders are as porous as can be and many have slipped through and returned home.  Those that have been caught are quarantined, but those not found are either turned in by family or are left to wander.  Enjoy your evening.  No one has a handle on this virus, information you can glean from reports and studies may be good in the long run, but unless you have a group of people analyzing everything to find commonality, something eventually falls through the cracks.  To also say that Thailand does not care about what the other countries are doing is folly when you realize eventually these borders will be opened, and unless they can be trusted I am not sure whether those folks on the other side will be let to pass.  I do know that a lengthy process is being undertaken, and of course Thai immigration, as always, reserves the right to reject anyone they deem not worthy to come into the country when the time comes.


Enjoy your night and try and not get all choked up on my gushing response to you.

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3 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

I purposely left out the fact that the borders are as porous as can be and many have slipped through and returned home.

I would sincerely like to see evidence of that as it was my impression that it was a small number, not many. The group at the Malaysian border were legitimately returning and their return had been sanctioned by the Thai government, no sign of slipping through there.


I am trying to enjoy my evening but I ordered Bombay king prawns with penne pasta from a local restaurant an hour ago and still no sign of it. My stress is building,

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44 minutes ago, dodgybros said:

Quantifiable evidence please....I call BS





Enjoy as the Median age in Florida is 54


In Jacksonville where she works the median age is 48

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