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Thailand changes entry rules after new COVID-19 cases spark second wave fear


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Two cases among foreigners this week has led to the self-isolation of more than 400 people and fears on social media. A 43-year-old crewman of an Egyptian military plane in eastern Rayong province and a 9-year-old girl and family member of a Sudanese diplomat in Bangkok were exempt from the mandatory 14-day state-supervised quarantine required for returnees.


400 hundred people are now self-isolated? Where? Did any of the 400 travel outside Bangkok and Rayong? Did they come in contact with others family and friends? How do you know it only 400, when you just publish last week that people are not signing in at the Mall, and other places? 


The question is why were these people not tested if you decide not to quarantine them? Who made that decision? They test the US leader that came here and the Thai were upset because he was not quarantine. They did test him. So why wasn’t these people tested? 


Apologizing, is too late, if the country has to go into lockdown again. So make a sound decision and place the country in lockdown before the 400 + unknown continue to spread it.  Then what will be your excuse........


See what now the people of this country has to deal with from their government...Thailand is gone to weep what it sow.

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13 hours ago, unheard said:

They don't have to be quarantined for 14 days.

They only need to be required under a very strict enforcement (if not already implemented) to stay in their quarantined rooms for the duration of their rest.

You get better treatment in a prison

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Typically long haul flights from overseas carriers turn around an just a few hours. Most carry two full compliments of crew. What is the problem with increasing this to three or four and not allowing any of these to get off the plane? This would allow overseas flights to  continue without interruption. 

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.........this has absolutely, 0, nothing to do wit the beloved LOS.


The authorities are on orders, believing the better deal they have been promised, will pay ????.


The country is in a massive contraction , this is clear. Recovery?,

difficult in the best case.

It really will be determined by who they cut the next deals with.

CCP is also in massive contraction.

The actions of the previous 20 yrs is coming home to roost. 



Good, middle class, high paying jobs are gone. At some point, propaganda won’t work, ............... and it’s show time.


Sources say.





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17 hours ago, Yinn said:

Thai must stay home, loose the job, close the business, but the government/army allow government/army foreigners not quarantine. 



Deleted Idiots. 

50 days in Thailand without covid cases. These Thai governemt slash army idiots must be doing something right i would say!! 

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1 hour ago, AndrewMciver said:

By allowing visitors to return you are pretty much granted to get some cases back. If they are getting this hysterical over one case, they just aren't in a position to open up. 



Yes, hysteria is the proper word. Covid should be taken seriously, but the fact that nations with extremely low or zero local cases will not open to one another in some fashion with reasonable preventive measures shows that the bombardment of frightening news by government and medical authorities has created neurosis on a global scale.

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4 hours ago, turgid said:

Quite clearly the virus does discriminate.

Yes; most definitely!

In the USA, it can differentiate between church gatherings, 4th of July, and other celebrations, ... and protests, riots and looting! 

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15 hours ago, DrTuner said:

If one single case freaks the entire country out, what does that tell you of their test & trace capacity? By now, thanks to the long time in lockdowns, it should be a very well oiled and practiced machine.


Yes, that's sarcasm.

Not sure whether they are really so incompetent. 

TVF has, like,  10 threads about it. 

Thai and farang friends talk only about it. One case!

Brainwashing at it's best. 



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IMPORTANT: An urgent letter has been sent out to all diplomatic missions in #Thailand to say that from today onwards, diplomats and their families will have to wait at the airport for the test results. Expect more changes soon to quarantine procedures.
Edited by anchadian
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15 hours ago, unheard said:

They don't have to be quarantined for 14 days.

They only need to be required under a very strict enforcement (if not already implemented) to stay in their quarantined rooms for the duration of their rest.

And escorted to and fro the planes in hazmat suits. 

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I wonder if the news of the 20,000 out of 100,000 randomly tested at risk workers who tested positively in Thailand for covid antibodies would put people's minds more at ease that there can be cases and society won't collapse and everyone won't die. Since the powers that be are putting their eggs into the 0 covid cases for legitimacy, regional nations are shooting for the same, and there are nightmare situations in Brazil and the US, seems like they won't discuss this angle.

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22 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:

I hope this paranoia doesn’t spread such that those repatriating are prevented from entering.

I know your situation and hope that doesn’t happen. Given the extra hoops you have to jump through those returning spouses are less likely to spread infection than returning Thais. But this of course is not the Land of Logic...

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18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Thailand changes entry rules after new COVID-19 cases spark second wave fear

We all new that this was going to happen ,Letting People in the country with SPECIAL PERMISSION.


18 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

This should not happened, I am really sorry that it did and I want to apologise to the public," said Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha.


Too Bloody late now isn't it ,an apology isn't going to fix this ,One rule for the Peasants , One Free rule for the Elite and Rich.

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Holding out for tourism to resume is a loosing bet. There is increasing evidence that humans are susceptible to contracting Corona Virus more than once. Apparently, antibodies only last six weeks, give or take. This means there will be no herd immunity or vaccine due to the loss of antibodies. This virus is not going away which will have truly profound implications worldwide. We are in a new paradigm and the sooner the masses figure this out, the better off they will be. Hotels, restaurants, airlines, cruise ships, and supporting industries are finished but the list will be much bigger. What was, is not coming back, ever...

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Standardize testing and quarantine for everyone and stop the "special permission" for friends from Sudan (yeah, I was like, Sudan?!?!) 

Military people stopping by Thailand shouldn't be allowed to go shopping or interact with locals and shouldn't be allowed in until appropriate PCR tests completed.

Equality is what's demand, this BS hyprocrisy needs to stop.

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new and more rules to prevent us from coming back....:they will have second and third and so on wave until a tsunami ... close everything down and wait for vaccine because if you quarantine at government provided centers you may come in contact with the virus and beat goes on and on ...


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16 hours ago, Pilotman said:

Think this through Thailand. If you stop aircrew from entering Thailand unless they go into quarantine, at a stroke, you will kill all international air traffic into the country. The vast majority of airlines, having arrived into Thailand, need to rest their flight crew for at least 24 to 36 hours  and then fly out. If they can't do this, they can't fly here, because the airlines will not 'double crew' just to save Thailand's ass.     

Fair enough but at least they should respect quarantine regulations and not behave like the Egyptian soldier

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14 minutes ago, fraggleRock said:

I'm an expat - I don't drink or smoke and I'm married to a highly paid professional Thai lady who works in the City of Bangkok as a lawyer.   Your comment is offence to me as I follow all the rules.

If you follow all the rules what is the problem then ? I am talking about those who write fake names / fake numbers when checking in. Talking about those who wont wear masks. So how did I offend you if you follow the rules ?

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19 hours ago, ukrules said:

At least he admitted his mistake. Everyone should be subject to quarantine regardless of who they are ow what job they happen to be doing.


The virus doesn't discriminate, neither should the government, they should quarantine either all of them or none of them.



The government is a signatory to international diplomatic conventions and will likely come under significant pressure to reverse on the diplomat stance.  Under the Vienna Convention you cannot detain a foreign diplomat and diplomats are assured of freedom of movement and travel.  Govt quarantine is essentially detention.

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20 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

Those isolated may have been exposed to a 43-year-old crewman of an Egyptian military plane in eastern Rayong province and a 9-year-old girl and family member of a Sudanese diplomat in Bangkok.

Terrible! Danger! Exposed to a man!  Was it a man or a piece of radiation that walks on streets and kills everyone in an instant who looks at it?

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