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Social Distancing- NON Existent

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17 hours ago, tribalfusion001 said:

According to the governments figures there is no covid-19 in Thailand, so the R number must be 0.

Within Thailand according to official reports. The cases are all imported from evil faranglands now, their R must be sky high to infect the usually immune Thais.

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5 hours ago, statman78 said:

The R0 rate varies by country and over time.  Any R0 greater than 1 means that we should be seeing an exponential growth in the number of infected people.  If it was 4 that means an infected person would be infecting 4 others. Then each of those 4 people would each infect 4 others which would mean 16 infected people.  These 16 would infect 4 each meaning there would be 64 infected people.  This would continue until something is done to stop infected people from infecting others.  If 1 or less we will see the very few infections. Which we are seeing now in Thailand.

R0 is a constant, it's the "basic reproduction number". Hence the 0. R, which is actually Re or Rt, is the real-time number:




Effective reproduction number[edit]

In reality, varying proportions of the population are immune to any given disease at any given time. To account for this, the effective reproduction number {\displaystyle R_{e}}R_e is used, also written as {\displaystyle R_{t}}R_{t}, or the average number of new infections caused by a single infected individual at time t in the partially susceptible population. It can be found by multiplying {\displaystyle R_{0}}R_{0} by the fraction S of the population that is susceptible. 


Edited by DrTuner
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No hazard at all. Social distancing rules at Malls in Thailand this stage should be, "use common sense".

There is no danger Covid-19 in Thailand is essentially over. Time to stop the magic shows..


Some Dutch restaurant had a great idea put people in Hothouses and proffer there food 

on 4 foot planks of aromatic cedar. That would work great in Chiang Mai at Night

about 6 weeks a year. Otherwise diners themselves would be roasted.






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On 6/3/2020 at 6:13 AM, n00dle said:

As an adult, you should also be able to make decisions and judgements regarding your own safety. If you feel you are at risk, perhaps you should remain at home. When out, protect yourself as you see fit.

As has already been pointed out to you - social distancing is not only for personal protection, its about protecting others too.  We all have a moral responsibility not to pass on any infection we might have and not know about, to others.  Why should people have to stay home just because thoughtless uncaring people refuse to follow the rules?


However, with figures now as low as Thailand claims, I can't see and justification for any form of restriction whatsoever.

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On 6/3/2020 at 11:49 AM, Jingthing said:

You're right, unfortunately. 

My theory about why is twofold. 

Most people take the official case counts way too literally. 

They don't bother to consider that there is no doubt it is an undercount. 

Possibly massive. 

Also as people are compelled to wear masks in stores and that is good there is a lack of understanding that wearing masks needs to be combined with distancing. People obviously falsely believe that the masks alone are enough. 

I think that much better public education is needed ASAP. 


They might be compelled to wear masks where you are but that doesn't seem to be the case here. I've just come back from the local Big C superstore:

Passed 4 roadside cooked food vendors manned by 7 people, only 3 were wearing masks and one of those was worn under his chin whilst he prepared the food. In the Big C mall 2 people in front of me in the queue to enter were not wearing masks and nothing was said at the temp check and sign in desk. Inside the mall MOST people were wearing masks but far from all of them (one family of 4 - dad, mum, teanage daughter, 4-5 year old daughter) passed me and only the smallest child had a mask on, none of the rest of the family seemed to be in possession of a mask. Inside the Big C store I'd say it was about a 70/30 split of masked and unmasked. 

So it seams many Thais have taken the relaxing of restrictions to mean "It's all over, go back to the way things were last year."

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18 hours ago, DrTuner said:

R0 is a constant, it's the "basic reproduction number". Hence the 0. R, which is actually Re or Rt, is the real-time number:




I stand corrected.  So the Re or Rt in Thailand is low.  Here is an article explaining how the R number is changing, and why it is changing in the UK.





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On 6/4/2020 at 4:20 PM, Captain Monday said:

No hazard at all. Social distancing rules at Malls in Thailand this stage should be, "use common sense".

There is no danger Covid-19 in Thailand is essentially over. Time to stop the magic shows..


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On 6/4/2020 at 1:33 PM, Jingthing said:

Cue up for the Bill Gates conspiracy theory. 

Yeah, the standard silencing method if you run out of arguments, just accuse them as conspiracy theorists. It’s overused, getting boring.
And that Bill Gates is no angel, despite his well paid PR teams trying to portrait him as such, is also no conspiracy theory anymore. 

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2 hours ago, RocketDog said:

Methinks the OP has too much time on his hands. 


Khun mi kit mak. 

1. Most people in lockdown have too much time on their hands
2. You are clearly one of them since you criticise the OP, who in fact raised a perfectly valid point

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On 6/3/2020 at 11:57 AM, ezzra said:

Social distancing only compound the ruining of the economy of this country and many others, it was good idea while the pandemic was raging, no need for it now, even at the cost of few more infections, the economy is in tatters continue like this and it will bring more misery to people than any virus/ pandemic ever can...

What's all this fuss about social distancing? The population of the global Covid-19 epicenter of Wuhan that only emerged from total lock-down around the middle of April don't seem to care. Just another excuse for malcontent farangs to whine about their Thai hosts IMHO.







Edited by NanLaew
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23 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

What's all this fuss about social distancing? The population of the global Covid-19 epicenter of Wuhan that only emerged from total lock-down around the middle of April don't seem to care. Just another excuse for malcontent farangs to whine about their Thai hosts IMHO.







Thanks, that‘s good to see.


Except the masks, it’s all back to normal, to the old normal. Good to see. Scaremongers please take note!


If it’s ok there, it should be ok everywhere.

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Here in Udon Thani no one cares anymore, but there hasn't been a confirmed case for about a month (all released some time ago). In the big stores, a pain, queue up to sign in (no social distancing), temp check. sanitiser, and sign out (using a dirty pencil). 

Got my hair cut but none of that, and in a medium sized independent supermarket none also (and half the staff not even wearing masks). Outside of the big stores, mask wearing is back to the pre-covid levels.


Guess i can relax until they open the borders again.

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On 6/3/2020 at 9:37 PM, tribalfusion001 said:

3000 something infections and 58 dead, people complain about no one is social distancing, that's because you don't need any social distancing or QR codes or markers where to stand orface masks any longer!

Fer gawd's  sake's  though don't  go  out on the  roads, virtual death sentence.

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Yeah, it all looks like a big joke at this point. Mega Bangna was wall to wall people yesterday. Can only be worse today, a Sunday. Many aren't bothering with the check ins and outs anymore. Many are sitting right on the big X's on the restaurant seats. The Thais are back to their fine tradition of practically making contact with your rear end as they stroll along with you, sharing every word of their phone convos right in your ear. Ahh. Then over in America, they've had a week of streets packed with protesters. Hmm.

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11 minutes ago, CrunchWrapSupreme said:

Yeah, it all looks like a big joke at this point. Mega Bangna was wall to wall people yesterday. Can only be worse today, a Sunday. Many aren't bothering with the check ins and outs anymore. Many are sitting right on the big X's on the restaurant seats. The Thais are back to their fine tradition of practically making contact with your rear end as they stroll along with you, sharing every word of their phone convos right in your ear. Ahh. Then over in America, they've had a week of streets packed with protesters. Hmm.

How can you possibly be suprised that a mall is crowded on a weekend especially the first weekend after payday?

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On 6/6/2020 at 2:45 PM, pomozki said:

1. Most people in lockdown have too much time on their hands
2. You are clearly one of them since you criticise the OP, who in fact raised a perfectly valid point

And you have time to reply to my reply. Etc. Etc. Etc...... ????

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