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Britain will not walk away from Hong Kong, Johnson says


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it was a legally binding int treaty,so....they also disregard the UN ruling on s china sea and continue to build military bases on atolls there.we have recent threats to taiwan oz canada and USA.african debt.racism at africans in china over the wuflu!!!then theres the internal oppression-falungong tibet xin jiang[3 mill in camps],environmentalists.of course that magic trick,the disappearing dr.so if you cant see a hand in front of your face ,its up to you,i lived in hk for many yrs ive only recently moved here and this is a serious fascist expansionist power and the generals here speak the same lingo,soon as covids gone i am too

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12 hours ago, kingdong said:

Rules can easily be changed,especially when Britain leaves the eu.

The EU has never been a barrier to the UK granting residency rights to the people of HK. 

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On 6/3/2020 at 8:15 PM, Susco said:

He gonna invite them all to the UK?


Why countries like UK and US always want to intervene in other countries politics?

Because the people of those countries want them to? 

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14 hours ago, GinBoy2 said:

Oh I see our PRC troll is back lol

But he has a point. Both worldwide powers don't care about morals an ethics and do as they please without any consideration for their actions or without any fear of being punished.

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2 hours ago, samran said:

The EU has never been a barrier to the UK granting residency rights to the people of HK. 

did I say it did? Just remember in 1980 when I went home after living in Africa obtaining birth certificates for mates who could claim a UK passport if you had a UK grandparent,this was changed just after. got a mate who's married to an English girl with a British passport,he,d got a South African passport and hasn,t got a right to live in the uk,and although a bit off topic perhaps people should check out the murder rates of black on white murders in South africa.

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16 hours ago, kingdong said:

Rules can easily be changed,especially when Britain leaves the eu.


1 hour ago, kingdong said:

did I say it did? Just remember in 1980 when I went home after living in Africa obtaining birth certificates for mates who could claim a UK passport if you had a UK grandparent,this was changed just after. got a mate who's married to an English girl with a British passport,he,d got a South African passport and hasn,t got a right to live in the uk,and although a bit off topic perhaps people should check out the murder rates of black on white murders in South africa.

yes, via inference.


But, to be fair, it could be just be a prelude to the meaningless waffle that you've put into your follow up.

Edited by samran
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15 minutes ago, Logosone said:

Boris really has delusions of Old Empire. Like so many British. It's over Boris. Nobody cares. Hong Kong is part of China. You had no choice. You let it go.


It's over.



Yes, its long over.


But realpolitik dictates that he flies the flag one last time while signing up at least 3.5 million HKers (not including their spouses and children) to automatic residency in the UK. Its the moral thing to do, but that was never reason enough for the past 24 years. Singing Rule Britannia is the little bit of sugar to help the medicine go down so to speak.

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8 minutes ago, samran said:

Yes, its long over.


But realpolitik dictates that he flies the flag one last time while signing up at least 3.5 million HKers (not including their spouses and children) to automatic residency in the UK. Its the moral thing to do, but that was never reason enough for the past 24 years. Singing Rule Britannia is the little bit of sugar to help the medicine go down so to speak.

Yes, and of course the UK still has massive economic interests in HK, law firms alone, there are countless giant UK law firms with offices in Hong Kong, accountancy firms, banks etc., it's not just selfless concern for Hong Kongers.


In the old days all the capital markets, banking and securities contracts were done under UK law. If you were qualified you could just walk into a Hong Kong law firm and get a job. The Brits are trying to hang on, but no more. Try getting a job in Hong Kong with a UK qualification now. Almost impossible. You have to be qualified in Hong Kong and speak Mandarin. All the contracts are in Chinese now, almost all.


The Chinese takeover is slow and gentle. But unstoppable. I don't know why Boris is wasting his time even thinking about Hong Kong. Just let it go.



Edited by Logosone
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2 hours ago, samran said:

Yes, its long over.


But realpolitik dictates that he flies the flag one last time while signing up at least 3.5 million HKers (not including their spouses and children) to automatic residency in the UK. Its the moral thing to do, but that was never reason enough for the past 24 years. Singing Rule Britannia is the little bit of sugar to help the medicine go down so to speak.

Neither the spirit or flesh are willing but he obligated to say something and back up his orange pal. 

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8 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Neither the spirit or flesh are willing but he obligated to say something and back up his orange pal. 

No, to be fair to Boris I actually thinks he means it. This has got nothing to do with trump, who’d be hard up trying to locate HK on a map. 


There isn’t much he can do apart from the residency rights thing. 

The Chinese have essentially reneged on one county two systems. Some, me included hoped they’d honour it if only to keep an effective entry point for business into the county, but they seem happy to trash that now too. 

Britain can’t take back HK island and Kowloon, so the best they can do is give citizens there a safety net.

Sure it will <deleted> China off but China has shown really good form lately in pissing everyone off. 

Edited by samran
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26 minutes ago, samran said:

No, to be fair to Boris I actually thinks he means it. This has got nothing to do with trump, who’d be hard up trying to locate HK on a map. 


There isn’t much he can do apart from the residency rights thing. 

The Chinese have essentially reneged on one county two systems. Some, me included hoped they’d honour it if only to keep an effective entry point for business into the county, but they seem happy to trash that now too. 

Britain can’t take back HK island and Kowloon, so the best they can do is give citizens there a safety net.

Sure it will <deleted> China off but China has shown really good form lately in pissing everyone off. 

Why should Britain have to give their citizens a safety net? It was not a former colony Hong Kong was leased a fact that was known for the last 100years and the lease ran out.They have no automatic right to uk citizenship,I did point this out in a former post but obviously you can,t understand,take it Britain isn,t your country of residence?

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9 hours ago, kingdong said:

Why should Britain have to give their citizens a safety net? It was not a former colony Hong Kong was leased a fact that was known for the last 100years and the lease ran out.They have no automatic right to uk citizenship,I did point this out in a former post but obviously you can,t understand,take it Britain isn,t your country of residence?

Your previous post included a bizarre rant about White south African farmers being shot. 

History isn’t your strong point - HK was a crown colony till 1997. 

Hong Kong island and the Kowloon peninsula was British territory in perpetuity (if that is too big a word for you, it means forever). Think the Gibraltar of Asia. 


Only the New Territories were ever leased for 99 years.

it was always going to be impractical to only hand back the NTs so the British relinquished sovereignty over HK and Kowloon too, the quid pro quo being one country two systems.


The people of HK may not have automatic rights to full UK citizenship, but with a tweak of legislation, Boris can give HK BN(O) citizens residency and work rights in the UK.

It’s probably something that would enjoy bipartisan support, but is still a step short of what the Portuguese did with Macau - everyone born there up to 1999 gets a Portuguese passport. 


Have you got any other historical falsehoods you’d like to be rebut with? 

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11 hours ago, samran said:

No, to be fair to Boris I actually thinks he means it. This has got nothing to do with trump, who’d be hard up trying to locate HK on a map. 


There isn’t much he can do apart from the residency rights thing. 

The Chinese have essentially reneged on one county two systems. Some, me included hoped they’d honour it if only to keep an effective entry point for business into the county, but they seem happy to trash that now too. 

Britain can’t take back HK island and Kowloon, so the best they can do is give citizens there a safety net.

Sure it will <deleted> China off but China has shown really good form lately in pissing everyone off. 

BJ may have a legal obligation to allow entry of approx 350,000 Hong Kong’s BNO passport holders but will face a storm of protest from conservatives if he try to expand that residence privilege to the rest of eligible 3 million Hong Kong citizens. The parliament back in the 1980s put a stop to that suggestion. Still UK is not a top choice for migration. Hong Kong people are pragmatic and they consider matters like economics and family ties as important. 

I don’t think China will reneged on the autonomous status of Hong Kong until the declaration expire. The cost of building another Hong Kong as a financial center in the mainland is just too difficult and I would say impossible. Hong Kong has a role in China’s economic plan. China will clamp down on independence aspiration hard as this will threaten China cohesion. 

The west must learn how to live with China as a superpower and China rise is unstoppable. Much to gain from cooperation rather than try to decouple and creat frictions. 


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5 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

BJ may have a legal obligation to allow entry of approx 350,000 Hong Kong’s BNO passport holders but will face a storm of protest from conservatives if he try to expand that residence privilege to the rest of eligible 3 million Hong Kong citizens. The parliament back in the 1980s put a stop to that suggestion. Still UK is not a top choice for migration. Hong Kong people are pragmatic and they consider matters like economics and family ties as important. 

I don’t think China will reneged on the autonomous status of Hong Kong until the declaration expire. The cost of building another Hong Kong as a financial center in the mainland is just too difficult and I would say impossible. Hong Kong has a role in China’s economic plan. China will clamp down on independence aspiration hard as this will threaten China cohesion. 

The west must learn how to live with China as a superpower and China rise is unstoppable. Much to gain from cooperation rather than try to decouple and creat frictions. 


Glad I'm old and won't see it.

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7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

BJ may have a legal obligation to allow entry of approx 350,000 Hong Kong’s BNO passport holders but will face a storm of protest from conservatives if he try to expand that residence privilege to the rest of eligible 3 million Hong Kong citizens. The parliament back in the 1980s put a stop to that suggestion. Still UK is not a top choice for migration. Hong Kong people are pragmatic and they consider matters like economics and family ties as important. 


Depends how much he can wrap the solution up in the Union Jack and dreams of Empire so the Rule Britannia brigade don't get too antsy. Remember too, they are gagging to give China a good kicking, so this will be part of the list.


7 hours ago, Eric Loh said:


I don’t think China will reneged on the autonomous status of Hong Kong until the declaration expire. The cost of building another Hong Kong as a financial center in the mainland is just too difficult and I would say impossible. Hong Kong has a role in China’s economic plan. China will clamp down on independence aspiration hard as this will threaten China cohesion. 

The west must learn how to live with China as a superpower and China rise is unstoppable. Much to gain from cooperation rather than try to decouple and creat frictions. 



China has effectively breached it already - or have you forgotten about the kidnappings of people on HK soil extradited to the mainland....oh sorry, yes, they were voluntary.


As for learning to live with China - fine, I don't think anyone begrudges the rise out of poverty of a billion people. That is a good thing. Kicking sand in the face of their global neighbors...you'll see less willingness for that to happen going forward.

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Goodbye China! Boris Johnson orders UK to take lead role in Western technology drive

BORIS Johnson has ordered the UK to take a lead role in the West's technology drive in what appears to be an attempt to sever ties with China.

PUBLISHED: 10:02, Mon, Jun 8, 2020 | UPDATED: 10:22, Mon, Jun 8, 2020
The Prime Minister wants the UK to take a lead role in efforts by the Five Eyes intelligence alliance to challenge China’s technological capabilities. The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UK-USA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.
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On 6/6/2020 at 5:03 AM, Eric Loh said:

BJ may have a legal obligation to allow entry of approx 350,000 Hong Kong’s BNO passport holders but will face a storm of protest from conservatives if he try to expand that residence privilege to the rest of eligible 3 million Hong Kong citizens. The parliament back in the 1980s put a stop to that suggestion. Still UK is not a top choice for migration. Hong Kong people are pragmatic and they consider matters like economics and family ties as important. 

I don’t think China will reneged on the autonomous status of Hong Kong until the declaration expire. The cost of building another Hong Kong as a financial center in the mainland is just too difficult and I would say impossible. Hong Kong has a role in China’s economic plan. China will clamp down on independence aspiration hard as this will threaten China cohesion. 

The west must learn how to live with China as a superpower and China rise is unstoppable. Much to gain from cooperation rather than try to decouple and creat frictions. 


Why must the west have to learn to live with china?the West should do what it did with Russia when it started playing up after the war,put up an iron curtain,and as for Hong Kong's 3 million non British passport holders,feel sorry for them,but they,'ll have to get on with it,they stopped former commonwealth citizens from South Africa and rhodesia getting British passports.

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On 6/6/2020 at 2:24 AM, samran said:

Your previous post included a bizarre rant about White south African farmers being shot. 

History isn’t your strong point - HK was a crown colony till 1997. 

Hong Kong island and the Kowloon peninsula was British territory in perpetuity (if that is too big a word for you, it means forever). Think the Gibraltar of Asia. 


Only the New Territories were ever leased for 99 years.

it was always going to be impractical to only hand back the NTs so the British relinquished sovereignty over HK and Kowloon too, the quid pro quo being one country two systems.


The people of HK may not have automatic rights to full UK citizenship, but with a tweak of legislation, Boris can give HK BN(O) citizens residency and work rights in the UK.

It’s probably something that would enjoy bipartisan support, but is still a step short of what the Portuguese did with Macau - everyone born there up to 1999 gets a Portuguese passport. 


Have you got any other historical falsehoods you’d like to be rebut with? 

 Portugal may have given passports to Macau citizens,however it wasn,t so generous to the citizens of their former colonies Mozambique and Angola both of whom suffered by hundreds of thousands of deaths in the civil wara that followed.there is a severe recession in the post so think the uk should forget all about "tweaking" and dishing out any more British passports that they don,t legally have to.

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On 6/6/2020 at 2:24 AM, samran said:

Your previous post included a bizarre rant about White south African farmers being shot. 

History isn’t your strong point - HK was a crown colony till 1997. 

Hong Kong island and the Kowloon peninsula was British territory in perpetuity (if that is too big a word for you, it means forever). Think the Gibraltar of Asia. 


Only the New Territories were ever leased for 99 years.

it was always going to be impractical to only hand back the NTs so the British relinquished sovereignty over HK and Kowloon too, the quid pro quo being one country two systems.


The people of HK may not have automatic rights to full UK citizenship, but with a tweak of legislation, Boris can give HK BN(O) citizens residency and work rights in the UK.

It’s probably something that would enjoy bipartisan support, but is still a step short of what the Portuguese did with Macau - everyone born there up to 1999 gets a Portuguese passport. 


Have you got any other historical falsehoods you’d like to be rebut with? 

Hong Kong was leased to the British for 99 years so it wasn,t a colony as such so how do you work out it was forever? In 1997 92% of Hong Kong had to be handed back to the Chinese but Britain for whatever reason also handed back the other 8%,or Hong Kong city that was up to the British government at the time,Hong Kong citizens had 99 years to prepare for the takeover and if they chose to stay ( they,d already had a taste of what could happen in tinnamun square ).....up to them.

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1 hour ago, kingdong said:

Why must the west have to learn to live with china?the West should do what it did with Russia when it started playing up after the war,put up an iron curtain,and as for Hong Kong's 3 million non British passport holders,feel sorry for them,but they,'ll have to get on with it,they stopped former commonwealth citizens from South Africa and rhodesia getting British passports.

Sure mate, the west put up the iron curtain.

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