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Laughing reactions every time there is bad news about Thailand


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Sadly when one reads about Thailand majority in general will be negative there is a reason for it. Hate is a strong word but if the solution is to leave a bad situation every time then it would be running away from the problem and not the solution to fixing things.


Just because foreigners and that includes me don't like something doesn't mean we should just leave or run from the problem listening whether one likes it or not there is always some truth in the conversation take that little and try to recognize and maybe address or fix it?

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thailand has many good points a lot of bad too.the arrogant racist incompetence of the authorities seem to be the point most people make and its a good one.people have lived here yrs and have no rights no respect from govt,our own self righteous govts/embassies need to drag themselves away from their cocktail parties and self congratulatory culture and deal with this.hypocrisy is a sickening culture and theyre mired in it.i for one wish to move on but am trapped by the virus,i wish to sell my assets here ,namely an apt and that will take a while as the covids screwed the mkt.but i just want out.it aint the only game in town once coronas left.

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