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Which PGCEi to obtain the teaching license?

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Hi everyone,


I'm looking into doing a PGCEi and Nottingham seems to be the most popular for Thailand. Is there a reason for this as there are much cheaper alternatives?  Has anyone done it through Cumbria or Derby as they are considerably cheaper and I would like to know if this is a good course? Also on completion has anyone had any trouble obtaining the teaching license as I have read in some forums that these newer courses have not yet been recognised by TCT (Teacher council Thailand). I know Nottingham is accepted but I'm scared of completing it with another university only to be rejected by TCT. I would however like to save myself 2 grand if I can though.


Thanks in advance!

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A PGCE is a PGCE, So long as it is from a accredited UK university, it is acceptable the World over.  Go for the cheaper option.  You will not be any better a teacher with an expensive Post Grad qualification. 

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Yeah i just wonder if that is why Nottingham is the more popular course because on completion it is definitely approved by the TCT. I would like to hear if anyone had any problems getting the license on completion with Derby or Cumbria.

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The first cohort of Derby started in  late 2019, I doubt anyone finished it yet to try their hands on getting the TCT license. If you are resourceful go chat with the TCT with a translator. Usually any teaching program with a university that is on their "approved list" will do. Personally I know people who were resourceful enough to get their courses approved by the TCT. These few courses that are now well established , But like all ,the representatives had to go there personally to get the courses "approved" or at-least be told that they will be accepted for the 5 year license upon completion.

Edited by Smokegreynblues
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5 year License? I didn't realise it was capped? I thought once you had it that was it? Would like more info on this if you can help.


Thanks for your help about the 'approval' though. I will talk to the girl in my office at school.

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  • 2 weeks later...

You can only get permission to teach for five years, and you must show some "educational development" to get it extended.


You need three "development activities".


  You can start the process 18 months before it expires.





 - Hold Bachelor’s degree or higher in Education field or
     - Hold Bachelor’s degree in another field + teaching experience of not less than 5 years or
     - Hold lower than Bachelor’s degree + teaching experience of not less than 10 years
     - License holder must supply reasonable documentation of not less than 3 professional 

       development activities during the 5-year validity period of the license
     - The school director examines the accuracy and approve that the license holder meets the qualification

Required documents: 

    1.  Completed Professional License Renewal Application Form (Form KS. 02) with a 1-inch photo attached; and sign applicants’ name on above line.
    2.  Completed applicant’s Qualification Declaration Form (Form KS. 02.10). This form must be signed by the applicant on the page 4, and the school director examines the accuracy and approve that the license holder meets the qualification, as well as sign his/her name on the page 5.
    3.  Copy of documents or evidence of the performance results of professional practice as specified in Section 2, Item 2.1 (pages 2 - 4 of the KS. 02.10 Form) the performance results must include at least 3 different activities and occur during the license’s period of validity  
    4.  Copy of all the used pages of the teacher’s passport; preferably the photo page and present Non-B Visa page
    5.  Copy of all the used pages of the teacher’s work permit
    6.  Copy of the current teaching license
    7.  Copy of educational certificate along with official transcripts 
    8. Two 1 X 1.25 inch half-length, full face photographs in which the applicant is facing             the camera directly; wearing formal clothing without hat and sunglasses; taken against plain, blue or white background and taken within the last six months (Do not wear a t-shirt or tank top, no smile)
                - Scanned Polaroid and photographs printed on an inkjet printer are unacceptable.
                - One photograph will be glue to the application form (KS. 02) in the designated space and place another one in a small zippered plastic bag and staple it to the form.         
    9.  Payment receipt for license renewal fee: 200 Baht

Remark:  All copies of original documents being submitted must be certified as true copies of the
              original by the applicant or the authorized person.



Please see: http://site.ksp.or.th/about.php?site=englishsite&SiteMenuID=4617

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