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KFC franchisee weighs US$200M sale of Thai business

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8 hours ago, stephenterry said:


Well, if you don't like fried chicken, for whatever reason, that's your choice, but it's not junk food and probably has less fat than many Thai dishes. It's a high protein meal and much better nutritionally than burgers and fries.

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10 hours ago, SteveK said:

Some idiots people talk about fast food like it's poison, which it obviously is not. Eaten occasionally and responsibly, like most people do, it is not any risk to your health. It's quick, convenient and you get a lot of calories for the money. Also, why do some people think that MSG is bad for you, it exists naturally in a whole host of foods and is better for you than salt.


Throughout history, humans have always had the choice of less healthy options, if people can't maintain their weight than that's their fault, not the person providing the food. If you take regular exercise and eat normally most of the time, there's no reason not to eat fast food if you enjoy it. I resent governments putting extra taxes on certain foods, it's just another step towards a nanny state. Even worse is people who go around telling other people what they should and shouldn't be eating.


I agree with you, and 30 years ago this wouldn't even be an issue, but with working families leading such a busy lifestyle these days, just to pay the bills, fast food is being relied upon for regular meals, not as the occasional convenient meal.  Thus, high levels of child obesity in many western countries.


They tax cigarettes because of the burden smokers put on the health care system.  They tax alcohol for the same reason, plus the law and order issues it causes.  


They want to tax sugar for the health issues it will cause when this current generation start to put high demands on health care systems all around the world with obesity issues.  


I really do see your point, no one likes a Nanny State, and although retired, I still have to pay taxes, and I am not so happy that the tax payers money is funding health care for those that chose a poor lifestyle when it comes to diet.  For me, eating junk food everyday is like smoking cigarettes.  

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On 7/10/2020 at 11:47 AM, JensenZ said:

Fried chicken is not junk food. Are you suggesting people stop eating fried chicken, a culinary favourite the world over, probably for thousands of years. 

What a ridiculous thing to say! Fried chicken is extremely unhealthy, like most fried food, regardless of how widespread it is.

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On 7/10/2020 at 11:33 AM, sprq said:

Traditional Thai food is very largely healthy and unfattening. That is why Thai people were almost all slim until the last dozen years or so, when Western junk food and snacks began to be widely consumed.

I think the main problem is the drinks, which are largely Thai produced, but copied from the USA, which has been forcing its population to consume as much sugar as possible since the 1950's. The whole 'calories and fat are bad' paradigm was created by the USA sugar industry, using the same advertising strategies and companies as it's main consumer, the tobacco industry (did you know cigarette tobacco was soaked in sugar solution - probably the main catalyst of the addiction?). So when you go to a 7-11 to get a drink, there is nothing in the usual 3-4 drinks cabinets that isn't saturated in sugar except for water. The only reason energy drinks have taurine in them is to stop the shakes from the high sugar and caffeine content. I recommend 'The Case Against Sugar' by Gary Taubes - excellent book on the subject. I've gone from almost obese myself to my ideal weight since lockdown started, largely following the advice in the book. The body self-regulates itself in terms of normal food, so you can eat fat without effect, but sugar is not one of our natural foods - we only started eating it when it was exported from its source, India, a few centuries ago: humans did not get fat before then (apart from Indians, who knew 1,000 years ago that it was the cause of excess body fat). We can not process fructose, which is 50% of sugar, so it gets stored in our livers, giving us fatty liver syndrome in the same way as excess alcohol, and then in the rest of the body.

Edited by katatonic
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3 minutes ago, katatonic said:

Hilarious! 67% fat and you'd need to eat 25 a day to hit your daily requirements. Not to mention the salt content.

It's hilarious that you just wrote "The body self-regulates itself in terms of normal food, so you can eat fat without effect"


But now you complain that fried chicken has fat? Are you going to make any sense today? At all?


It's 6% fat per piece, not 67, btw.

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18 hours ago, JensenZ said:

Well, if you don't like fried chicken, for whatever reason, that's your choice, but it's not junk food and probably has less fat than many Thai dishes. It's a high protein meal and much better nutritionally than burgers and fries.

Back in the early 60's and before, meat consumption was regarded as healthy in the absence of antibiotics, hormones and factory farm conditions that bred disease and viruses. Nowadays, and especially pig and chicken farming is subject to a growing and slaughtering regime that constantly breeds disease, and one reason why the USA farm industry dump slaughtered caged chickens into chlorinated water to remove the surface bacteria from their caked faeces before marketing.


So your post is totally incorrect in today's world and especially declaring processed chicken foods are healthy and nutritious when in reality they're not anywhere near that. Go and visit, or google factory farms, for the truth behind how these junk foods are produced.  


As for protein, humans are can get all their nutritional needs by following a whole food plant based lifestyle e.g.: 

Lentils. Legumes are the most protein-rich group of vegetables available.

  • Avocados.
  • Apricots. ...
  • Spinach. ...
  • Soybeans.


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1 hour ago, stephenterry said:

Back in the early 60's and before, meat consumption was regarded as healthy in the absence of antibiotics, hormones and factory farm conditions that bred disease and viruses. Nowadays, and especially pig and chicken farming is subject to a growing and slaughtering regime that constantly breeds disease, and one reason why the USA farm industry dump slaughtered caged chickens into chlorinated water to remove the surface bacteria from their caked faeces before marketing.


So your post is totally incorrect in today's world and especially declaring processed chicken foods are healthy and nutritious when in reality they're not anywhere near that. Go and visit, or google factory farms, for the truth behind how these junk foods are produced.  


As for protein, humans are can get all their nutritional needs by following a whole food plant based lifestyle e.g.: 

Lentils. Legumes are the most protein-rich group of vegetables available.

  • Avocados.
  • Apricots. ...
  • Spinach. ...
  • Soybeans.


I shouldn't have started as I didn't really want to have a debate with a woke health nut. I used to be a health nut myself who worried about everything I ate, and I'm well aware of the chemical contamination of food, including chicken.


You called fried chicken "junk food". but going by your collected knowledge of chemical contaminants in food, virtually all food is junk food. Certainly you would label everything I put in my mouth as "junk food" because I don't even buy "organic" at ridiculous prices.


The stress from worry about all these chemicals in the foods we eat will probably cause more health issues than just eating it and enjoying it. I feel better now than in the days I used to care.


Let's make it simple. Only deep fry organic, chemical free chicken. Happy now? Perhaps you're a vegetarian and you call all meat "junk food", no matter how it is raised? Even if the chicken is organic, you'd probably say that all deep fried food is bad.



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I air fry, no oil, as it's processed, even olive oil. And not eaten meat of any kind for 50 years, with no damaging health issues  - a complete medical testing cardio, xray, blood examination of heart, lungs, liver and kidneys in December 2019 - all functioning normally, except watching my waterworks at night.  


But as you say - each to their own. and yes, no stress is healthier.

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