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Sharp jump in Covid-19 cases in state quarantine


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6 hours ago, wealthychef said:

If you are not scared of CoVid then I believe you to be a fool.  I understand governments lie about anything and everything but this is not the government making a political claim, this is a worldwide consensus of independent scientists. 

By "independent" - you mean, they are all self-made millionaries who "do science" because they love it?  Or more like media-writers and "climate scientists" - who have to support themselves and their families, and are black-balled from work, if they "say the wrong thing"??



There is another group of sheeple being manipulated by the idea that you are clever if you go back to work right now.  This prevents an outbreak of the disease some call "socialism."  this horrible disease results in free health care and testing for all citizens.  it's horrible.  

The world-wide deaths from "socialism" is unsurpassed by any other form of government.  The "free health care" is just the bait on the hook.  Nothing is "free." - is the thinking of spoiled 13 year olds.


I do support non-profit hospitals and insurance, though - via govt regulations.  That worked really well in the USA, before it was destroyed, to create the $12 aspirin tablet and unpayable insurance-premiums - hence the "need" for "socialist medicine" to "save" us.


It's a tag-team operation.  Guess who "runs thing" under socialism?  The same ones who ripped you off under capitalism untethered to nationalist interests.  Hence, Bill Gates and the Vaccine industry, pushing for a Trillion-dollar covid-payoff - peas in a pod.

Edited by JackThompson
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30 minutes ago, JCP108 said:

Interesting, but not necessarily earth shattering, and I was aware of the conditions reported amongst Burmese nationals and rohinga held in immigration facilities. 


I am disgusted, but sadly not surprised.


I was rather hoping for people flying out of thailand and testing positive upon or shortly after arrival.



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4 minutes ago, n00dle said:

Interesting, but not necessarily earth shattering, and I was aware of the conditions reported amongst Burmese nationals and rohinga held in immigration facilities. 


I am disgusted, but sadly not surprised.


I was rather hoping for people flying out of thailand and testing positive upon or shortly after arrival.



I am very surprised the article wasn’t ‘suppressed’ by the Thai Government ?

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47 minutes ago, Jumbo1968 said:

I am very surprised the article wasn’t ‘suppressed’ by the Thai Government ?

Me, too. If you know the stuff they are referring to in the article, it's clear that they actually softened it A LOT. They reported the excess number for only the month of March as the number "so far" which doesn't count the excess deaths starting back in May of 2019, continuing every month through March and beyond. 

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10 hours ago, puck2 said:

Isn't it strange that only "retournees" cause covid-19 cases here in Thailand, in a country with such low infection cases?!


If you use your logic then you decouver contradictions.


  • As far as I know, no normal tourist is allowed to enter Thailand - except diplomats, etc. "12 from Sudan", they all haven't been controlled in their country or airport of departure? The same concerning 1 patient from Bahrain and from the US, too? Unbelivable.
  • Only farangs carried the Covid-19, Thailand, but Thailand has gone 47 days without a domestic case. Incredible. Yes, if you don't test Thais, there are no cases! Trump logic.
  • Yes, I know, the time between the virus-infection and the -discovery takes more than 3 days. Therefore it's possible, that the virus could not yet be detected in the state of departure, but a short time later in Thailand. But, but .. that happened 47 days only in falang cases? Incredible.


For me it seems the military government wants to hide a lot.

I am cynical about the authorities too but the situation is exactly the same in New Zealand. No new local cases at all now and every new case for several weeks now has been in returning citizens or permanent residents from overseas.  The biggest problem seems to be to stop people breaking out of isolation and I guess that will be the same problem in Thailand.

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These numbers are as about as sharp as a banana, more people died on the roads of this great Kingdom in the time it took to process and publish this tripe... TV is becoming MSM fake news are scare mongers - If you had a TB jab your safe, funny how all the deported people from Thailand are testing positive in high numbers in there home countries... no testing means no cases.... and well look awesome to the world... what utter lies....

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6 hours ago, JCP108 said:

Think of the political and economic advantages now and in the future if they can keep up the story that Thailand is somehow magically free of infections.

There are no advantages, tourism wise, when the majority of other countries have high rates of infection. No international tourist will be coming here any time soon. 

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4 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

These numbers are as about as sharp as a banana, more people died on the roads of this great Kingdom in the time it took to process and publish this tripe... TV is becoming MSM fake news are scare mongers - If you had a TB jab your safe, funny how all the deported people from Thailand are testing positive in high numbers in there home countries... no testing means no cases.... and well look awesome to the world... what utter lies....

Got a link for your assertions?

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2 hours ago, Jumbo1968 said:

I am very surprised the article wasn’t ‘suppressed’ by the Thai Government ?

Well did you see anything like it in the Nation or The Bangkok Post?? Why not? The results of these antibody tests should be big news.

Edited by vermin on arrival
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11 hours ago, Mattd said:

It isn't that bad apparently, reasonable hotel room, free meals, internet and TV, just must get a tad boring!

Once in the hotel there is no interaction with others, so unless already positive, the chances of contracting the virus whilst in quarantine are almost nil.

And they get KFC. I dont have that luxury sometime. I have to get Mc S**t

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6 hours ago, JCP108 said:

Here's one: If you were in a position to control that information and you were also in a position to set policy about tourism moving forward (as in trying jumpstart a damaged economy in an uncertain world) and you had a fantasy that tourism could be even a slim approximation of the old normal, you might want to not have other people perceive your country as having about the same rate of cases per million as the countries that are being posted as hit the worst.

I have a feeling that the people in power really would like to end tourism. After all, when you already have yourself set up for life, what does the tourism industry mean for you. Keep those unwashed, wrong thinking farang out and carry on a sweet life without difficulty.

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12 hours ago, Mattd said:

This is not correct, there is NO requirement for a Thai citizen returning to Thailand to have a covid test prior, the embassies will issue a fit to fly based on a self assessment form.

Yes, there is always the possibility that others could catch it on the flight, although they are distanced during the flight and must wear a mask, so the chances are low, one person I know who returned from UAE traveled with another who later tested positive, the other person was fine.

 Not quite right, the embassy sends them a self declaration form to fill out , a T47  but may have that number wrong, then they have to get a fit to fly from a medical centre. I have just been through this sending my friends two daughters back to Thailand after studying here. I even got the doctor to sign the embassy self declaration form and made two copies of everything stamped by a JP including their passports. Their fares cost 3600 THB each and their parent’s chose to use hotel quarantine instead of state quarantine which they then had to pay for. If I want to return with my Thai wife and child they need the same documentation as above, I need a fit to fly and Covid-19 test no older than 72 hours before departure and c19 insurance we all have to go into quarantine, they can use free state quarantine but I have to pay for hotel quarantine we would all have to pay the high airfares 3600 thb to Thai airways and obtain permission from the nz and Thai embassy’s and wait for a flight that was returning to Thailand after repatriation of people returning to Nz 

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13 hours ago, Mung said:

There is an annual flu vaccine, influenza mutates all of the time. Nobody said there was a vaccine for HIV 

According to the CDC this years influenza vaccine has only been 45% effective overall. 50% effective against type B and 37% against type A (H1N1). Not what I would personally consider a true vaccine when it's effective less than half the time?


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12 hours ago, MyEverything said:

Hospitals are empty. If there are really (many) cases in Thailand these people would eventually end up in a hospital. 

The majority of cases are asymptotic or mild and do not require hospitalization. Why would those who are asymptotic or have mild symptoms show up at the hospital?

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1 hour ago, kiwikeith said:

 Their fares cost 3600 THB each 

I was wondering, how much these repatriation flights cost for thai nationals. 

My wife was quoted 8000 danish crowns, roughly 37000 THB, by the Thai Embassy in Copenhagen. 

With Thai Airways, direct flight from Copenhagen. 


Quite a difference. 



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16 hours ago, playboy said:

Those are thai people who lived or worked from another countries.  To come back to Thailand they need to get approve from Thai consulate to get charter flights.  So Thai consulate will ask for Covid test to be negative 72 hours and fit to fly document before allow them to catch the flight.  If there were negative before flight then they are possibly negative.  Asymptomatic carrier should be test as positive but does not show symptom.  So there should not be any asymptomatic carrier on the flight.  So the infected person had covid but did not show in blood test.  When they arrived in Thailand and quarantine, the covid showed up after couple day.  Now the passengers who flown with the person will catch it too?  

Thais returning do not need a covid test prior to returning, only a fit to fly. So asymptotic carriers will not be found until tested in quarantine, in Thailand. And yes they did possibly expose others they traveled with.

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16 hours ago, playboy said:

Those are thai people who lived or worked from another countries.  To come back to Thailand they need to get approve from Thai consulate to get charter flights.  So Thai consulate will ask for Covid test to be negative 72 hours and fit to fly document before allow them to catch the flight.  If there were negative before flight then they are possibly negative.  Asymptomatic carrier should be test as positive but does not show symptom.  So there should not be any asymptomatic carrier on the flight.  So the infected person had covid but did not show in blood test.  When they arrived in Thailand and quarantine, the covid showed up after couple day.  Now the passengers who flown with the person will catch it too?  

Wow doctor HOUSE ,that whole story and then still having no clue what your talking about ? 

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2 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

 Not quite right, the embassy sends them a self declaration form to fill out , a T47  but may have that number wrong, then they have to get a fit to fly from a medical centre. I have just been through this sending my friends two daughters back to Thailand after studying here. I even got the doctor to sign the embassy self declaration form and made two copies of everything stamped by a JP including their passports. Their fares cost 3600 THB each and their parent’s chose to use hotel quarantine instead of state quarantine which they then had to pay for. If I want to return with my Thai wife and child they need the same documentation as above, I need a fit to fly and Covid-19 test no older than 72 hours before departure and c19 insurance we all have to go into quarantine, they can use free state quarantine but I have to pay for hotel quarantine we would all have to pay the high airfares 3600 thb to Thai airways and obtain permission from the nz and Thai embassy’s and wait for a flight that was returning to Thailand after repatriation of people returning to Nz 


1 hour ago, drenddy said:

I was wondering, how much these repatriation flights cost for thai nationals. 

My wife was quoted 8000 danish crowns, roughly 37000 THB, by the Thai Embassy in Copenhagen. 

With Thai Airways, direct flight from Copenhagen. 


Quite a difference. 



I think you will find they meant 36000 THB as they state high airfares before the price

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1 hour ago, drenddy said:

I was wondering, how much these repatriation flights cost for thai nationals. 

My wife was quoted 8000 danish crowns, roughly 37000 THB, by the Thai Embassy in Copenhagen. 

With Thai Airways, direct flight from Copenhagen. 


Quite a difference. 



My partner a Thai National, took a repatriation flight from the Philippines to Bangkok. Cost of flights exceeded 20,000 baht. The flight from Cebu to Manila (1hr. 20min.) was nearly 3-times the cost of the Manila to Bangkok. My guess because it was chartered not commercial. So returning Thais it would seem pay different amounts based upon locations. They also must agree to sharing a quarantine room, although she ended up having a room alone, not sure if others have had to share rooms.

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16 hours ago, Mattd said:

This is not correct, there is NO requirement for a Thai citizen returning to Thailand to have a covid test prior, the embassies will issue a fit to fly based on a self assessment form.

Yes, there is always the possibility that others could catch it on the flight, although they are distanced during the flight and must wear a mask, so the chances are low, one person I know who returned from UAE traveled with another who later tested positive, the other person was fine.

This wasn’t true returning from the Philippines, as far as the fit to fly. The embassy did ask questions regarding symptoms, but didn’t issue a fit to fly. The fit to fly was issued by a Philippines medical practitioner after a simple medical exam for symptoms; and they had to see that a 14-day quarantine had been completed here, in their area without any other travel between quarantine before they would  issue the fit to fly. So people’s individual experience is going to be dependent upon where they are or were. 

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16 hours ago, Mattd said:

I did, which was 

As I've written, the chances of catching the virus once in quarantine are very low, the precautions being taken with the quarantine are, believe it or not, quite strict.

I think he meant they might catch it on the aircraft if they were sat next to an infected person, hence my reply. 

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10 hours ago, JackThompson said:

By "independent" - you mean, they are all self-made millionaries who "do science" because they love it?  Or more like media-writers and "climate scientists" - who have to support themselves and their families, and are black-balled from work, if they "say the wrong thing"??


The world-wide deaths from "socialism" is unsurpassed by any other form of government.  The "free health care" is just the bait on the hook.  Nothing is "free." - is the thinking of spoiled 13 year olds.


I do support non-profit hospitals and insurance, though - via govt regulations.  That worked really well in the USA, before it was destroyed, to create the $12 aspirin tablet and unpayable insurance-premiums - hence the "need" for "socialist medicine" to "save" us.


It's a tag-team operation.  Guess who "runs thing" under socialism?  The same ones who ripped you off under capitalism untethered to nationalist interests.  Hence, Bill Gates and the Vaccine industry, pushing for a Trillion-dollar covid-payoff - peas in a pod.


Your point at the end about who runs thing is really the big big issue, and you are echoing Karl Marx's big concern, which is the issue of a ruling class struggling to suppress the worker class. I totally agree with this being a problem.  The trouble is that the oligarchs run things in the world, always have, and if people like you keep up your misguided fight for the interests of the oligarchy and resign yourself to having to "win" and accepting their table scraps, they always will rule you and you'll never see the strings that move you.  


You don't understand some words I used I think, intentionally or not.  Maybe I can help.  By "independent" I mean people who study the problem seriously and formulate their ideas based on scientific evidence and peer review.  Maybe I should have used another word.  


 I'm arguing we make medicine free.  You pretend not to understand what I mean by "free."  I think you are being dishonest in your confusion.  I mean "free" like it was free for you to go to grade school.  Like your local parks and roads are free.  Like that.  it's not complicated, unless you try to make it that way to confuse the issue.  That is called "sophistry" I think.  


As a proponent of socialism, I ask you to just think of it this way:  Socialism is about cooperation and society, and capitalism is about competition and the individual.  So public parks and schools and fire departments are socialism.  They are free.  Other countries look at our medical system and think of it like we would if a country charged its citizen for police protection.  It's outrageous.  No, you don't pay for the fire department to put out the fire.  No, you don't pay your doctor to treat your cancer.  Come on!  


Note that individualist competition is what has made our politics into the game show, horse race, for-profit horror show we see on display today in both parties.  Imagine if we gave people a day off to vote, made it easy to vote, and stopped using our government to prop up the two corporate parties.  I would call that an improvement.  Under socialism, corporations would not run the debate commissions like they do now.  


You make a common straw man argument against socialism, that Stalin was socialist, he killed people, therefore socialism is bad.  Stalin was not a socialist, he used the word like Hitler did to fool the working class into thinking he was helping them.  North Korea calls itself the Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea if I'm not mistaken.  Would you say that makes it a democracy?  No.  


There, I made my effort today.  If you are still confused, it's because you want to be.  You like licking the boots of those billionaires?  No?  Then come join the fight against them.  Call it whatever you want, but how about if we start by reforming our democracy?  Non-partisan, non-ideological solution here:  https://represent.us  




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18 hours ago, Anton9 said:

LMFAO it's July and we are still here with "the more virulent strain" BS

What does LMFAO stand for? Can some posters not understand they are not on a phone sending text messages.

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