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Washington prepares for major protest as Democratic officials move to rein in police


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29 minutes ago, Mbaki said:

George Floyd was a hardened criminal with multiple offenses, it’s a shame they had to pick him as the face for “Black Lives Matter”.

maybe Don King, Mike Tyson, Kanye West, Shaquille O’Neal, Jimmie Walker, etc.... 


The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters

1. MAGA-scots

One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.



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2 hours ago, ehs818 said:

Wow, even though there are just a few posts here, they are already racist and blaming George Floyds past as the provocation of the cop killing him in front of everyone. Everyone has things in their past that they may not be proud of, but Floyd moved on and was not guilty of anything that deserved the death penalty. I'm saddened that racism exists here in Pattaya in the same way it is institutional in the US.


From what I read, I'm not sure that the police had even questioned him or the shop keeper who reported a forged note properly before arresting Mr. Floyd. To then kneel on his neck for over 8 minutes, whilst he was defenseless and pleading was totally inexcusable. The killer, based on the video evidence, must surely be convicted and receive a long jail sentence.


However, has another poster commented. The past relationship, if any, between killer and victim needs to come out. Maybe this is relevant, maybe not. But it shouldn't be ignored.


The point is that whilst Mr. Floyd's murder is disgusting he was no angle and certainly not a good role model for African-Americans. A crime filled life when younger to fuel illegal drugs. Not exactly poster boy material. 


If you want to understand why criminal race hate retaliation isn't appropriate, ever, read MLK Jnr, Mandela or Muhammad Ali on the subject.

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1 hour ago, Baerboxer said:


Mr. Floyd was most certainly killed unlawfully. The actions of the killer were disgusting. Three other police officers should have intervened. All this needs thorough investigations before their trials. 


Unfortunately police in the US have a tendency to be very physical and somewhat trigger happy when compared to other countries. And African-Americans and the police have an appalling relationship at times.


However, that does not justify the murder of police officers, the rioting, looting and anarchy that's been going on. That behavior has nothing to do with protesting police brutality. It has everything to do with political views that want to destabilize and destroy society for their own agenda. 

Yep, agree with you. I notice that nobody waited until the fate of the four police involved was determined and it was almost straight out to loot and destroy. There was no need to knee choke Floyd and those policemen should be punished but for people to start advocating the the removal of the police force and communities forming a 'Peace Force' is unwise at best and crazy at worst. Governors talk about dropping millions of Dollars from the police budget but who will pay for such 'Peace Force's'?

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5 hours ago, Mbaki said:

George Floyd was a hardened criminal with multiple offenses, it’s a shame they had to pick him as the face for “Black Lives Matter”.

was he not black enough for you. Perhaps blame the officer that chose him to kill.

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2 hours ago, brucec64 said:

"Floyd moved on" - seriously? It is terrible what happened to him, and there is no excuse for it, but George Floyd was not someone who was destined to die of old age. Would you have invited George Floyd over for dinner in your home, with you and the kids? No, you would cross the street if he was walking in your direction.

Im sure that is relevant to the yehaa brigade somewhere.

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25 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

You only mention the 'peaceful protests'...What about the violence, the looting and the killings that appear to have taken over? Are you 'loving' those too?

Well police are certainly doing their fair share.

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5 hours ago, Mavideol said:

maybe Don King, Mike Tyson, Kanye West, Shaquille O’Neal, Jimmie Walker, etc.... 


The 8 Kinds of Black Donald Trump Supporters

1. MAGA-scots

One of “the good ones.” These are the black people who are willing to serve as mascots for the white people who love Trump. They do so for a variety of reasons. Some of them are black people of middling intelligence, but when they are surrounded by mediocre white people, the combination of racism and low-IQ makes conservatives think the MAGA-scots must be geniuses.



What a load of nonsense. Telling people that if they don't follow the disastrous democratic plantation they are less of a human being. 


Liberals truly believe this trope. The media helps push the bs. 


They are waking up to you. And it is threatening your power. 

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21 minutes ago, robblok said:

George Floyd has no convictions since he moved to Minnesota in 2009 so 11 years no conviction. Pretty smart criminal to totally avoid being caught by the police. So either the police is incompetent or he cleaned up his act. (I dont consider drug use making someone a hardened criminal).



Which is totally irrelevant anyway. He was in custody, controlled. Which the video confirms because there are 4 officers there.


A couple of the officers were new, only a week on the job. I dont think anyone should blame them when their boss decides to be the big ape and try to show them that this is how its done.


I even congratulate one newbie for asking his boss to ease up and turn him over.


Responsibility lies with chauvin thinking he is the be all and end all.

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