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British fashion bible swaps supermodels for key workers to grace its July cover


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British fashion bible swaps supermodels for key workers to grace its July cover




Anisa Omar, a 21-year-old Waitrose partner at King's Cross, central London, features on a Vogue cover after the fashion bible has broken with tradition to celebrate the everyday heroes


Its cover is usually graced by stars and supermodels, but Vogue has set aside the rich and famous in favour of key workers.


The fashion bible has broken with tradition to celebrate the everyday heroes risking their lives during the coronavirus pandemic. 


Narguis Horsford, a train driver on the London Overground and Rachel Millar, 24, a community midwife in east London, were selected to represent millions of key workers in the UK as part of a 20-page portfolio for the July issue of British Vogue.


Meanwhile Anisa Omar, 21, a supermarket assistant in King’s Cross, central London, was also chosen to grace the cover of the magazine.


Full Story: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-8377941/So-Vogue-British-fashion-bible-swaps-supermodels-key-workers.html

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