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Thailand's 1 million health volunteers hailed as coronavirus heroes


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6 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

So, you must believe there are millions of positive people untested in Thailand but I guess they are all asymptomatic? 

Correct, and to add I think that happened in November-February. 



Not necessarily asymptomatic, but mild symptoms easily dismissed as common cold.


Post-February, MoPH took the confirmation process and twisted it into a bottleneck. They also deleted details from their existing reports about the pending test numbers to cover it up. Been like that ever since. They of course know the "Pending" number.


Antibody tests from Europe have generally revealed 5-10% positives who have had it. That'd be ~3.5 - 7M people here. Probably much more as it started earlier.

Edited by DrTuner
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