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Approval to return July


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13 hours ago, SGD said:

Well, to update, Qatar cancelled the flights until 2nd August.


Regarding the quarantine, I spoke to the Anantara, a hotel I know well. They confirmed that meals (full board) would be delivered to your room and you were not even allowed to go out on the balcony. After a second negative test on day 11, you could ask to have a 1 hour pool or exercise period from your room but until that time, you would be, essentially, locked in your room.


As this hotel has various blocks, it is highly possible to simply allocate a block to quarantine and then make it harder for you to get in or out.


Of course, the 130k for a suite for 2 people is lunacy if you cannot use the facilities which makes the hotel at large worth 130k.


I speculate that this stand off will continue until someone in the Thai government does a deal for reciprocal non quarantine such as the UK has done. Only then will the planes fly.


And on this $100k requirement for insurance, that needs to be removed as well because the fees being charged will stop 99% of people travelling.

Wow..It sounds very scaring , like prison style. Absolutely not the best way to encourage tourists to come.

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...And very risky too. They said foreigners will be tested multiple times and finally released only if negatives... and who guarantees the reliability of the tests ? So many false positive in US and EU , immagine in Thailand. In case of positivity what could happen ? We would be taken to a 5 stars hospital and forced to spend 50 to 100 thousand baht extra,maybe more.

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13 hours ago, keenyao said:

...And very risky too. They said foreigners will be tested multiple times and finally released only if negatives... and who guarantees the reliability of the tests ? So many false positive in US and EU , immagine in Thailand. In case of positivity what could happen ? We would be taken to a 5 stars hospital and forced to spend 50 to 100 thousand baht extra,maybe more.

if you test positive, then the COVID insurance will kick in, so you'll pay nothing.

if you dont have COVID insurance you can't get in.

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Hi all


I am new to the forum but not new to Thailand, I have also been following the discussions on here regarding numerous topics for a while.


I have a Retiree Visa and I live in Pattaya, I left Thailand in early June as I had to get back to work or I would be unemployed. How can we push for to have retirees permitted to come back to Thailand, the current rules for reentry are ridiculous and do not support the people who have supported the country through the good and bad times. Its ridiculous.


Interested to hear thoughts on how this forum could put something forward. Cheers

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39 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


Try lobbying your MP at home and/or the embassy of your country in Thailand. However the current rules will not be dropped this year, I do not think. Best you can hope for is retirees to be allowed back in. And once you are back in, do not leave until next year.

Hmmm, thought it would be early September as their current rules are not sustainable at all for the economy. The country has become ridiculous. I cant lobby anyone where I am, when I get back I am leaving for good, as have had the double standards there and the segregation. So I only need to get back to relocate my things. 

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email from hotel, 

Kindly be informed you that on 3rd August we have “Junior Suite Room” available for state quarantine.


Refer to your question about use hotel facilities after 1st Covid test is negative, kindly review more detail as below for your reference.


Covid-19 Tests:


1st test during day 3 - 5

2nd test during day 11 - 13


Daily temperature check:

- Twice daily


Relaxing Area:

- At Riverside Terrace and guest can access during 09:30 – 11:30 hrs. & 15:30 – 17:30 hrs. (allow to use once they receive a nagetive result on 1st Covid-19 test).

- Guest can access this area once per day and advance reservation is required.


Gym and Swimming pool:

- Guest can use gym and swimming pool once guest receive a negative result fron 2nd Covid-19 test.


Gym at 09:00 – 10:00 hrs.

Swimming Pool at 10:00 – 11:00 hrs.

*If guest choose to enjoy gym and swimming pool, time as state above. They will not allow to use Riverside Terrace in the afternoon.



Should you wish to have any further assistance, please do not hesitate to let me know and we look forward very much to serving you.


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20 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


No country is perfect. Western countries have not done any better in their response to this virus than Thailand. 

Not saying they are. But very anti foreigners and that's been the case for a while. They are starting to open up more in other countries and there economies are a lot better off, most of the shops, bars, nightlife will never open again in Thailand, so I wouldn't compare them to other countries that have done better. 

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24 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


Nobody cares about economies right now, anywhere. Nothing is sustainable, yet it continues. I really don't see governments anywhere snapping out of this trance this year.

Who is nobody? Everyone cares... they should care. Of course things are sustainable. But the government has been brainwashed by the media and that is globally, which in turn makes the government to scared to act and that is evident, particularly in Thailand and all they are doing is chasing the bucks by letting the rich in. 

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4 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


No govt anywhere cares right now. Everyone is scared blind of the virus. They should care, but they don't, and they won't any time this year. I would not single out Thailand's behaviour here. No country for this perfect.

Sorry, don't agree, I am in a different country now and have been into different countries recently and no, they are not the same. 

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12 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


Well if you are so critical of Thailand, you need not live there. I don't see any use criticising them and playing the victim game. I'll go through the hoops I need to in order to get back there, and be quite happy once I am. 


Life is too short to get upset about things you can't control.

Yes and I won't be, like many other expats I know, but I don't need you to suggest that to me. NO victim game, what a stupid comment. You have your reasons to get back and I have mine, nothing to do with being a victim. You seem to think that the place wont open up until 2021, complete negativity and not realistic as far as I am concerned. What hoops?? Its clear cut at the moment and they are lagging behind, open the place up to the people who have supported Thailand, including the people who have chosen to live there over the years and stop being money hungry grubs. That is fact. Where were you during Covid at the start and through the worst??? Were you in the streets handing out money as I was, my own money, to help people? The Government sure as hell were not.  

Edited by WA Tiger
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9 hours ago, WA Tiger said:

I have a Retiree Visa and I live in Pattaya, I left Thailand in early June as I had to get back to work or I would be unemployed. How can we push for to have retirees permitted to come back to Thailand...

Do I understand this correctly?


1. Until an unspecified date in June 2020 you lived in Pattaya on a "Retirement Visa", with which you presumably mean a retirement extension.


2. On the aforementioned unspecified date in June, you flew to an unspecified country "to get back to work"  as otherwise you would have lost your unspecified job.


3. Now you are eager to fly to Thailand again. What about your job in that unspecified country? Have you lost it despite your return to work in June?

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6 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


I don't think it will fully open until 2021, no. I don't believe borders internationally will open this year generally. There will be no vaccine in my opinion this year, and maybe not ever. None of this is negative - it is just reality. If everything is resolved sooner, great. But we're already in July and there are no signs of any quick resolution. I just don't see it happening this year. I think it is best to be realistic.


It is like diagnosed with cancer. You try to deny it at first and then you accept it. We need to accept that covid is here to stay, and the world will not go back to how it was this year.


Thailand is not lagging behind, sorry. Australia is not letting students back in yet, for example, whereas Thailand now is. Other countries are not allowing medical tourists, where Thailand now is. Etc. Thailand with these latest announcements is ahead of other countries. I think Thailand will probably let retirees back in soon as well, even when other countries are not.


As for this notion that you supported Thailand - how? Did you pay taxes? Did  you employ Thais? If you didn't, you did not support Thailand in any meaningful way. Just living there is not supporting the country. Pay taxes, employ people, and then you support the country.


And as for Thailand being hungry for money, which country isn't? How many European countries give passports to people who can pay for them?


You love to attack Thailand, but nowhere is perfect.


Where was I at the start of covid? Recovering from cancer treatment. And once I'm back in Thailand I'll be happy, and not complaining.


Mate, maybe you should just jump off a bridge because you have nothing to look forward to at all really do you. I will leave you with your negativity, good luck with that. Post up here when you get in, we can catch up and maybe you could bite the heads off chickens while I have a beer. Cheers

Edited by WA Tiger
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4 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


I said nothing to justify this sort of abusive language from you. You are a nasty person with a racist sense of entitlement.


Admitting that covid is here to stay and borders will not open is not negative, by the way. It is just reality. Just like HIV, there might never be a cure. Borders may never open again. It is what it is. 

No I am not, not abusing you at all yet. I am not racist and far from it, just call it how it is. Stop playing the VICTIM!!!!! 

Its a defeatist attitude and typical of the negativity that thrives in this world today because of people like you. Yes and the world might explode and you might end up being positive, so it is what it is. I just don't choose to follow the same thought process path you do. That's it! 

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4 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


I was not playing the victim. I was simply stating that you were using abusive language, which you were.


None of my comments were defeatist or negative either. I was simply stating that Covid might not be able to be beaten and that borders might not re-open. It is entirely possible that the world will never return to what it was.


After 9/11, heightened airport security was introduced permanently. We can not take bottles of wine on board any more. Some things never go back to the way they were. It is possible borders will never fully re-open again. This is just reality.


You started these posts asking what you could do. I told you to lobby your MP or embassy. If you have a genuine link to the country, and you can show you are not a health risk, you should probably allowed in. You can make that case.


It became obvious through subsequent posts that you have a real problem with Thailand though, so I'm not sure why you want to go back. You claim to have contributed to the country, yet you paid no taxes and employed no Thais. 


I think Thailand is right in future to reject more people from coming in, and I hope they do. Many tourists and retirees spend next to nothing in the country, so I don't see why they should be allowed to stay. Covid might be a positive thing if it means Thailand gets tougher on these issues.


No mate, I wasn't using abusive language at all, maybe you are bit fragile. 

All of your comments are negative.

9/11 is completely different, no comparison at all. 

No, I suggested that Government get its act together and allow other people, mainly Retirement Visa holders entry into the country instead of lining their pockets. You "told me", yes, don't tell me. Feel free to suggest. 

I have no problem with Thailand at all, never have a never will, the government on the other hand and how they make decisions is another story. I did not claim that at all, I mentioned nothing about taxes either, you are really just making your own story up as yo go along.

You last sentence really sums up who you are and what you are about!!!!! After this post I will not bother replying to you, clearly you are delusional. 


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Meanwhile back on topic

I have booked my hotel to return


comment from hotel

Under this program, you won’t be physically confined in your room. Once you receive the first negative COVID-19 test, you will be able to come out and enjoy our approved hotel facilities. You can work in our cafe, exercise in our gym, and take a stroll in our sky garden. Forget the usual quarantine sites and welcome to the quarantine journey that is designed to make you feel as comfortable and as safe as possible.


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11 hours ago, PatrickC said:

If you contribute to Thailand economically through taxes, employing Thais, or because you have family there, you can contact the embassy about entering. Otherwise, you need to wait in queue likely until next year.

Well, you make it sound as you'll be allowed to enter the country soon after letting your embassy know of your intent.

People have been submitting applications on the bases of marriage starting as long as almost 3 weeks ago without anyone reporting any news on being approved.

I wonder if you've heard anything?

You mention you stay in contact with your embassy.

My embassy and consulate don't respond to my emails.

Edited by unheard
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1 hour ago, PatrickC said:


My embassy contacts me every day. I guess it is hit and miss in terms of embassy quality. They told me I'd hear more this week but not sure if that will happen.


I do believe people will be allowed entry to Thailand if they fall into the permitted categories - but it does take time. Singapore and Vietnam are both now letting permitted people in again.

Please keep us posted.

Hope they continue to be as responsive.

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1 hour ago, PatrickC said:


My embassy contacts me every day.

btw, have you applied online or filled out via paper forms?

And afterwards, have you received an email confirmation with a link allowing you to update (if needed) your application?

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1 hour ago, PatrickC said:


My embassy contacts me every day. I guess it is hit and miss in terms of embassy quality. They told me I'd hear more this week but not sure if that will happen.


I do believe people will be allowed entry to Thailand if they fall into the permitted categories - but it does take time. Singapore and Vietnam are both now letting permitted people in again.

Yeah they'll get it ironed out. Will be bumpy for the first month, it is Thailand after all and patience is an absolute requirement. ????????

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2 hours ago, PatrickC said:

For everyone in this thread - the Thai embassy confirmed today that all COE applications are on hold globally until new guidance is released today or tomorrowThey further confirmed that after this, the embassies globally would control the approval process, not Bangkok. So once the guidance is out, if you qualify, you will need to make friends with your embassy and get that COE issued. It will be at their discretion. 

Can you confirm your source for this???


Hopfully this is true, I'll get onto to my one ASAP, and i'll kepp ALL posted on the reply or silence

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32 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


Thai embassy in Australia

From UAE Abu Dhabi

We are working on your application,but there are some changes with the procedures and we are waiting for the confirmation from Thailand,so please bear with us. We will let you know once you get the approval or any updated news.


I'm trying to stay positive, but this appears to be linked to the travel bubbles being delayed 

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13 hours ago, unheard said:

Well, you make it sound as you'll be allowed to enter the country soon after letting your embassy know of your intent.

People have been submitting applications on the bases of marriage starting as long as almost 3 weeks ago without anyone reporting any news on being approved.

I wonder if you've heard anything?

You mention you stay in contact with your embassy.

My embassy and consulate don't respond to my emails.

100% with you, no one returns the emails, actually I have one and a smiley face emoji from the Thai Embassy in the country where I am now, could not believe it. 

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34 minutes ago, PatrickC said:


Not linked to that. Guidance has been released - Thai embassy in AU confirmed.

are you able to share whats changed 

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This is what I got this morning, the usual blurb at the moment. 


"Dear Applicant 


Thank you for your email.


If you are holding a retirement visa, you cannot travel to Thailand at this time.


At present, Permit for passenger aircraft will be given only if the passengers or persons on board are one of the following categories:
• Non-Thai nationals who are a spouse, parents, or children of a Thai national (You must have a marriage certificate/ child or children birth certificate)
• Non-Thai nationals who hold a valid work permit to work in the Kingdom, including their spouse or children.
• Non-Thai nationals who hold a valid certificate of residence (holding Permanent Residence in Thailand)
• Non-Thai nationals who are students of educational institutions approved by Thai authorities, including the parents or guardians of the students.



Thailand still has a state of emergency, once the border is opened we will announce on our website.




Kind Regards,


Visa officer

The Royal Thai Consulate General
Level 8, 131 Macquarie St Sydney NSW 2000"

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