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George Clooney on George Floyd killing: racism is America's pandemic


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George Clooney on George Floyd killing: racism is America's pandemic

By Catherine Shoard



‘Only one way to bring lasting change – vote’ … George Clooney, writing about the murder of George Floyd. Photograph: Tolga Akmen/AFP/Getty Images


George Clooney has called for a “systematic change” of law enforcement, criminal justice and political leadership in the US, in an essay reacting to the crisis triggered by the killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officers last week.


Writing for the Daily Beast, Clooney said urgent action was required to combat the racism “pandemic” raging in the country.

“There is little doubt that George Floyd was murdered,” wrote Clooney.


“We watched as he took his last breath at the hands of four police officers.” 


Full Story: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2020/jun/02/george-clooney-racism-americas-pandemic-george-floyd-killing-minneapolis

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I am not a "drug" user, but know and have seen what people will do to

those who use or sell them. Those addicted and those selling..

A good 50% of Blacks vs Cops is drug related.

Black people have on average been less strict on drug use and selling. 

Many use drugs as currency in their home areas.

They also find many whites and others willing to pay for illegal drugs.


China and several other countries are pushing out these illegal drugs by the tons.

Plus USA drug makers have had no problem pushing their drugs that are gateways

to illegal drugs.


When the USA comes up with sensible ways to deal with drugs, all the drug wars 

can finally find an end. It will mean tolerating much greater drug use by Americans.

Americans , even poor Americans, seldom have to decide between food and drugs,

nearly all have a little extra money.


Though Thailand certainly has drug problems, many are so poor, drug use would mean 

starvation of their family.

I don't have the answers, but I know drug wars are very expensive  and seldom accomplish

the goals they set. In fact drug wars often turn the very ones who would fight drugs 

into criminals.


This man who was killed was thought to be under the influence of drugs which lead

to the rough handling and his death. Why, because Cops are in the drug war.

A war no one wins, but many die.


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6 hours ago, nobodysfriend said:

Black people have generally less access to an expensive education

That's only part of it. 


I've been watching a lot of music documentaries about black musicians on Netflix. The struggle to achieve their dreams in the face of systemic and often brutal racism underpins every story.


Miles Davis

John Coltrane

Sam Cooke - murdered for promoting black civil rights

Quincy Jones

Ray Charles

Robert Johnson

Clarence Avant (the Black Godfather)

Sammy Davis, Jnr - disinvited from white racist John Keneddy's inauguration because he married a white woman


These artists all came from the south and grew up in the time of Jim Crow laws and lynch mobs. The anger we see in the streets of every state in the USA has been brewing for a very long time.

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Mr. Floyd was undoubtedly unlawfully killed. What degree of murder is debatable. The ex-cop under arrest clearly, IMO, new what he was doing, intentionally did it, and his reaction to the result shows he intended it to happen.


The other 3 cops were all guilty of negligence in the extreme. 


There are several investigations on-going. Maybe they are, or should, be checking the personal connection between the victim and killer. I read both worked as bouncers at the same club. 


There does seem something lacking in a % of American law enforcement officers. US typifies the adage - lot of law but little order! What % that is, I don't know.


All the good officers, the peaceful protesters rightfully lamenting a murdered person is acceptable and understandable.


Rioting, looting, thieving, assaulting and destroying isn't.  And idiots like Clooney with their patronizing attitude and political agenda are just as unacceptable.

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9 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


There are several investigations on-going. Maybe they are, or should, be checking the personal connection between the victim and killer. I read both worked as bouncers at the same club. 

Maybe something happened a the club ?

Mr Floyd not backing up the Cop when there was some trouble or something ?

(Just a guess on my part BTW)

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6 hours ago, JCauto said:

1. "There are many different sub-cultures in America." There are also many different sub-cultures in Canada, France, Germany, Thailand and most other places. So why aren't those places in flames? There are specific reasons why America is reacting so badly to this compared to other places and it is a very different place because of that.

What I am trying to get people to understand is that the problem is not racism , though there is some racism, but cultural friction . misunderstanding  and mistrust and the tensions happen at the point of contact of this two cultures. And this happens everywhere including  places such as France where there are tensions between Christians and Muslims etc. IMO rather than talking about racism , as Clooney is, we need to identify these points of contact . In this case the Inner City African American community and the Police, and reduce the friction . It takes two points of contact to have friction and they both contribute proportionally  .

 Notice how I said Inner city African American Culture rather than African American Culture? that's because there are subcultures with in the African American  community also. 

I know that the above explanation is cursory at best and a lot more could be said , a book could be written and has, but no one other than a sociologist would read it. 

6 hours ago, JCauto said:

. "No culture is better of worse, they are simply different." No, that's not true. Police culture is not like the culture of various people's nationalities or ethnicities.

  It certainly is true . Subcultures exist  within any any group of people , police, bikers .  etc It is simply a set of behaviours that work with in that system, and are good for that system . not better of worst , simply what works for that particular system . 

Nowhere did I say that culture is like Nationalism, or ethhnicity . 

6 hours ago, JCauto said:

So what "adjustments" are the African American community supposed to make?

If you have to ask that question you are obviously not familiar with what is going on with in some neighborhoods , I suggest you spend a few nights there , the cops do. 

 If I might be so presumptuous  to offer advice I would advise that they stop looting and burning local businesses that they depend on,and then complain that essential businesses do not locate in these neighborhoods.


I am sure your heart , and Clooney's, are on the right place but before the number 12 can be explained or understood one needs to know the number 1 and the number 2. The same can be said about sociology.

I don't mean to be condescending, I truly don't. But  the situation is not as simple as it appears to the laymen. IMO it is  time to stop living in the past and think of the future.       

Edited by sirineou
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it is sad to be American.   I grew up in a mostly white suburb of West Denver, Co.   my HS of 1000 and only a few blacks amd Latinos.  Their English  was as good as mine.  Some were in the popular groups.   Then I spent 10 years in racist Texas.   The N word was common.  I expressed my concern when I could.  I worked with some black people and felt they were friends.   I worked on a Government contract  that had hiring allotment requirements.  I was saddened to  know this one woman was making more than  me because she had a master's degree.   She was  a worthless engineer  and if you had one of these qoutas on your team you just had to carry them 50%.

so I am not a fan of affirmative action.  I dont like racial quotas.   I think it should be best qualified but then I realize  many blacks dont have the same quality schooling. I dont know how to fix it.  This has been F'ed up forever  and just stewing.  

Even the N word was used in Utah 20 years ago by all the mormons ( they are very racist) but it is less acceptable now. Hopefully this has become less  acceptable due to people like me who speak up. 


it's also sad to have racist family members.  my own father  (85 yr old) told  me 1.5 years ago, "Why dont you date  a white woman?"  he knew I was traveling to SE Asia.  I called him out on this around Thanksgiving  last year.   he now claims he meant "American Woman ".  And then he went into a tirade about immigration.  Funny thing is he is big into genealogy  research  so I pointed out that our lineage immigrated  just a few generations  ago.  he said yes but we assimilated and learned English.  He did vote for tRump so maybe that is telling. There is no doubt tRump has opened up this big divide.aybe it was best.  

it is sad to have thai friends  send messages and videos of happenings in America and asking if its safe.   It's sad times.     About the gun nut comment have you seen the armed men at the protests?  some say they are  there to protect people from police violence. some to protect business.   We do have this 2 nd amendment.   Maybe it's time I get all my guns oiled up and reloading bench in production.  

Remember the people are the original police in USA.  


We need  deep investigation into each police officer.  steroid  testing  of all.   firings without pensions.   All laws should apply fully and equal.   all discipline  needs to keep a public record.  Many police departments have been trashing these records.  

Edited by Elkski
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10 minutes ago, Elkski said:

it is sad to be American.   I grew up in a mostly white suburb of West Denver, Co.  HS of 1000 amd only a few blacks amd Latinos.  Their English  was as good as mine.  some were in the popular groups.   Then 10 years in racist Texas.   The N word was common.  I expressed my concern when I could.  I worked with some black people and felt they were friends.   I worked on a Government contract  that had hiring allotment requirements.  I was saddened to  know this one woman was making more than  me because she had a master's degree.  She was  a worthless engineer  and if you had one of these on your team you just had to carry them 50%.

so I am not a fan of affirmative action.  I dont like quotas.   I think it should be best qualified but then I realize  many blacks dont have the same quality schooling.  it's been F'ed up forever  and just stewing.  

Even the N word was used in Utah 20 years ago but it is less acceptable now. Hopefully somewhat from people like me who speak up. 


its also sad to have racist fsmily members.  my own father  85 yr old told 1.5 years ago.  "Why dont you date  a white woman?"  he knew I was traveling to SE Asia.  I called him out on this around Thanksgiving  last year.   he now claims he meant "American Woman ".  And then he went into a tirade about immigration.  Funny ttg ginger he is big into genealogy  research  so I pointed out that we immigrated  just a few generations  ago.  he said yes but we assimilated amd learned English.  He did vote for tRump so maybe that is telling.  we argued about that  too.  

to know have thai friends  send messages amd videos of happenings in America and asking if its safe.   it's sad times.     About the gun nut comment

  have you seen the armed men at the protests?  some there to protect people from police violence. some to protect business.   We do have ed this 2 nd amendment.   maybe it's time I get all my guns oiled up and reloading bench in production.  

Remember the people are the original police in USA.  


We need  deep investigation into each police officer.  steroid  testing  of all.   firings without pensions.   All laws should apply fully and equal.   all discipline  needs to keep a public record.  Many police departments have been trashing these records.  

Dont be so tough on your father. He loves you and he wants  the best for you, If he thinks that certain races are inferior or superior then he is a racist, but if he want's you to marry with in your own culture that's different. Considering one's couture superior is not racism it is ethnocentrism. So cut him a brake,try to understand where he is coming from.  after 85 years you will not change him, so work with what you have.not what you wish you had,  If you don't you will regret it when he is gone I was no different from you and I know I regret it. 

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32 minutes ago, sirineou said:

Considering one's couture superior is not racism it is ethnocentrism.

It's 'patriotism', 'nationalism' or 'jingoism' - choose the flavour you like. Racism (or call it xenophobia, which is basically the same thing) can be taken as a given.

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On 6/2/2020 at 8:45 AM, Malawi said:

Clooney is of course correct.

USA is a dreadful place.

That is probably why he lives in a villa in Italy with it's own private armed guards.

I do wonder though, where is it that blacks have a better opportunity at a decent life? There are some countries better for blacks than the USA, so those nations should be publicized so Afro Americans can immigrate there.

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1 hour ago, teatime101 said:

It's 'patriotism', 'nationalism' or 'jingoism' - choose the flavour you like. Racism (or call it xenophobia, which is basically the same thing) can be taken as a given.

Sure "basically" everything is the same , Basically. 

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