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Trump denies being told about Russian bounties to kill U.S. troops in Afghanistan


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Trump has gone further now stating the reports of Russia’s paying bounties for the murder of American soldiers is ‘fake news’.


No instance of an inquiry.

No search for the truth.

No acceptance of what US intelligence have reported.


Backing Russian denials.

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6 minutes ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Trump has gone further now stating the reports of Russia’s paying bounties for the murder of American soldiers is ‘fake news’.


No instance of an inquiry.

No search for the truth.

No acceptance of what US intelligence have reported.


Backing Russian denials.

Have you considered that perhaps the president knows more about this than you do?

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16 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Yes, of course he does.


He speaks with putin often, at least five times in the last ~ 6 weeks.


That's five more times than I spoke to putin.

What's wrong with speaking to Putin? And why do you think you not speaking to Putin has any relevance?

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It never ceases to amaze me that some still support trump after all of thease scandles getting Americans killed in the 10s of thousands due to the bungled covid response soliciting foreign interference in our elections getting our allies and their families killed(the Kurds)the dereliction of duty to protect the constitution now this behavior acting like an amorous puppy dog trying to hump Putin’s leg when that sob has a bounty on American troops it just beggers belief oh and trump your hoax spiel is getting a bit old better change up I don’t think even your supporters belive it anymore 



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On 6/29/2020 at 5:41 PM, ChouDoufu said:

until then, it's just four months until the election, so expect more carp to be thrown against the walls to see if anything sticks.

Nah, catfish work better!


It's that sharp spine on thier back that does the trick. ????

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55 minutes ago, mtls2005 said:


Once they see DT as a liability they'll be away from him like rats leaving a sinking ship.


As for his base, I will not accept they are backing away from him until I see the poorly educated burning effigies of him in the streets.



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Tell it, Sue!


Why Does Trump Put Russia First?



At best, our commander in chief is utterly derelict in his duties, presiding over a dangerously dysfunctional national security process that is putting our country and those who wear its uniform at great risk. At worst, the White House is being run by liars and wimps catering to a tyrannical president who is actively advancing our arch adversary’s nefarious interests.


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1 minute ago, Chomper Higgot said:

Now that Trump has doubled down on his denials and called the whole thing a hoax, he has no reason at all to withhold witnesses called to give testimony before the Intelligence Committees. 

Even his denial is incoherent and hard to believe. First he said he didn't see the intelligence brief then pivot to the intelligent report didn't amount to a sufficient credibility and now it's a hoax. 

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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Even his denial is incoherent and hard to believe. First he said he didn't see the intelligence brief then pivot to the intelligent report didn't amount to a sufficient credibility and now it's a hoax. 

Kung Flu fighting distracted Trump from Russian plot

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It couldn't be more stupid, the dumbest of all. Why should Russians pay Talibans to kill US troops? Talibans have been enthusiastically doing it for years!  Russians don't need to waste their money. This anti-Trump group is desperate to remove him. But if he is such a bad president, the anti-Trumpers just should wait for the elections, what's the problem?  I'd say he is not  bad at all, and he has a great support  , and it scares the so-called leftist or whatever their brand is, only now it is more and more clear who really they are

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11 minutes ago, looking on the bright side said:

It couldn't be more stupid, the dumbest of all. Why should Russians pay Talibans to kill US troops? Talibans have been enthusiastically doing it for years!  Russians don't need to waste their money. This anti-Trump group is desperate to remove him. But if he is such a bad president, the anti-Trumpers just should wait for the elections, what's the problem?  I'd say he is not  bad at all, and he has a great support  , and it scares the so-called leftist or whatever their brand is, only now it is more and more clear who really they are

Just saying. American soldiers are well trained and armed and thus hard to kill and adversary risk life and limp to beg one. A financial incentive may motivate them. Russia want US out of Afghanistan and deaths of American soldiers are sensitive to the general US public and can hasten the withdrawal. 

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Why should Russians want US out of Afghanistan? They experienced bad times there, US helped to be so, and now they can see US is having trouble there. Talibans are controlling  a huge portion of Afghanistan, US is spending millions or billions to keep its strong influence ,what for? Russians now can only have satisfaction to see it is not really going well for US there. But, Russians are correct and wise ,so they refused  to sell any kind of arms to Talibans when they asked for . Russians don't like Talibans, ISIS and whatever comes as an extremist group. They are happy to cooperate with US army.

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20 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Just saying. American soldiers are well trained and armed and thus hard to kill

Not sure if the bounty was offered to Taliban only, or to anyone who could accomplish a killing.  In which case any local person with access to the guys could take a shot at them when they are unaware. doesn't have to be in combat.



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11 minutes ago, looking on the bright side said:

Why should Russians want US out of Afghanistan? They experienced bad times there, US helped to be so, and now they can see US is having trouble there. Talibans are controlling  a huge portion of Afghanistan, US is spending millions or billions to keep its strong influence ,what for? Russians now can only have satisfaction to see it is not really going well for US there. But, Russians are correct and wise ,so they refused  to sell any kind of arms to Talibans when they asked for . Russians don't like Talibans, ISIS and whatever comes as an extremist group. They are happy to cooperate with US army.

Geo-politics dominance. Now that Putin got his lifetime presidency, he will pursue his ambition to have bigger clout in strategic regions such as the Middle East and North Africa. Weakening of NATO is falling into place. Afghanistan is strategic as the country front Russia's southern border and the presence of American soldiers is a threat. ISIL is a threat too and Afghanistan is key to Russia security. 

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5 hours ago, Sujo said:

Bolton confirmed trump was told.

please review post #125.


some reporter said some guy said he overheard some guy say that bolton said.


please provide a link where bolton directly anwers that question.  otherwise you're simply repeating "fake news."

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5 hours ago, Tug said:

It never ceases to amaze me that some still support trump after all of thease scandles getting Americans killed in the 10s of thousands due to the bungled covid response soliciting foreign interference in our elections getting our allies and their families killed(the Kurds)the dereliction of duty to protect the constitution now this behavior acting like an amorous puppy dog trying to hump Putin’s leg when that sob has a bounty on American troops it just beggers belief oh and trump your hoax spiel is getting a bit old better change up I don’t think even your supporters belive it anymore 



maybe nothing to do with supporting the imbecile trump.  maybe don't want to see the president make stupid, rash decisions based on unconfirmed rumors or political needs.


let's say there's some truth to the story about the russian bounties.  an appropriate response is needed, not necessarily in public view.  however we don't know yet, and already we have congressmen calling for actions that result in dead russians, with a weak president in an election year running poorly in the polls.  if or when the story is shown to be false, do you think putin should respond to pile of dead russian soldiers?  or should he be satisfied with an apology? 


1964 was an election year, unconfirmed reports, rushed decisions...........that sure turned out well.

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Just now, The Barmbeker said:

Yup...and dismissed it!

Because THIS president, does not know how to find his behind, when the lights go out!

So then using your logic, Trump does not know about any offer for bounties on US troops by Russia. That's a very odd way of phrasing it, but OK.

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5 minutes ago, Crazy Alex said:

So then using your logic, Trump does not know about any offer for bounties on US troops by Russia. That's a very odd way of phrasing it, but OK.

I am sure doesn't KNOW anything!

Was he briefed?

Oy yes!

Did he just don't care!


And now, that he is aware, it is the fake news, a hoax, the democrats, 5G or cancer making windmills...

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