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Put safety before money - academic warns about opening country too quickly to "infected" foreigners


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I see now they have released figures on how many returnees are coming back sick. Seems it is .47% yet every day they yammer on how many are coming back with the virus. Seems at this rate, it could be controlled, yet then, it may not. Hard decision. Crash the economy more or open up on small numbers that could possibly start infection if left unchecked.

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Things is not so simple as the "teacher" want to make it.


Things is not going so good in the region just because of the lock down, there is a lot of factors, and many of them is still unknown, but it seems that the virus is getting "tired" in many countries and it seems that the virus is not very happy in the heat. But of some reasons, I dont know why, it is not so interesting to make research in this.


If we shall go back to "normal" with open borders and free flow of tourists, we must have a vaccine against the virus and a low virus infection rate.


If we shall open the borders for tourists, before we can fight the virus finally, the virus must be absolutely controlled, with a lot off virus testing on the tourists and the tourist staff and other people around the tourists. Stop this crazy and meaningless temp controle, the only "sure" way is virus testing.

Only keep the tourists in special areas.

Do not let tourist people in from risk areas, we now see new virus outbreak in China and south Korea.


With a lot off safeness and secureness, it could be possible to get in some tourists, but it can not be back to "normal" before we can kill the virus finally


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"foreigners were infected everywhere"

Not true. 

The list of virus-free countries is growing,  but most are small. 

Biggest is Taiwan.

Taiwan, Macao, Mauritius, Monte Negro, Faeroeer, Cook Islands...


Including countries that are almost or soon virus-free, it's a much more substantial list: Australia, NZ, HK, Japan, Korea, Slovakia, Iceland, maybe China...


This week, the Economist has a story about travel bubbles.

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2 hours ago, totally thaied up said:

Yet the million dollar question is why Thailand did not suffer like others. We had the Chinese in here by the bucket load, yet it seems it did take off. What stopped it? That's my question.

Partially - manipulation of the numbers. Why tell the world bigger if you can tell the world smaller numbers?

Partially - lack of testing. Less tests - less discovered cases.

When some people are infected and they're not suffering badly to bother to go to the hospital, they'll recover by themselves and no one will ever count them.

Partially - "yes, you're infected, but you're not infected with the chinese covid, you're sick with A, B or C." And that cases won't count as a chinese covid case.


Partially - the food in Thailand and other  countries here and hence health of the people too  is better than in, I guess,  eu, uk and us.

Edited by dastakantattaka
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Actually they haven't completely lift the international travel ban for July 1st only people that have work permits and permission from a government agencies allowed into Thailand, and they still will have to have medical insurance, fit to fly letter.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent this letter to all Thai Embassy's and consulates.



lockdown 1.jpg

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After reading that letter, it seems not many are going to be able to be let in.


Going to be a while before we see Retirement, Marriage extension holders in if these are the requirements.


As for tourist, have not got a clue what they are going to have concocted. It looks like 'go slow'. 

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