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Crackdown On Paedophile Network In Chiangmai


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Travelling into sinister territory

CHIANG MAI: -- Australian pedophiles are part of an organised crime ring preying on Thailand's vulnerable children.

Sarah is eight years old. She lives and works on the streets of the city of Chiang Mai, in northern Thailand. A member of the Akha hill tribe, whose wasted lands straddle the nearby border with Burma, Sarah survives by selling flowers to tourists who throng the city's bars and night markets.

She is smart and pretty but her moods swing wildly from cheeky exuberance to sullen depression. Sarah has a secret life she shares with many of the other children who roam the streets of Chiang Mai late at night, a secret she has confided to a few welfare workers.

Sometimes Sarah's "aunt" - a middle-aged woman who shepherds several of Chiang Mai's young flower-sellers - takes her to visit foreign men in hotels and guest houses. In an hour, she can earn more than she does in a week badgering drunks to buy her wilting roses. Sometimes, she says, the men who pay 1500 baht ($A54) to touch and use her are Australians.

Chiang Mai, a resort city famous for its region's wildlife, mountain scenery and exotic tribes, is earning a new distinction in the world of tourism. It has become one of the latest frontiers for international pedophiles exploiting Thailand's lax law enforcement, indulgent attitude to sexuality and easy access to desperately poor children.

Local welfare agencies, police and concerned business leaders estimate that at least 20 Western pedophiles - about a third of them Australians - and other Japanese, Chinese and South-East Asian child abusers are living in and around Chiang Mai. They believe hundreds more pass through each year looking for children. Some Australian and other Western pedophiles have built houses in villages close to the Burmese border and regularly bring children across the frontier for sex parties.

Others are involved in private clubs in Chiang Mai where children are freely available. A charity founded ostensibly to help hill tribe families is known to recruit children for prostitution.

"We have a big problem here with sexual abuse and trafficking of children and it's a problem we cannot solve," says Sompop Jantraka, director of the Development Education Centre for Daughters and Communities, a charity that helps rehabilitate victims of child abuse. "It's very easy for foreign pedophiles to operate here. They have a lot of money and they can easily buy off the tribal people. If they get into trouble, it is also very easy for them to buy their way out."

Pim Kemasingki, editor of Chiang Mai Citylife magazine, who has recently investigated the extent of child abuse in Chiang Mai, says the situation is serious and getting worse.

"The police say every brothel they go to, they find under-age kids. There is a whole network of pedophiles in Chiang Mai, but it has gone a lot more underground in recent times," she says.

"Now there are clubs where you pay large amounts of money for membership and that's how they hide it. But you still often see older foreign men openly walking the streets with young Thai children."

The arrest in late April of businessman Dav|d Arthur, formerly of NSW, has highlighted the involvement of known Australian sex offenders in the area. Arthur, who has run a computer business in Chiang Mai for several years, was detained after the Australian Federal Police alerted Thai authorities that he had prior convictions in Australia for possessing child pornography and indecently dealing with minors.

Fined for harbouring three illegal immigrants - including an 18-year-old hill tribe teenager he claims to have "adopted" several years ago - Arthur insists he is not a pedophile and has been set up by other foreigners anxious to shift attention from their own activities.

In the cramped police lock-up where he is awaiting deportation to Australia, the 47-year-old claims the problem of child sex abuse in Chiang Mai is being exaggerated by the media and law enforcement agencies. [Editor note: Arthur was deported back to Australia on June 10, 2004]

"A huge proportion of the tourists coming to Thailand are single men who come here to get laid and to get laid cheap. Of course, some of them will be child sex offenders. But this issue is being blown up by the Australian Federal Police and NGOs who want to make sure their funding keeps rolling in," he says.

A respected businessman who has lived in Chiang Mai for several years tells a very different story. The Westerner asks not to be identified because of fears for his safety. "There are at least six Australian pedophiles living in this area, and that's not counting the many others who pass through hunting children. They are smart. Some change their names and nationalities to avoid detection, some have dual passports, some have false passports," the businessman says.

"There are some weird guys among them. There's an Australian farmer who comes in on holidays and gets all the little boys and takes them out of town, three or four at a time. A lot of people come through regularly. Some are ex-government people. One time there was an ex-ASIO guy. He was a high-ranking guy and he was into very little kids."

Australians are prominent among a community of more than a dozen Western pedophiles who have built houses in the hill country north of Chiang Mai, far from the prying eyes of law enforcement agencies and close to the Burmese border villages where they recruit young boys and girls for sex.

In a popular gay nightclub on the outskirts of Chiang Mai, a British pedophile and long-time local resident boasts about smuggling children from Burma for parties where sometimes as many as 100 foreign men are brought in on buses by special invitation.

"You can have anything you want. They are beautiful kids and they all know me," the man says. "It's no problem. You can bring them across on a day pass, pay the guards a few bucks, or otherwise they can go just a short distance up from the border checkpoint and walk over though the hills."

The Western businessman mentioned earlier, who has visited a number of the border villages where the pedophiles are based, says: "These poor, dirty little kids and their families are desperate for money. These guys come along, give them a shower, buy some cheap clothes for them off the rack, hand them a thousand baht and then screw them for days. The children are doing it purely to survive. It's so sad."

Sarah's friend, Aimee, is 14. Two years ago, an American in his early 30s named Bill took her on a tour of Thailand, during which she was repeatedly raped. Bill promised Aimee's hill tribe parents one million baht but after two weeks he dumped her back in Chiang Mai and fled the country without paying.

According to welfare workers and former police officers who know Aimee, the deal was brokered by a local foundation that purports to provide vocational training for hill tribe children, but is well known as a front for recruiting child prostitutes.

"It's scandalous what's going on there. They claim to be helping these kids but they are just pushing them into the hands of pedophiles. It's a lucrative business," says an American resident of Chiang Mai, who has monitored activity at the centre for several years and has unsuccessfully lobbied local officials and Western embassies to act against the management and clients.

Last week, Bill was back in town. On Friday evening, he was sitting in the forecourt of the offices of the centre, a toddler on one knee and two girls aged six or seven playfully climbing over him. At a nearby table, two couples who appeared to be the children's parents sat morosely.

Charity director Sompop despairs at an ugly trade that is ruining the lives of hundreds of young children. "If you have the money, it is very easy to get children. The parents in these border villages are so poor. Many are drug addicts with debts. They are desperate to get money, whatever way they can."

He says the activities of Western pedophiles, while deeply disturbing, are just part of a much bigger child sexual abuse crisis in which thousands of children are trafficked each year from Burma, Laos and as far afield as China, through northern Thailand to the brothels of Bangkok. Some are as young as 12 and 13. Many are discarded after a few years, once their youth has faded or they have AIDS.

"The Westerners are conspicuous abusing children in this area because they have money and are able to move around easily," Sompop says. "We have promoted Thailand as a place that welcomes tourists with our open culture and beautiful traditions . . . Thailand is a safe and friendly place for everyone. We have made it so easy for the people who want to abuse our country and exploit our children."

--theage.com.au 2004-06-12

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It always takes the cooperation of the locals and they should get their asses in gear if they want it stopped.

All the 'aunties', uncles, moms dads and everyone else ahould be rounded up. The goverrnment should also be put up against the wall for complicity.

How many Thai-Chinese kids are being exploited I wonder. I doubt very many. Then how many Thai? Now, how many hilltribe? Just the pecking order of Thai society with a sexual spin.

And how many people think that it's that easy to pay off the police after getting caught diddling a kid? I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to Thais, but really; I would've thought it would have been easier to buy your way out of a very guilty looking 'manslaughter' charge than a sex crime against children...

And what kind of <deleted> monkeys are we dealing with in this country-if in fact you could buy the police off. Sure, there are western pedophiles, along with massive am,ounts of asian ones...

BUT could you EVER pay the police to get out of a sex charge, especially involving children, in Canada, the US, the UK, New Zealand, or Australia...?

Says a lot about the people if you can...

Sarah's friend, Aimee, is 14. Two years ago, an American in his early 30s named Bill took her on a tour of Thailand, during which she was repeatedly raped. Bill promised Aimee's hill tribe parents one million baht but after two weeks he dumped her back in Chiang Mai and fled the country without paying.

Nice spin. Sure she was 'raped'. They never knew he was going to screw her for a million baht.

Just marry her, build her a house, and get on with it like the Thais do.

Since when did screwing 14, 15 and 16 year old girls become morally repugnant to Thais or hilltribe people anyways. I've met lots of girls who had kids by 14 or 15 in Thailand; and all the father were Thai.

There's also a problem in some Thai villages of the people look a little too similar, i.e. Thai fathers messing with their daughters. Just another problem that doesn't get addressed...

Anyways, just kill the true kiddie diddlers. Kill the parents who sell their kids. Kill the police and government people who take money to ignore the problem and we're all cool.

Or is 'only' the killing of 2-3000 drug dealers in a 3 month period ok?

If diddling kids cut into the profits of the ruling elites, pedophiles would start dropping like flies.


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I agree, Bronco. Castration should be an automatic penalty that happens immediately on conviction. Consideration of whether to imprison in addition should only be an extra. Why add that cost?. An announced policy of "We castrate and deport child-molesters" would be enough to keep them out. And it would be such good publicity for Thailand that tourist arrivals would actually increase.

Isaan Alex's point about the important factor "effect on profits of the ruling elite" is a good one.

Perhaps things would start improving if the ruling elites could be convinced that their potential profits are already being eaten into by the fact that these stories create an image that Thailand is a distasteful place.

Thailand's economic growth is being held back by the distasteful image.

How many of us are here only because we are so convinced of the good things about Thailand, that we put up with the sneers of family, friends and acquaintances in the West?.

I have had many such sneers from acquaintances, and "read the sneering thoughts" of some friends, and even a couple of members of the family.

This image of a place only for the sad seekers of cheap sex, and booze, (and some of the sex being of the nasty varieties) must cause a lot of potential tourists to pass over the Thailand brochures in Western travel agencies.

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As to the kill em all brigade, it should be noted that in countries where child sex laws are shall we say a bit lax.

Western countries are now prosecuting their nationals for underage sex crimes committed abroad, I for one think this is an excellent idea as then they have no place to hide

In the U.K. the police have special units set up specifically to deal with these perverts, not only are they prosecuted and have a hard time in prison when they are released they are on the sex offenders register for years and they can't even move house without the police knowing let alone go abroad.

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It sickens me that things like this take place in todays world.

I would advocate preparing special ammunition for these people by removing 3/4 of the powder and then shotting these sons of bastages.

Than take a hammer and hammer the bulletts totally into place one at a time.

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I feel sick.

I feel sick.

You're not alone there

There is another side to this though and that is, that many expats in Thailand (and many other like places everywhere around the world, "even in their home countries") have a regular and normal relationship with children via marriage or friendship with their parents (read mothers)

My wife has a child who was just a few months old the first time I met (the child)

To all intents and purposes this child is "my child" and I have taken this child out many times, shopping for toys, treats, the zoo etc., so I am likely to, or make myself open to be ostracised or at best to get sideways looks from all and sundry.

I have another female friend who has a child and I now have to be aware that when ever I am seen in the company of this child I am labelled as something that I most certainly am not.

They (read "pedo's) have much more to be responsible for than what they themselves do.

These ars*holes (the pedo's) have fcuked up the world for many normal men (and women) and for that, may the c*nts burn in ######.

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I find this news quite alarming and until reading this forum, I thougt of Chiang Mai as a lovely moutainous holiday destination. I have never heard anything about these types of activities down here in the south, why is Chiang Mai the "capital" for these sick creeps?

About two years ago I was In Bangkok and went out on the town with a mate and we were in one of the well known bar sois in the Surkumvit area (I wont elaborate as a pedo might be reading this). We went to a bar and sat for a while eyeing of the girls and haveing a few beers (normal stuff) and then we noticed another floor to this bar and went up to investigate. This floor was the same as the other, dancing polls, music, bar and nice waitress'. We sat there and ordered a drink and then it hit us - the girls swinging around the polls were young. I would hazard a guess to say they would of been around 13/14 year olds in go go gear and they also were void of underwear. At first we didnt notice as we werent looking at the faces and "small statured" girls are normal for Thailand - it wasnt until we actually sat near the stage that we could make the faces out. The waitress then asked us if we would like any of these girls and we could go short time on the premises for 500 baht. I asked the waitress how old these girls were and her reply was a giggle and she said "old enuf". My friend and I went back downstairs and then watched the "regular" types coming in and going up the stairs. We left the bar and spoke to a cop outside the soi and he said he would go and have a look. We sat a another bar and watched him go into the premises and about 15 minutes later he came out. I got his attention and he came over and when I asked what did he think, he said "no no they are ok" and went off with a grin!

What kind of country lets their kids be abused and even the police is in on it?! :o:D

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If you have a chance, read the book entitled, "Sex Slaves" by Louise Brown. In it, (I believe even on the back of the front cover) she proves with convincing evidence that pedophilia is predominately an Asian issue in Asia and that the number of pedophile tourists is minute compared to the number of locals having sex with minors, whether in Thailand, Cambodia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc. I agree wholeheartedly that the foreigners should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.... and then some, but to point their fingers at foriegners being the creators of this problem is once agin, "Thais avoiding responsibility." And, if as one of the writers stated, 'People come to Thailand for its wonderful culture and traditions' was accurate, then what is so wonderful about a culture that creates a system of poverty that has children on the street. If they want wonderful, they should look at Singapore. It takes effort, responsibility and dilligence to make wonderful. Poverty is cultural.

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I fully understand the "Lets whap their balls off" response but it's just unfortunately not going to happen along with putting them up against a wall and shooting them.

No doubt with the gun lobby on here we should not have much trouble finding volunteers.

So the best way of tackleing this very serious problem is by way of prosecuting these perverts in their home country.

What should be understood here is that the people who sell their children, actually they don't they are used as collateral for loans provided by the traffickers.

The authorities here are kicking and squealing are slowly being dragged into the 20th century ( yes I know) I have had first hand experience of this with my ex father in law an illiterate, lazy idle, nasty piece of work.

He allowed two of his daughters now dead through AIDS to work in "coffee shops" up country. They started when they were about 13-14 or so I understand they had to service up to 10 men a night as they were "fresh meat" they both died when they were twenty one and within five years of one another.

I understand he got about 20,000 each for this transaction, they got a death sentance.

I was told this by my ex wife, it's a bit difficult to make it up, when they were stealing my property with the aid and assistance of the police who were also involved. I told his fortune for him and informed him that back in my country he would be doing 20 years in isolation as he would kicked to death in jail.

You now have one guess who eneded up in nick, and it wasn't him I had to go to court and pay him " damages" for "defamation of character".

So if any of you out there think you are going to cure this in the next few weeks I am sorry but you are very sadly mistaken.

I grieve for these children here. the children in the West are not children very long before they become "consumers".

Here the childhood of these potential victims is all too short and some unfortunate children don't even get one.

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What you write is spot on.

Asia "and Thailand is close to being the worst example" creates (perhaps by omission) the climate whereby this animal behaviour and practice can flourish.

And it is also true what many have said, that "incest and child abuse" is a very frequent and ever present pastime of so many Thai people.

The Thais (those in power) are often heard uttering comments about the westernisation of Thailand but they should (must) look inwards for the answers.

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I fully agree with all the opinions expressed in this topic to date. I am also sickened by the idea of destroying a childhood through such abuse and I sincerely believe in chemical castration as a first line treatment for such offenders.

The problem is that many of these people, (paedophiles) are genuinely ill. They are generally not normal adults who "fancy a bit of the other" once in a while. Their sexual urges have somehow developed twisted and they can not be "cured" by any treatment except the complete removal of sexual feeling. vis, chemical castration.

I find myself in a bit of a quandry here, because their urges are no fault of theirs, although acting thereon might be construed as being so. Their "criminal culpability" is uncertain as "reason of insanity" may be a valid defence. Criminal justice, the prison system etc. might not have a role to play.

As a father to four "look kreung" and as the main carer in the family, I frequently find myself being stared at, particularly by farang, when in company of my children. The nasty looks only occasionally turn to relief when the voyeur heard the children call me "Daddy". It can be very unpleasant at times.

My three boys have all had problems at one time or another. It seems many Thais like to play with little children by touching their genitals. This has been done by "Mae Bahn", grand parents and uncles, cousins and even by policemen in a police station. Each time I have had to explain that this is not done in Farangland and is not remotely appreciated. They never seem to understand.

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I have noticed since logging on this morning that there has been over 200 views in the last 1 hour or so and only 5 replies!

It seems the locals are getting nervous :o , I hope they find you, deport you, jail you and then Bubba rapes you! :D

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Others are involved in private clubs in Chiang Mai where children are freely available. A charity founded ostensibly to help hill tribe families is known to recruit children for prostitution

What is this 'charity'? Where are they located? Have the authorities been advised? What was their response?

For an 'investigative' report, there is a lot missing.

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I have noticed since logging on this morning that there has been over 200 views in the last 1 hour or so and only 5 replies!

If my math is correct yours is no 21.

your maths would be accurate as to the posts being compiled with the duration of the thread.......... re read my post and then do your maths again :o

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These quilty people need to be shot or hung IMO.

William :o

Torture them first.

and removal of gonads should suppress their urges also. :D

And then you'll have all the 'Human Rights' people screaming and shouting about cruel and unusual punishment.

Most governments cannot do anything about increasing punishment for criminals, even when the crime is as abhorrent as this.

Bang 'em up in a tough prison and let the crim's know that the guy is a paedophile. And that the guards are at the other end of the cell-block. It is the only effetive punishment these days - and even then some of the perv's delight in being severely punished.

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she proves with convincing evidence that pedophilia is predominately an Asian issue in Asia and that the number of pedophile tourists is minute compared to the number of locals having sex with minors

Unfortunately it's a problem that would seem insoluable, and has been with us since biblical times, and ranting and raving on forums about castration and the like will get you nowhere. Yes, it's a sad old world, and Chiangmai has no monopoly on the western paedophiles in the kingdom. It's rampant in all the popular tourist detinations. Possibly far more noticable in Chiangmai on account of the topology.

From my obsevations, it would seem that the Americans outweight their Antipodean brothers by two to one, and the Brits are well in there too, which includes the "gentleman" who was responsible for the late "######'s" departure.

Why was Hillside Condo renamed "Hilltribe Condo"? Could it be that two American "gentleman of leisure" entertained vast quantities of hilltribe children in their apartments?

Who is the American that is often seen in the company of young Thais at a well known restaurant in Chiangmai's night market?

Untill the matter is addressed at governmental level, these people will be free to roam, and pollute our society.

The fact that money is involved, is no great moral incentive for local authorities to remedy the situation, and in typical Thai fashion, "if the money is coming in....why worry"

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I too felt a horrible sick feeling as I just read through this story. Some immediate comments.

Paedophilia (sexual attraction to pre-pubescent children) is a mental sickness. The people mentioned who are involved with 8 year olds, etc are sick people who require psychological treatment. They should be incarcerated. Whether castration or worse is also a solution is a moot point.

The desire to have sex with minors (puberty to 15 years of age in Thailand) is not a mental sickness, but in most societies, citizens are socially conditioned to squash any desire for such.

In Thailand and in Asia generally, sexual mores are lax with regard to sex with minors. In this society many children do have sex before the age of 15 with each other of course, but also with adults. The fact that this is accepted in many Thai communities is obvious – just open your eyes when you are ‘up country’ in Thailand. I am not referring to farangs, but to indigenous Thai people.

In regard to the previous point, note that in the recent case of an Abbott in Chiang Mai province who was accused by boy novices of sexual abuse, the parents and children have been ostracised by their local community and the Abbott still goes about his daily life.

Also note that the American resident of Chiang Mai, “who has monitored activity at the centre for several years … has unsuccessfully lobbied local officials and Western embassies to act against the management and clients”.

The Thai authorities know that they cannot force an immediate change in behaviour – sex with minors - that is quietly condoned within their own society. However it is easier for them to point the finger at Westerners here who are breaking the social mores, as well as the laws, of their own countries.

Finally, the desire to have sex with physically mature 16+ year olds is NOT a sickness and is not against any law. Many normal, well-adjusted adults find youth attractive and note, vice-versa! Some, like one writer here, finds it difficult to talk to someone in their 20’s. Each to his own.

We should avoid making this very complicated subject even more muddy by making snap judgements on the basis of our own social conditioning and sexual prejudices. And as part of that PLEASE recognise that there is a real distinction between the desire for and act of having sex with pre-pubescent children (a sickness), with minors (illegal but socially condoned by Thais with Thais within many communities) and with young adults (acceptable and lawful behaviour if it is with consenting adults – not prostitutes).

I see far too much sloppy reporting like the following, which patently fails that distinction: <Pim Kemasingki, editor of Chiang Mai Citylife magazine, who has recently investigated the extent of child abuse in Chiang Mai, says the situation is serious and getting worse. "The police say every brothel they go to, they find under-age kids. There is a whole network of pedophiles in Chiang Mai, but it has gone a lot more underground in recent times," she says.> I am sure Pim does not mean brothels that house children under 11 years. The brothels she is referring to do exist throughout Thailand and are usually found out of town, well away from tourist areas. The girls there are often under 18 and usually from hilltribes. Many have been closed in recent years and instead the owners have opened restaurants and other fronts for the same purpose. These are brothels and premises that are frequented exclusively by Thais. The police are well acquainted with them. These places should be closed because they are inhuman – they subject fellow human beings to the worst possible conditions, against their volition. They have nothing whatever to do with paedophilia.

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JBG wrote

What you write is spot on.

Asia "and Thailand is close to being the worst example" creates (perhaps by omission) the climate whereby this animal behaviour and practice can flourish.

And it is also true what many have said, that "incest and child abuse" is a very frequent and ever present pastime of so many Thai people.

The Thais (those in power) are often heard uttering comments about the westernisation of Thailand but they should (must) look inwards for the answers.

Nicely put.

All the comments about hanging and torture are spot on but the fact remains that if an environment is created for and activity to flourish then the people that want to participate in that activity will follow.

Shooting ALL the 'foreigners' involved WILL NOT stop the problem.

Just my 3 baht

Tornado wrote

I have noticed since logging on this morning that there has been over 200 views in the last 1 hour or so and only 5 replies!

It seems the locals are getting nervous  , I hope they find you, deport you, jail you and then Bubba rapes you! 

What exactly are you incinuating here????

We are talking about a group of bad people as per Georges initial report. Not every CM or Thai forum member has either read the post nor wants to reply to it. It does not infer nervousness or a lack of concern.

CRazy suggestion :o

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