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Stadtler has stopped wearing a mask while out unless it is required by the transport or establishment.


It's safe now, will you stop wearing a mask?  

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20 hours ago, Stadtler said:

Courtesy? To whom?


Wearing a mask, while sometimes necessary, puts your health at risk in other ways.  It is not healthy to wear a mask.  Who doubts Stadtler?



That's quite true. Fortunately, except where they absolutely need to be worn (such as on many types of public transportation, particularly in Bangkok) and stores, malls, etc. Thais are taking off their masks.

Laotians and Cambodians never really wore them to begin with, and looking at recent footage out of Vientiane, it's like normal times (less than 10% of people in that footage were wearing masks)...if you want to visit the market along the riverfront = no masks or temperature checks required. I understand international schools in that country are requiring students and staff to wear masks, use sanitizer and undergo temperature checks, domestic flights as well as some 5-star hotels, but other than that, no need.

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21 minutes ago, drbeach said:

Laotians and Cambodians never really wore them to begin with, and looking at recent footage out of Vientiane, it's like normal times (less than 10% of people in that footage were wearing masks)...

Indeed, when I video with my friends in Cambodia they show me the restaurants and bars and markets, rarely a mask to be seen, and certainly no distancing, and no Corona, and they laugh about me being locked down ????


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7 hours ago, bbi1 said:

Stadtler??? What the hell or who the hell is that?

Stadtler is "Stadtler," from StadtlerVille located in StadtlerLand. 


Is there another mystery Stadtler may answer?

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5 hours ago, drbeach said:

hat's quite true. Fortunately, except where they absolutely need to be worn (such as on many types of public transportation, particularly in Bangkok) and stores, malls, etc. Thais are taking off their masks.

Stadtler read yesterday in the Bangkok Post, that the BTS and MRT will stop requiring them as of Monday.

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20 hours ago, Stadtler said:

Stadtler read yesterday in the Bangkok Post, that the BTS and MRT will stop requiring them as of Monday.

Really? That would be welcome news! I will have to open up the Bangkok Post website to corroborate your story...but I believe things are heading on the right track.


Now if I could walk into my immigration office end of July without a mask, that would be the icing on the cake! Let's hope so!

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On 6/28/2020 at 1:49 PM, yuyiinthesky said:

Indeed, when I video with my friends in Cambodia they show me the restaurants and bars and markets, rarely a mask to be seen, and certainly no distancing, and no Corona, and they laugh about me being locked down ????


Around me very few people are wearing masks, and in the local market, about half the vendors and customers stopped wearing them over the past few weeks.


Therefore, Thailand is not all that different to Cambodia now, but what you have to compare with is what happens at Cambodian shopping malls, 5-star hotels and such places...markets have always been a bit of "depends where it's located" or "how prominent it is" rather than a blanket enforcement of the rules.


Cambodia is not nearly as developed as Thailand, and it doesn't even have any urban mass transit system in place yet, aside from the airport to city train line.

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1 hour ago, drbeach said:

Really? That would be welcome news! I will have to open up the Bangkok Post website to corroborate your story...but I believe things are heading on the right track.


Now if I could walk into my immigration office end of July without a mask, that would be the icing on the cake! Let's hope so!

Stadtler's friend told him that today, it is still required.

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On 6/29/2020 at 5:01 PM, Stadtler said:

Stadtler's friend told him that today, it is still required.

I couldn't find the article on the BP regarding masks no longer being required on the BTS and MRT starting tomorrow. I searched long and hard but to no avail. I can imagine that masks are likely to still be required throughout the month of July, though I could be wrong. And ditto for places like immigration offices. Who knows what might happen by July 24 or 29, but for the time being, probably yes.

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Out of the blue they told people, there's a virus. Very dangerous. Stay home. Entire cities were empty. 

Then after some time they said, okay you can go out. Curfew lifted. 

And now everything is back to normal like nothing happened. And indeed nothing happens. People don't start dying by the dozen because they go out. 

But that's weird, isn't it?? The virus didn't go anywhere. It was here. It is still here. It didn't board a flight and moved to a remote island. It's here. With us. So that's how dangerous it is. Which to the people, that created the whole thing was very obvious from the beginning. It wouldn't do much harm. It's just a tool to make people do what you want them to do. And now the media is again starting to get full of the scaremongering: oh watch out people, a second wave is coming. So they try to do the same thing once again. Not because there's anything to stay away from, as you can see there isn't. But simply to weaken everything and make small businesses disappear. Do I wear a mask? Yeah, because I have a Gucci mask and it looks good on me so I wear it. 

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1 hour ago, Stadtler said:

Perhaps the Thai Government wants the people ready for the coming 2nd wave?

Maybe, although I think, reading between the lines that developing Asian countries won't be seeing a full scale return to lockdown because the economic and social consequences would be too much to bear. A second lockdown, seemingly harsher than the first, is being imposed in Australia's Melbourne and probably Victoria more generally, given that the state border with NSW has now been shut. Ditto for several US states too.


I believe that for geopolitical reasons, Vietnam has been allowed to reopen quickly because it is an important US ally in a future China-US war and due to the ongoing trade war, many corporations are moving their production lines from China to Vietnam. In Thailand's case, a second lockdown would likely spell an end to the current regime, with major protests the likes of which haven't been seen before IF that were to occur. The same can probably be said in several other SE Asian countries. I think they're going to drag this out for a bit longer, but not to the point of a second lockdown.


As for the face mask requirement on public transport and some shops being loosened, I now believe this will happen after the state of emergency ends. It's the powers granted by this decree that allows businesses to impose this requirement in the first place. If we see an end to the decree on July 31, this means I suspect starting August 1, there will be a loosening of mask requirements, which will go to "highly recommended" rather than "required".


Interestingly, there is now talk of requiring masks in Victoria due to the second wave. Australia has been one of the few western countries with no mask law or even recommendation to wear one so far.

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My whole time in Thailand I just wear a mask when arrived in end of February at the airport, because of Immigration and stuff, was scared they refuse my visa-on-arrival.


After that I never ever wore a mask again. Sometimes I get asked by some Thais at entrance of markets or bus stations who think they have power where my mask would be, I just look in their eyes and say I don't have one and then they always just say "ok".

When they saw Thais without mask 10 seconds before, they did not said a word.

Pure racism.




I do not trust Bill Gates and the people he is with, they are all hyper-intelligent and everyone who is intelligent and rational knows the world is overpopulated. Gates said that in many occasions.

I think it's very weird and don't fit together, that a guy who thinks the world is overpopulated now is the big guy behind the cure for a supposedly deadly virus. It just does not make sense.


In my home country a friend of mine worked in a hospital, after they tested patiens with the Covid-19-test-kits all of these patients got sick. AFTER they tested. The swab-test-kits are prepacked from the WHO and a few shady companies and are put deep inside your nose/mouth, which is very unusual and weird for a swab test, too.


I will never ever wear a mask, I will never ever get tested, I will never ever get vaccinated. These mRNA-vaccines should scare everyone, but still everyone is asking for it, just because they want the "old normal" back. Sheeple.



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On 6/28/2020 at 6:51 PM, Stadtler said:

Stadtler is "Stadtler," from StadtlerVille located in StadtlerLand. 


Is there another mystery Stadtler may answer?

Maybe Stadtler is a German city dweller - or a misspelled pencil factory.

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On 6/26/2020 at 8:23 PM, Nanaplaza666 said:

You took the words right out of my mouth i was looking if somebody else was going to say it . Stadtler is a bit of a ........ talking about himself like that . Fill in the dots yourself that's what Stadtler would do probably with Stadtler . ????????????


I vote for just childish.

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7 hours ago, doctormann said:

Maybe Stadtler is a German city dweller - or a misspelled pencil factory.

Stadtler has often wondered why Dionne Warwick stopped singing.

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8 hours ago, KohKood said:

My whole time in Thailand I just wear a mask when arrived in end of February at the airport, because of Immigration and stuff, was scared they refuse my visa-on-arrival.


After that I never ever wore a mask again. Sometimes I get asked by some Thais at entrance of markets or bus stations who think they have power where my mask would be, I just look in their eyes and say I don't have one and then they always just say "ok".

When they saw Thais without mask 10 seconds before, they did not said a word.

Pure racism.




I do not trust Bill Gates and the people he is with, they are all hyper-intelligent and everyone who is intelligent and rational knows the world is overpopulated. Gates said that in many occasions.

I think it's very weird and don't fit together, that a guy who thinks the world is overpopulated now is the big guy behind the cure for a supposedly deadly virus. It just does not make sense.


In my home country a friend of mine worked in a hospital, after they tested patiens with the Covid-19-test-kits all of these patients got sick. AFTER they tested. The swab-test-kits are prepacked from the WHO and a few shady companies and are put deep inside your nose/mouth, which is very unusual and weird for a swab test, too.


I will never ever wear a mask, I will never ever get tested, I will never ever get vaccinated. These mRNA-vaccines should scare everyone, but still everyone is asking for it, just because they want the "old normal" back. Sheeple.



Totally agree with your sentiments, particularly in the second half of your comment. That said, I have not experienced any issues not wearing a mask. From personal observations, at those locations where they're said to be required, everyone is wearing one and farang aren't singled out for not following suit. I have watched video footage of an elderly Thai man refused entry to a train station for not wearing a mask (he was rudely told to buzz off) while an Italian guy after him, wearing a mask, was allowed entry.


My cue is if it's small market, where there is no one manning the entrance anyway and I see a lot of people not wearing a mask, that means I don't have to either.


Nowadays, things are more relaxed than they were back in April or May. You'll probably still be asked to wear a mask to enter certain places, but not others. 


I crossed into the country March 7 by land, not wearing a mask. No one cared about whether you wore a mask or not until early April when it was made compulsory to enter some shops and use public transport.

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8 hours ago, KohKood said:

My whole time in Thailand I just wear a mask when arrived in end of February at the airport, because of Immigration and stuff, was scared they refuse my visa-on-arrival.


After that I never ever wore a mask again. Sometimes I get asked by some Thais at entrance of markets or bus stations who think they have power where my mask would be, I just look in their eyes and say I don't have one and then they always just say "ok".

When they saw Thais without mask 10 seconds before, they did not said a word.

Pure racism.




I do not trust Bill Gates and the people he is with, they are all hyper-intelligent and everyone who is intelligent and rational knows the world is overpopulated. Gates said that in many occasions.

I think it's very weird and don't fit together, that a guy who thinks the world is overpopulated now is the big guy behind the cure for a supposedly deadly virus. It just does not make sense.


In my home country a friend of mine worked in a hospital, after they tested patiens with the Covid-19-test-kits all of these patients got sick. AFTER they tested. The swab-test-kits are prepacked from the WHO and a few shady companies and are put deep inside your nose/mouth, which is very unusual and weird for a swab test, too.


I will never ever wear a mask, I will never ever get tested, I will never ever get vaccinated. These mRNA-vaccines should scare everyone, but still everyone is asking for it, just because they want the "old normal" back. Sheeple.



- Wore a mask just because he was scared his visa would be refused. 

- Thinks Thai’s are racist if he is asked to put his mask on.

- Does not trust Bill Gates and things there is a ‘herd thinning’ conspiracy. 

- All ‘Patients’ got sick after they were tested (well of course, they were in hospital because they were sick, no?)

- Will never ever wear a mask

- Will never ever get tested

- Will never ever get vaccinated



One question.... How much weed did you smoke to get this paranoid ????????


Is it me are are there a few whack-jobs out there who believe they must go against the grain at every step, those who are always anti-authority, those who think their civil rights are being eroded if they are asked to wear a mask. 

The same characteristics always appear - the same paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories. 

The same type of person who hates the ’nanny state’ and calls others ‘sheeple’, the type of person who works so hard to prove he can ‘fight authority’ at every step and prove he is not ’sheeple’.... 




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2 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

She is hiding in her basement waiting for a covid 19 vaccine...

She has been hiding for more than a decade.  Have you followed Stadtler?  You should, there will be prizes given.

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/8/2020 at 3:59 PM, richard_smith237 said:

- Wore a mask just because he was scared his visa would be refused. 

- Thinks Thai’s are racist if he is asked to put his mask on.

- Does not trust Bill Gates and things there is a ‘herd thinning’ conspiracy. 

- All ‘Patients’ got sick after they were tested (well of course, they were in hospital because they were sick, no?)

- Will never ever wear a mask

- Will never ever get tested

- Will never ever get vaccinated



One question.... How much weed did you smoke to get this paranoid ????????


Is it me are are there a few whack-jobs out there who believe they must go against the grain at every step, those who are always anti-authority, those who think their civil rights are being eroded if they are asked to wear a mask. 

The same characteristics always appear - the same paranoid delusions and conspiracy theories. 

The same type of person who hates the ’nanny state’ and calls others ‘sheeple’, the type of person who works so hard to prove he can ‘fight authority’ at every step and prove he is not ’sheeple’.... 




He may be right about some of those things (don't judge him too much) but thinking he would need to wear a mask to not be singled out by Thais is obviously over the top. No one was wearing or asked to wear a mask before around the latter part of March.


I don't trust Bill Gates either. So what. He thinks he's the world's foremost doctor/epidemiologist yet he has zero medical qualifications. He doesn't even have a university degree. Why should we trust someone just because they have a ton of money?


Speaking of paranoia, the only paranoid ones are the ones religiously wearing their masks and preying for a covid vaccine to "save them".

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