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Culture Ministry proposes holidays from July 4th to 9th for Songkran celebrations


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10 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

For most it will be the cost a bus fare or a tank of fuel in the car and they will go home and spend time with loved ones.

Ha ha ha!!!!! and what about the time off work?????

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3 minutes ago, SS1 said:



I get the point of view, but gotta remember that there are plenty of us who have been working the whole time and missed a pretty long holiday of the year. I don't care for the the water fights or drunken celebrations, but would rather not miss my days off. Of course easier would be to just add the missed days as annual leave, but I doubt many employers (including mine) would do that. 

So what you actually mean is... Sod the rest of the people, i just want another holiday, bit pathetic if you ask me.

The country, in fact the whole world is reeling from this damned virus, but you just want your days off.

The vast majority of people have/ are suffering financial hardship, but that dont matter to you, sad.

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3 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Most of them have been back in the village for the last 2 months.


Many celebrated songkran on April 13th 14th and 15th.



Really, the 10's of thousands that work in the industrial estate my place of work did not go anywhere other than to work, I noticed similar in other industrial estates that ive visited as well and I suspect that is/was a common theme amongst the other hundreds of industrial estate scatted around Bangkok and the Eastern sea board.


Not everyone works in the tourism industry and got stood down from work.

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2 hours ago, jlwilliamsjr18 said:

This is ludicrous. It's all about money, nothing else matters. This will only invite more road deaths and domestic violence. OK...who gives a damn, as long as it's time off and getting wasted... splash, splash. Candy for the masses...

It's all about money???  Er.....what??


God there are some seriously miserable people on here.  "Songkran is stupid".  "Just cancel it".  Who are you to say if Thai workers should enjoy their holiday time or not?  Consider that in Thai companies no-one is entitled to annual leave for their first year of employment, and then from year two it is six days per year.  That's it.  Yet the TVF police don't want the Thais to have what is a major thing for them, just because they are too miserable to enjoy it themselves, because they are retired bored and lonely old men who don't appreciate the what it means for hard working Thais to get time off work, or because they get a farang five weeks of annual leave and so it doesn't matter to them.

Really sad guys, just very selfish and sad.

Thee timing is not very well thought out as it is too early, but to cry they don't need a replacement holiday for Songkran just makes you look petty and bitter.

Edited by josephbloggs
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Just now, Don Mega said:

Really, the 10's of thousands that work in the industrial estate my place of work did not go anywhere other than to work, I noticed similar in other industrial estates that ive visited as well and I suspect that is/was a common theme amongst the other hundreds of industrial estate scatted around Bangkok and the Eastern sea board.


Not everyone works in the tourism industry and got stood down from work.

Sister in Law and her husband work in a factory in Bowin. The're back in the village now. many thousands of manual workers have been laid off.

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9 minutes ago, colinneil said:

So what you actually mean is... Sod the rest of the people, i just want another holiday, bit pathetic if you ask me.

The country, in fact the whole world is reeling from this damned virus, but you just want your days off.

The vast majority of people have/ are suffering financial hardship, but that dont matter to you, sad.

Also a bit pathetic to say that the Thais should not have the time off work that was owed to them because you don't like Songkran dontcha think?  Why should you be the one to decide how much holidays the Thais should have?

My staff worked all through the April Songkran cancelled holiday and they deserve a replacement for it.

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1 minute ago, Geoffggi said:

And how many of the overall population have full time jobs at the moment? very few is the answer

Whats that got to do with a national holiday ?


Yes it sucks for them if they have been laid off work but the relevance is zero.

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Just now, madmitch said:

In theory social distancing should still be in place at that time. That alone would make the typical Songkran celebrations impossible and I'm not sure how effective a soaking wet facemask is. Perfect opportunity to start the much-discussed second wave. 


I actually believe the Government will see sense and not allow this to go ahead.

You think with all the bars closed it will be a typical Songkran ?

Have you ever celebrated a Songkran outside of the big cities ?

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2 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

You think with all the bars closed it will be a typical Songkran ?

Have you ever celebrated a Songkran outside of the big cities ?

Yes and yes, and I dont quite get your point.

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This has been proposed by Itthiphol Khunpluem, son of Kamnan Poh, Thailands most feared gangster. He is a former mayor of Pattaya and was a minister in Taksins government. His brothers are mayors of both Pattaya and Bang Saen. Very powerful family. I suspect he has his own/his family's agenda.

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7 minutes ago, newnative said:

     He was clueless as Pattaya's mayor and just as clueless now.  The last thing Thailand needs right now is scheduling more holidays right after two months of forced holidays.  Rich and clueless to what normal Thais are going through.  

2 months of forced holidays ?

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8 minutes ago, newnative said:

     He was clueless as Pattaya's mayor and just as clueless now.  The last thing Thailand needs right now is scheduling more holidays right after two months of forced holidays.  Rich and clueless to what normal Thais are going through.  

Not that clueless. Made millions during his time as mayor. He and his family own large chunks of the entertainment industry in Pattaya, which has been leaking cash of late. He's trying to give a boost to tourism in Pattaya to recoup a bit of that cash.


He knows full well what normal Thais are going through, he just doesn't give a monkeys.

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Just now, Phil McCaverty said:

Not that clueless. Made millions during his time as mayor. He and his family own large chunks of the entertainment industry in Pattaya, which has been leaking cash of late. He's trying to give a boost to tourism in Pattaya to recoup a bit of that cash.


He knows full well what normal Thais are going through, he just doesn't give a monkeys.

How much of the entertainment industry will open to trade on the dates desired ?

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Just now, hotchilli said:

People have just got back to work after closure of their businesses, some [thousands] are still waiting to get back to work.

Others are now wondering where to get a job as they were laid off after businesses folded.

People are wondering how to repay bills, clear debts accumulated over the last two months, others are worried about how to buy school uniforms or pay school fees.

This man is a complete idiot thinking Thais want a public holiday and feel like splashing water around.

They have this year much more important things to do!

From a financial standpoint why is July any different than say planning the days to happen in October ?

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2 minutes ago, Phil McCaverty said:

Its looking like all of it. Another thing Itthiphol is pushing for.

Ahhh fair enough, I missed that part he was pushing the entertainment sector to re-open, I wonder how much of his interests rely on visiting foreigners cause there wont be many of them at the beginning of July unless his businesses are aimed at the Chinese and Indians.

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 There will be a lot more deaths  recorded during this festival, 

  than there were in the Covid / Pneumonia, panic era .


Edited by elliss
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