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Chinese jump at 'elite' Thailand visas to escape coronavirus


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The company reported revenue of 1.3 billion baht, a 27% year-on-year increase, for fiscal 2019 (Oct 1, 2018-Sept 30, 2019).

As of Sept 30, members using the card in 125 countries totalled 8,602, up from 7,135 the year before.


China accounted for 1,747 of Thai Elite holders, an 88% year-on-year increase, followed by Britain (479), Japan (443), the US (387) and France (348).

The most popular type of card is the Elite Easy Access for a five-year stay, costing 500,000 baht, followed by the Elite Superiority Extension for a 20-year stay (1 million baht) and the Elite Family Excursion for a five-year stay (800,000 baht).

The company posted a 200-million-baht net profit for fiscal 2019





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3 hours ago, ukrules said:


"They will be quarantined when they enter the country same as everyone else until those restrictions are lifted."




Unfortunately, 2 weeks quarantine will not be a cure for the generaly obnoxious behavior, the shouting, spitting all over the place, cutting in lines, and acting like bafoons at the buffet Etc.  That would require a much longer stay in quarantine. Like many years.

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"Beijing's new outbreak prompts wealthy to seek second home"

There is a problem with some Chinese when they buy up big houses. 

In my experience, they stay for a while and they trot off somewhere else. They do not pay for maintenance and support whilst they are away. Gardens grow wild and pools go black with zero care. Mosquitoes, rats and snakes thrive.

I have received a number of calls over recent years, from neighbours asking what can they do about it.

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I've done the math.


There are only TWO people on TVF that can afford an Elite Visa.


Money talks....bs walks......if you have money, you are the absolute master of the world!!!!!!

This is why people learn about helping others, realize they can't make much money and you need money in life, and then try to make money.

Rich people can fly anywhere, anytime, with anyone.....rich people get people elected and keep them elected. 

nobody with power is poor.  nobody. 

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2 hours ago, crazykopite said:

Only problem is they the Chinese don’t like spending money compered to Europeans I have one who lives next door to me he is so tight he squeaks when he walks 

Before COvid-19 every time I left BKK airport I will viist the VAT return counters. Never seen any farangs there but full of Chinese. Chinese don't sit in bars to ogle daughters  age young girls for a possible bride. The bride thing they have sorted out in their own country and in their own cultutre. Recently I have heard they have their own bars, girls, sex shows etc where neither Thais not farangs are allowed and they come here for mia nois.

Edited by Mulambana
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Their thinking isn't wrong, having another place to go in case something bad happens seems like a good idea.


But maybe they should choose a country that didn't actually ban its long-term residents from entering. Most countries made provisions to still allow citizens, legal residents and their families in - Thailand doesn't look good at all in that regard.


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2 hours ago, Mr Meeseeks said:

This article seems to be a sponsored piece so take it with a large pinch of salt. 


Also, the Elite Card does not give any residency rights whatsoever. It is just another temporary visa similar to a Non-O, albeit with long term validity. 


Unless you get Permanent Residency you are, according to official immigration rules, a temporary visitor for purposes other than tourism. 


5 years of retirement extension visas, but its not cutting any slack for me getting back to my home in Thailand and family. 

(Still just a glorified TR)

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14 minutes ago, Pravda said:

Many people are just jealous because they can't afford to stay in Thailand anymore, while some Chinese can just drop 500k for a visa and stay hassle free while immensely profiting from Thailand. They are not buying 500k visas to support hookers and give allowance to their families, that's for sure.


I read the same whinging and whining when I visit Canadian forums. Chinese and Indians stealing jobs, buying real estate while Canadians repeatedly fail to compete on global scale. Had an Indian rent a condo in Toronto from me because no Toronto landlord would because he doesn't have a credit history. The guy transferred from India 30 days ago working for a Canadian bank while making 120,000 bucks a year and stupid Toronto landlords wouldn't budge. No problem, I filled the need. The guy paid me every month and when he bought his own place found me a replacement from another Indian guy who just got transferred. Meanwhile I spent my time in Thailand not having to waste money on real estate agents or flying back to Canada to find another tenant.


Time for a western sexpat to face music I think.

Don't know about Indian-Canadins but I assume they must be welathy. In the USA Indian-Americans are on the top of the food chain with average household incomes twice that of caucasians. They occupy the CEO posts of more than 100 fortune 1000 coroporations, they are doctors, finacial planners, lawyers, engineers, bankers, etc. And some own motel chains, gas station chains, 7/11. sub way chaains. 

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I will bet they will open up the door more exclusively for the Chinese. For them buying an EV is sort of like infiltrating, because they always come en masse like keeping up with the Joneses. They are around in the CM as very noticeable. Maybe it is the schools here but their presence is very noticeable.


USA totally messed up and they have swarmed the Bay Area (my home town) like a plague, especially in the suburb areas. There are plenty of wealthy Chinese to flood anywhere and everywhere they want to or are allowed to go. Good Ole Elon musk just sold his Belaire house to a rich Chinese guy. So unfortunately money always talks, and for China they have probably well over 5 million millionaires, and then take other yearly earners to half of that amount and they have quite a lot of people who can purchase at will and not even blink an eye.. It would not surprise me if Thailand Immigration tweaks and makes a special EV just to accommodate only the Chinese. 

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14 minutes ago, Caldera said:

But maybe they should choose a country that didn't actually ban its long-term residents from entering. Most countries made provisions to still allow citizens, legal residents and their families in - Thailand doesn't look good at all in that regard.

Wealthy chines already have Portugal/Spanish golden visas that give them access to the entire Europe, they are the highest number of buyers of USA's E5 investment visa. Only poor chinese buy Thailand elites. And what does the poor farangs do? They flee to Thailand to find their brides outside their own culture and country so that they can live using the "wife visa", mostly eat rice and Thai foods (not that anything is wrong with that but it is not their own foods). Most chinese don't eat Thai foods. They eat their own foods but I have seen them buying boat load of fruits.

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5 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

The Thai Elite Visa holders cannot enter Thailand at the moment, or it seems, during phase 2 of reopening (which may allow foreign spouses and those on Non-Imm visas).


The Thai Elite Visa is just a glorified tourist visa - tourists are not allowed in to Thailand at the moment.



I guess it is possible that Thailand allows holders of the Thai Elite Visa entry, after all, those Visa Holders have paid a premium and committed financially to Thailand. If the same entry requirements (Covid-19 tests etc) are followed, I see no issue and thing Thailand should look after those prepared to financially commit. Those paying 500,000 baht for a Visa are hardly package tourists. 



I think those on a Retirement/Marriage currently trapped out of the country also should  be treated special due to the probability they have already invested in LOS and will continue to do for many years not just for a get out of Beijing card for 2 weeks of the year. 

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3 hours ago, upena said:

Thailand Elite can call it what they want - 5-year visa, 10-year visa, or 20-year visa. In reality, it is a one-year visa that has to be extended annually. Same-same Non-O or Non-OA.


I thought it was like 5 years and that was it, you renew annually, is that so? I never knew that.


I wouldn't change anyway, I am on Non- O, and if I wanted meeting off the plane or a fast track entrance to Thailand at Immigration, I would just pay for one of the Suvarnabhumi agents to do it.


You get it with a limousine across the city for around 50 GBP or so, under normal entry conditions.


I see no other advantages to it. Also, a couple of hours to renew my extension once a year is no great hardship. I believe even TE visas have to do the same as me regards 90 day report?


Yes, I have locked 800K, but if and when it ever comes to it, I can withdraw and take it with me.

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26 minutes ago, Mulambana said:

Wealthy chines already have Portugal/Spanish golden visas that give them access to the entire Europe, they are the highest number of buyers of USA's E5 investment visa. Only poor chinese buy Thailand elites. And what does the poor farangs do? They flee to Thailand to find their brides outside their own culture and country so that they can live using the "wife visa", mostly eat rice and Thai foods (not that anything is wrong with that but it is not their own foods). Most chinese don't eat Thai foods. They eat their own foods.

How could you possibly know what Chinese living in Thailand are eating ???

What is "their food", if not rice, noodles, stir fry, soup etc ?


"Only poor chinese buy Thailand elites". How could a poor Chinese person afford $20,000-$50,000 US on a visa when the average income is only $10,000 US a year. Wouldnt spending a couple of years wages on a visa make you one of the rich Chinese.

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You pay all that money and you still have to do 90 day reporting for a similar amount of money you get a 10 year visa in Malaysia and no one bothers you during that time you can even import a tax free car try doing that in Thailand .

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