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The week that was in Thailand news: Double, double toil and trouble: Two tier pricing moves and a damp squib return


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The only thing that put a damp feeling on things is reading the garbage in the OP.

No problem, I have been out eating and drinking. Sure, it´s a little bit different and some changes as well as some tests to go through. However, it was a good time and a nice dinner. I just don´t get all the need to make things much worse than they really are, and the need for constant complaining.

Well, if everything is wrong. Just stay home then!

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2 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

No problem, I have been out eating and drinking. Sure, it´s a little bit different and some changes as well as some tests to go through. However, it was a good time and a nice dinner.

What tests did you have to go through ?

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9 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

The only thing that put a damp feeling on things is reading the garbage in the OP.

No problem, I have been out eating and drinking. Sure, it´s a little bit different and some changes as well as some tests to go through. However, it was a good time and a nice dinner. I just don´t get all the need to make things much worse than they really are, and the need for constant complaining.

Well, if everything is wrong. Just stay home then!

Never a positive in a response, but its to be expected as nothing can reach the standards you would like to see.  I however always see through the mundane BS and seem to find a ray of light in what I have no skin in the game for.

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15 minutes ago, Don Mega said:

What tests did you have to go through ?

Nah, tests and tests. Just the temp check and that the hands got disinfected. Just choosed to name it tests and thought you would understand. Sorry for that, I should have known better. ???? 

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2 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Double pricing, scamming, are a Thai way of life,

no way is it going to change anytime soon,if ever.

regards worgeordie

2 tier pricing exists in almost every country in the world. One price for adults, another for children, seniors etc. Don't bash Thais, look at your own country. 

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11 minutes ago, Bundooman said:

One has to wonder why there is this double standard, don't you think?

On the unrelated aspect of double standards, they want him to answer questions, preferably in America, but refuse to extradite the killer claiming diplomatic immunity.

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2 minutes ago, Fairynuff said:

You should have....but rarely do

I sincerely hope you understand how totally useless your comment was.


Anyway, Thanks for your extreme devotion to my posts. I hope is not take up too much of your precious time to collect such important knowledge.

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Speaking of regulating food deliverers, the Grab guys in Ubon drive crazier then the normal crazy drivers. The more food they deliver the more money they make so they take more chances then normal. We all know how bad bikers drive but Grab drivers are far worse.

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Double pricing, scamming, are a Thai way of life,

no way is it going to change anytime soon,if ever.

regards worgeordie

I do not mind then doing it for historic things, as well the Tourists SHOULD pay more, as maintaining these things must be just such a HUGE problem, most top people liking to use the country's money for other things (Like Buying Votes) ... But I feel that Entertainment should always be on a Level Playing Field, like in that area ... we ALL ARE equal I think. ?

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Yes, I think that Dream World would be a Great Crack, I always was going to take the kids there ... but well, we never made it ... and now I am stuck in Australia !(G'd Dam it) .... Still I am healthy now, and eve better ... so if I ever DO make it back in ! Yes Rooster .... Dream World it will be .... And for ME !!!


I have been to some of the other places Like Viking Park ? When I was much MUCH younger, is that still around ? ...  Like back in the 80's ... and well YES Thais do have a REALLY good way of doing these sort of .... "Sanook" (Fun) Things !!! .... like walking through the Ghost Train, with 3 girls from Cowboy, for a laugh with an old cassette player in my Hand ... and well the Thai guys in the control room in the center of it all ... could obviously see the Tape Player quite clearly even in the 80% dark ! ... and they had what were rubber things, about the size of a pair of Thongs, on strings that they could make fly around the place in the dark, ... and hit people !!! .... So well, The Big White light house, with 3 very nice girls from Cowboy, .... And a cassette player in his hand !!!   .... It pretty obviously quickly became a pretty Major Target for them !!! ... Like I think it only just made it back out in one Piece again I think ! in one piece !  ... God Bless the good Thais and ..."Sanook" ...


Thanks Rooster ! .. Another Good one. ...

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4 hours ago, worgeordie said:

Double pricing, scamming, are a Thai way of life,

no way is it going to change anytime soon,if ever.

regards worgeordie

Scamming, that may be here to stay for a while. Whereas dual pricing may very well go the way of the dodo. After all, with zero tourism income, if the Thais don't play this card correctly it will cost them big time. Already a couple of privately operated tourist sites have confirmed they will officially grant expats the local price. Not tourists though, but it's a step in the right direction.

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2 hours ago, Fairynuff said:

On the unrelated aspect of double standards, they want him to answer questions, preferably in America, but refuse to extradite the killer claiming diplomatic immunity.


And on the unrelated aspect of double standards, the USA is not prepared to ask their own leaders awkward questions, so why do they think that they should question ours. Furthermore, the US always pushes for foreigners to visit "America" to be questioned, but don't extradite their own garbage to do the same. 

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They will put up prices at the drop of a hat and need to be regulated by the government to keep them remotely fair and in line.”

I’ll pass on journalists giving economic advice.


Prices can’t rise more than people are prepared to pay. Setting price caps pretty much ensures a shortage and creates resistance to new actors entering the market to compete prices back down. Take a look at Venezuela to see the widespread disaster this kind of state meddling creates.


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1 hour ago, sawadee1947 said:

And Thai bashing seems to be your way of life ????

just saying it the way it is,especially in tourist areas,but i suppose you have never paid

double price or been cheated or scammed in some way ???


You believe anytime soon double pricing is going to disappear,if so you are very nieve.

regards worgeordie



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9 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Thailand one would need several hands’ worth to point at some countries around the world who have flip-flopped and made things up as they go along.

Is it that difficult just to say....CHINA

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