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Sharp jump in Covid-19 cases in state quarantine


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16 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Is this apart from all the workers testing positive for the virus after leaving Thailand and returning to their own country ? They caught it somewhere - obviously in Thailand ! And if they had it in Thailand, Thais have it in Thailand.


Hmmm ..... I'm sure Prayuth would explain that they must have caught it in no mans land . Perhaps they dawdled too long crossing the various friendship bridges.

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52 minutes ago, JusticeGB said:

I had a Scottish friend with a cough and temperature of 39.5 centigrade. The local Government hospital said that they had no spare covid19 testing kits so sent him home with some codene pills. No test - no covid19. Simple answer as to why Thailand has low figures. He self quarantined for three weeks and luckily recovered.

" No test - no covid19. Simple answer as to why Thailand has low figures. "


No testing means low death figures, that's a good one.

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No reported domestic cases now for 47 days.

The daily cases reported being repatriated thais being tested positive on entry.

Some questions:

> Does anybody have the figures of those being tested positive actually becoming ill?

I presume - but might be wrong, hence my request for data - that many of those 'tested positive' are 'False positives'. 

1 - The test has an accuracy of 98% > meaning that on every 100 people tested, there are 2 'false alarms'. 

2 - Furthermore the test does not distinguish between infected/infectuous.  If you had covid, but have a healthy immune system you might not have even noticed that you had it, but the test can reveal the debris from the virus and mark you as 'positive'.

3 - This is exactly what happened in Korea, and led to the notion of asymptomatic carriers and spreaders of the virus, an urban myth based on a misunderstanding that was later cleared up.  But the damage was done, and that fairy tale was already parrotted all over the media and is now accepted by the public as true (and scary).


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2 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

Is this apart from all the workers testing positive for the virus after leaving Thailand and returning to their own country ? They caught it somewhere - obviously in Thailand ! And if they had it in Thailand, Thais have it in Thailand.

Where did you see news of this?

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49 minutes ago, 86Tiger said:

The flu vaccine is a joke.

Try telling that to the dearly departed.

The UK have now included children in the annual vaccine program as evidence has shown them to be superspreaders.

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57 minutes ago, JusticeGB said:

I had a Scottish friend with a cough and temperature of 39.5 centigrade. The local Government hospital said that they had no spare covid19 testing kits so sent him home with some codene pills. No test - no covid19. Simple answer as to why Thailand has low figures. He self quarantined for three weeks and luckily recovered.

wow they've moved up from handing out paracetamol to codeine?  

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2 hours ago, marin said:

You dont seem to have a clue. All the new cases are Thai's returning from abroad.

What he is saying is that those in quarantine are being tested , consequently some have been covid positive.

There is no reference that suggests that any of the positive cases have shown any symptoms whatsoever , let alone been very sick.

The general Thai population has not been comprehensively tested , if it had been , there would be some positive results , you understand now ?

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32 minutes ago, Dialemco said:

On one hand politicians say stop mass tourism but only yesterday they signed contracts for a third Bangkok Airport why?

Why would one necessarily relate to the other, or do you have some source that says it does.

DM is vulnerable airport and it would be prudent to make plans for additional facility. In 2011 DM was closed by floods for 4 months, with an ever changing climate it can only be a matter of time before it happens again.

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2 hours ago, puck2 said:

Isn't it strange that only "retournees" cause covid-19 cases here in Thailand, in a country with such low infection cases?!


If you use your logic then you decouver contradictions.


  • As far as I know, no normal tourist is allowed to enter Thailand - except diplomats, etc. "12 from Sudan", they all haven't been controlled in their country or airport of departure? The same concerning 1 patient from Bahrain and from the US, too? Unbelivable.
  • Only farangs carried the Covid-19, Thailand, but Thailand has gone 47 days without a domestic case. Incredible. Yes, if you don't test Thais, there are no cases! Trump logic.
  • Yes, I know, the time between the virus-infection and the -discovery takes more than 3 days. Therefore it's possible, that the virus could not yet be detected in the state of departure, but a short time later in Thailand. But, but .. that happened 47 days only in falang cases? Incredible.


For me it seems the military government wants to hide a lot.

As long as there is no adequate scientific evidence that Asian's as a breed are screwed together in such a way that they are more protected against covid-19 than other breeds, the probability is high that incorrect infection -and death rates are presented ...


Disclaimer: Not an assertion - Only a thought ... ????

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3 hours ago, puck2 said:

Isn't it strange that only "retournees" cause covid-19 cases here in Thailand, in a country with such low infection cases?!


If you use your logic then you decouver contradictions.


  • As far as I know, no normal tourist is allowed to enter Thailand - except diplomats, etc. "12 from Sudan", they all haven't been controlled in their country or airport of departure? The same concerning 1 patient from Bahrain and from the US, too? Unbelivable.
  • Only farangs carried the Covid-19, Thailand, but Thailand has gone 47 days without a domestic case. Incredible. Yes, if you don't test Thais, there are no cases! Trump logic.
  • Yes, I know, the time between the virus-infection and the -discovery takes more than 3 days. Therefore it's possible, that the virus could not yet be detected in the state of departure, but a short time later in Thailand. But, but .. that happened 47 days only in falang cases? Incredible.


For me it seems the military government wants to hide a lot.

How do you come to the conclusion "falang cases"? RETURNEES !

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24 minutes ago, Shaunduhpostman said:

In my travels to understand what is going on with COVID19, it seems it is only health officials and politicians who are telling us the PCR testing of COVID19 is beyond questioning.


Many thank for sharing this insightful information in your post #80 above.

I'd like to add a link to another article with the tell-tale title 'Coronavirus - Why Everyone was Wrong'



The original article was published in the Swiss magazine Weltwoche (World Week) on June 10th. The author, Beda M Stadler is the former director of the Institute for Immunology at the University of Bern, a biologist and professor emeritus. Stadler is an important medical professional in Switzerland, he also likes to use provoking language, which should not deter you from the extremely important points he makes.

The author describes himself as 'I am a scientist and writer. I aim to be a voice of reason and facts in this distorted world in which opinions are considered truth.'

And for sure this is probably the Clearest Voice of Reason, I have yet come across in this whole  covid-mess.

Highly recommended reading!

Note: The link to the article, also contains a link to an interview with prof Beda Stadler.

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3 hours ago, Mattd said:

It isn't that bad apparently, reasonable hotel room, free meals, internet and TV, just must get a tad boring!

Once in the hotel there is no interaction with others, so unless already positive, the chances of contracting the virus whilst in quarantine are almost nil.

Nothing or no one ‘patrolling’ corridors in hotels 24 hours a day to stop people going to other persons rooms when no one is looking not unless they lock you in the room ?

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41 minutes ago, TSF said:

That's it exactly. People keep making comments that the figures in Thailand are false and covid numbers are higher, but there's no indication of that anywhere. If covid was rampant in Thailand seriously ill people would be taken to the hospitals and isolated in special covid wards, and many would be dying and taken to the wats for cremation, and word of this would spread like wildfire. The Thais would be talking about it nonstop, my missis would hear about it, all your missis would hear about it. But none of this is happening. I ask my missis and I ask Thai friends in different parts of the land if they know anybody who has got sick with covid or died, or if they have heard of anybody having it in the next village or the next town, or if there has been any more than usual cremations? And the response is always nothing. 

It is certainly the case that if there was a large spike in a short period of time that would be easier to notice. But, people get sick and die all the time and it's part of life and we don't get so shocked and bent out of shape (in terms of thinking it's a pandemic) because we each occupy one small part of the big thing and only see our immediate thing. The people at the top see the numbers and know if there are more than usual deaths. 


Also, keep in mind that a small (5-10%) bump in sickness and death still won't create mounds of bodies anywhere if it doesn't happen in one place and all at one time. No hospital anywhere gets overwhelmed by 10% extra business. Thai deaths (per the DOPH data) ran a fairly constant 39,524 (average) all of 2016, 2017, and 2018. Then, in May of 2019, it jumped up (by a small, but significant amount) and stayed up through the last reported month (April 2020). A small amount adds up when sustained for 12 straight months. Adds up to more than 58. 


You people in your village won't notice the aggregate numbers unless they are looking at the country-wide DOPH data.

Edited by JCP108
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Well. I think this and other statements are a concerted effort by the Thaingovernment to keep people scared of foreigners coming to Thailand. Makes you wonder if they are going to be like Burma 20nyears ago and a closed state soon the way they keep saying farangs are dirty and carry the virus.

So long Thaialnd. 

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4 hours ago, smedly said:

forced state quarantine - seems to be the last place anyone would want to be

Have to find some reason to test at day 3 and day 11.

Extract some more baht. 

Then give them a reason to hospitalise and extract even more baht...

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4 hours ago, Mattd said:

Almost certainly had the virus prior to arriving, talking to Thais who have undergone the state quarantine, it would be very difficult to be anything different, once in the hotel they are restricted to their room with no access to anybody else apart from the two tests carried out.

Transit between the airport and the hotel is escorted by the police.

Cannot say that for the Melbourne isolation hotels. 

Someone wanted a thick shake and a whopper burger. 

So had sex with the security guard who took her to get one...


And you think you couldn't buy yourself a few hours out of quarantine in Thailand lol...

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4 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Sharp jump in Covid-19 cases in state quarantine

Their own Bloody fault for letting The Special people in the country


3 hours ago, Mattd said:

This is not correct, there is NO requirement for a Thai citizen returning to Thailand to have a covid test prior, the embassies will issue a fit to fly based on a self assessment form.

Yes, there is always the possibility that others could catch it on the flight, although they are distanced during the flight and must wear a mask, so the chances are low, one person I know who returned from UAE traveled with another who later tested positive, the other person was fine.

The chances are Low . That means Nothing, People can be infected No excuses.

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