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Thailand races to create COVID vaccine, eyes possible medical tourism boost


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34 minutes ago, xerostar said:

The German Government confirms Covid-19 a planned hoax as more people have died as a result of the state imposed measures than those being killed by the virus.

Despite the fact that I'm not German, I'd also like to see your source for this nonsense.

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1 hour ago, Don Mega said:

Ahh thats what ive been missing, some good old Thai bashing.


Thailand like all countries has some smart people and some not so smart people, I work with some extremely talented mechanical engineers (Thai) so one should not tar them all with the stupid brush.

You are of course correct, Don Mega. I have worked with very intelligent Thai people. They were sent to UK schools from an early age. Went on to a UK university, before returning to Thailand. These people come from the families with money, possibly as those you work with do. Unfortunately, the average Joe here has had to suffer in the average Thai school. How many Thai's can't read or write? It isn't their fault, as compulsory schooling has not been in operation here for so very long. So the older generation teach the youngsters and the same mistakes get made due to lack of knowledge. When we want something done to a set western standard, its not funny when Bodger Bill turns up.

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40 minutes ago, bristolgeoff said:

what ever country comes up with a vaccine or cure. they will do well.it could be any company anywhere

The problem for Thailand would be clinical trials. The second stage of trials on humans is to let the ginuea pigs loose into the community and see how many become infected. As there is no Covid in Thailand, the trial would be invalid. They would need to run the trial in a country where Covid is active.

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2 hours ago, dutchweller said:

When we did a renovation and I had all the building designs for the fit out in mm the "cabinetmaker" I use that term loosely could not work out why my bed base was so out of whack..
He did not understand mm measurements at all and assumed all measurements on the plan was cm.. 
They actually built one base and the dimensions were so insane you would wonder why they continued to a finished product without stopping and asking if something was wrong..

His company was let go from the project...




I admit sometimes you are unlucky and get stuck with the wrong guys as contractors. But we must have been lucky then, I designed a house with every single drawing in mm, had every single rebar drawn individually in mm for prefab, we where worried the contractors would not understand our drawings here in Thailand, when we showed the drawings to the contractor, they instantly understood what it was, the house was perfect in the end, with little intervention from us, all rebar prefabbed in a workshop and fitted perfectly.

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A number of experimental vaccines in Western developed nations are now in human clinical trials, far ahead of Thailand. Hard to imagine Thailand will jump ahead of them to get a marketable covid vaccine.

Note the term "marketable." It has no relevance to effacy, ie., 20-90% effective against covid19 infection.

One US developer I heard might have a vaccine out before year-end (POTUS Trump says in October) but seems a caveot as to how effective it will be and duration of that effectiveness. Basically sounds like a "political filler" vaccine that will meet the needs of the government image than the medical needs of the population.

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7 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

The problem for Thailand would be clinical trials. The second stage of trials on humans is to let the ginuea pigs loose into the community and see how many become infected. As there is no Covid in Thailand, the trial would be invalid. They would need to run the trial in a country where Covid is active.

I suggest you do some research on how vaccine trials work has nothing to do with your comment above. 

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13 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He said tests on animals had so far shown encouraging results and the next step would be seeking government approval for clinical trials involving humans.

But Thailand has no-one to test it on?

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$$$$$$$$ at any price comes in mind.....incredible rushing for a vaccine …,probably taking risks to get as quick they can to the medical hub dream , reflecting it takes years to develop a vaccine in normal  circumstances ….not only to save the gov. thresaury(s) 



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How many monkeys have contracted covid19?

Seriously though, its commendable but like reinventing the wheel with so much work happening all around the world...


Perhaps the tourists will have to be vaccinated with thai produced vaccines?

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Yes there are currently 0 mRNA vaccines approved for human use.  Why do all these countries keep saying they are social close to having a vaccine when it has never been done before?  SARS MERS etc.... no vaccine at all.  This virus will weaken.  A virus does not want to kill its host, just replicate and spread.

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The best Thai doctors were trained in the West. I do not see much from Thailand in the home grown medical sector.

Having said that, I have had three operations done here, all at Bunrungrad, and the lead doctor in all thre were trained in the USA.

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8 hours ago, bodga said:

Thais  can't  count, theyre No.1 .Unfortunately they forgot the 60 in front of that, witness any shop and your change calculation. Then they don't trust themselves by counting it often 3 times.

I  like to  play along with the stupidity by counting it  out to them 1 2 3 4 twice then watch as they repeat it,  oh  dear.

I asked a metal shop to make me something the other day, what  followed was painful, gave them the sizes in "mm" they hadn't a clue I had to translate it into CM, just painful.

So why are you living in a country with "stupid people" all around ?

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2 hours ago, Artisi said:

Agreed, but don't you get sick of the constant "we are going to /will" cure this, find this, revolutionise this /that and everything else - - Thai's need to grow-up, they are not the hub of all intelligence..... even if they believe they are. 

The AIDS cure was rather amusing !!

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Just now, Moo 2 said:

Reading this article one can sense the total inferiority complex that Thailand experiences.

With this type of government we can only agree.

Its for exactly this reason that we see the phenomenon of "Thai face" and an overly nationalistic air of superiority.

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