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Planets around nearby star are intriguing candidates for extraterrestrial life


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Planets around nearby star are intriguing candidates for extraterrestrial life

By Will Dunham



The multiplanetary system of newly discovered super-Earths orbiting nearby red dwarf star Gliese 887 is seen in this artist's impression. Mark Garlick/Handout via REUTERS


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Up to three planets - potentially rocky like Earth - have been spotted around a star located relatively near our solar system - a planetary system offering astronomers intriguing possibilities in the search for signs of extraterrestrial life.


The planets orbit Gliese 887, a so-called red dwarf star half the sun's mass located 11 light years from Earth - right in our backyard in cosmic terms, researchers said on Friday. A light year is the distance light travels in a year, 5.9 trillion miles (9.5 trillion km).


Only 12 other stars are closer to our solar system.


Two planets have been definitively identified, one orbiting Gliese 887 every nine days and the other every 21 days. One of these two is situated just inside what is called the habitable zone, or Goldilocks zone, around the star - not too hot and not too cold, perhaps able to maintain liquid water on the surface and harbor life.


A third potential planet orbiting every 50 days is located in the habitable zone, but still needs further confirmation.


"They are 'super-Earth' planets, which means that they are a few times the mass of the Earth and are expected to have a solid core like the Earth, as opposed to the big gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn," said astronomer Sandra Jeffers of the University of Göttingen in Germany, lead author of the research published this week in the journal Science.


"The newly detected planets are the best possibilities of all the known planets in close proximity to the sun to see if they have atmospheres and to study these atmospheres in detail," Jeffers added, to learn whether their conditions are "amenable for life."


This planetary system will be a key target for study using NASA's next-generation James Webb Space Telescope, due for a 2021 launch, Jeffers said.


Red dwarf stars are relatively small and cool. Gliese 887 is exceptionally inactive in terms of energetic outbursts and dark starspots, meaning it could be hospitable to life on the planets in its orbit.


(Reporting by Will Dunham; Editing by Sandra Maler)



-- © Copyright Reuters 2020-06-28
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Ditto; though looking at the history of the Earth, and the number of coincidences and accidents that had to occur to lead to an advanced breed of monkeys, I'm a bit doubtful we'll ever find intelligent life, maybe some more primitive forms if we're lucky; even that would be pretty mind blowing. If we ever did find intelligent life it would shake our world view to the core; I mean, it's one thing to consider these things as a divertissement, very different to know it as a reality.

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3 hours ago, Henryford said:

Only 100 trillion kms. Unless there is some major breakthrough in faster than light travel !! we will never see them.

"Never see them" – it's "only" 11 light years, why do they need to be faster than light...????

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3 hours ago, robblok said:

Intelligent life if it is around would want to avoid us. We are pretty violent as a species and look what we did with our planet.

They might already have been here, but decided we were of no further interest for contact...????

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3 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

Isn't it possible, in a vast unending universe made up of billions and billions of stars/planets/galaxies that life could be based on other elements? Perhaps elements that we don't even know about yet? Why not a silicone-based life form which breathes methane? Or, other combinations? Further, a brief look at life on Earth (One planet! One!) shows life existing in various environments from plants in the middle of a desert to plants living up north under a snow cap to life existing near thermal vents deep, deep in the ocean; if all that is possible on one planet, why do we continually limit our thinking to life being rare on other worlds?

Indeed, but we can hardly understand it, and need to compare to something we already know, our own form of life.


How would an isolated native person, seeing our kind of technologically advanced civilization for the first time, try to explain it to explain understandable for the other folks in the tribe?


In fact, we could be the odd form of life in the Universe, that other life forms have difficulty in understanding the existence of; however, we don't know...????

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3 minutes ago, curious297 said:

Any Aliens which can travel to earth will have technology far greater than ours. If theses aliens have any form of weaponry, it will also be more advanced than us. We would probably considered the level of early man or even less. It could be they are so advanced they would have GOD like powers or technology. If this is the case, they could probably wipe out the whole human race quite easily. We have been broadcasting signals into space for over a century. Just to give perspective, it takes a radio signal 5.5 hours to reach Pluto (4.9 Billion miles or 0.0006228 light years from earth) which means approx. 10 hours between communications. At 100(ish) light years away, aliens would be receiving broadcasts from earth from around 1950's, that's 70 years ago! Right now, aliens would be watching the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II broadcasted in 1953. If E.T. could phone home, he'd have a long wait for any reply.

You argue 'god like powers' then restrict them to the speed of our technology.

You seem confused rather than curious.

Edited by BritManToo
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2 hours ago, otherstuff1957 said:


The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy. Wikipedia
N=R_* \cdot f_P \cdot n_e \cdot f_l \cdot f_i \cdot f_c \cdot L
N = number of civilizations with which humans could communicate
R_* = mean rate of star formation
f_P = fraction of stars that have planets
n_e = mean number of planets that could support life per star with planets
f_l = fraction of life-supporting planets that develop life
f_i = fraction of planets with life where life develops intelligence
f_c = fraction of intelligent civilizations that develop communication
L =

mean length of time that civilizations can communicate



Until the 1990s every number for the Drake equation were just guesses.  Then, about 25 years ago, we started to discover exoplanets - planets orbiting other stars.  The current, and very conservative estimate, is that there are as many planets in our galaxy as there are stars!  Now, few Earth-like planets have been found, but that is largely because they are relatively small and fairly distant from sun-type stars.  However, when we consider the number of 'super-Earths' that we have found so far, it is highly likely that there are a large number of Earth-like planets. 


This means that Drake's Equation is no longer just a guess and that the numbers that we now know are quite favorable.


It is indeed a very interesting time to be alive!

While the Drake Equation is viewed as useful different scientists get different values depending on their 'educated' guesses at this time. More recently, some have questioned whether or not is actually complete. For example, the ability to live in extreme conditions. to mention but one possible addition. But of course there always remains the issue as to whether life and intelligent life, has to be life as we know it.

There are several 'drake equation' calculators on the net so if you haven't already done so check one out and put some of your own figures in.

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6 minutes ago, BritManToo said:

You argue 'god like powers' then restrict them to the speed of our technology.

You seem confused rather than curious.

Last chapter "Star-Child" in 2001 comes to mind...



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4 hours ago, Henryford said:

Only 100 trillion kms. Unless there is some major breakthrough in faster than light travel !! we will never see them.

Faster than light, and actually the speed of light. both impossible for any transport. This explains it well.



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6 hours ago, robblok said:

Intelligent life if it is around would want to avoid us. We are pretty violent as a species and look what we did with our planet.


Or it could be just as violent, if not more so. Then again, maybe flies are violent, I wouldn't know - I just swat them.

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4 hours ago, BritManToo said:

You argue 'god like powers' then restrict them to the speed of our technology.

You seem confused rather than curious.


 I made no argument "regarding God like powers". There was no debate however, I did say.... 


"It could be they are so advanced they would have GOD like powers or technology."

"Any Aliens which can travel to earth will have technology far greater than ours." 


Where did I, as you wrote, "restrict them to the speed of our technology"? The reference to speed was regarding the speed of terrestrial TV / radio transmissions travelling through space. Now, if aliens could bend space and time, it would take but an instant to traverse the universe or perhaps they have access to a stable worm hole and could possibly travel to Earth in minutes but that is a whole new conversation.


My deepest apologies if my post was too confusing for you. Anyone else need I explain in more detail?

Now I am curious if you are still confused ????



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Just imagine if we could develop a kind of space craft to send humans there, They meet up and we infect them with the COVID virus, I wonder what they would think of us ?????

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1 hour ago, lee b said:

Just imagine if we could develop a kind of space craft to send humans there, They meet up and we infect them with the COVID virus, I wonder what they would think of us ?????


That's assuming their are built along the same specs as us. And if they are at least on our technological level, then any alien (us) would be quarantined anyway.

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1 hour ago, lee b said:

Just imagine if we could develop a kind of space craft to send humans there, They meet up and we infect them with the COVID virus, I wonder what they would think of us ?????

and what if they infect us with some fancy intergalactic virus 1000 times more potent than C-19 ?  I have no interest to shake hands with any small green men ????

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I hope those planets are not populated with intelligent life. Those pesky aliens assuredly would rape and pillage an unoccupied planet before attacking earth for its precious resources; unless they have a taste for humans.  Hopefully God made them all vegetarians.

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