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Thai PM says news of Egyptian delegation incident was like being hit by a plane


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"Accompanied by Public Health Minister Anutin Charnvirakul and director-general of the Disease Control Department, the Prime Minister is due to fly to Rayong province by helicopter at 4pm today (Wednesday), to visit the Passione Mall, the D Varee Diva Central Rayong Hotel and a wet market, and to offer moral support to the townspeople."


I wonder whether the Public Health Minister will wear an invisible mask again?

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1 minute ago, Clarkey611 said:

I wonder whether the Public Health Minister will wear an invisible mask again?

Its a copy of his real face so you never know he is wearing a mask.  They sell them, you are aware of that right, Oh wait what was I thinking its A Nut In, pro farang hater

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17 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

He also expressed concern over the high-risk behavior of people frequenting night entertainment venues, warning them to exercise extra caution.

He should be humble and ask for forgiveness by inviting army soldiers from Egypt without any quarantine  instead of blaming people frequenting night entertainment venues.

But again, that's what he always does when he messes up, blaming somebody else.

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Man up for a change. Did you apologize to your people for your egregious lack of protocol? Who is responsible for this? The army. Why were they let in? The army.


Who leads the nation? Why aren't you taking responsibility? In many countries you would be forced to step down for such a failure. Not here. You messed up. Why were they exempt from testing, like all others? Again your hapless and spectacularly toxic army. 

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Thai gov prioritizing some groups that have no vested interest in the safety for Thai people, so they do what they want. Meanwhile those of us expats, that are vested and invested in thail and its people are shut out, made to spend too much money/time to get in country. 

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he learned of the Egyptian military mission’s transgression of Thailand’s health safety protocols”


So its the fault of the Egyptians that they were allowed into the country?  Is it possible the fault that this happened is the responsible of Thai’s ... no that’s a crazy idea, forget it.

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Unless Thailand wake up they are doomed. Staying closed in the hope of a vaccine is naive at best. Even if there is a vaccine (and that is still a big if) Covid is going to be around for years to come. Poverty and everything associated with it also brings significant illness and death. The government have done a great job of blaming everyone else and convincing many of those in Thailand the same. Pointless. 

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Many governments don't "get" that quarantine has to be absolute.

No exceptions for hi-so.

No exceptions for respected foreign visitors.

No exceptions for returning nationals.


Air crew should stay in a designated quarantine hotel close to the airport and not leave until they fly out.  




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18 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

In reports on that other national English national newspaper that we must not quote, there seems to have been a sense coming out of government that the Egyptian embassy and officials were mostly to blame. If so the government should launch some kind of diplomatic reaction and let's see what the Egyptians' side of the story is.


No diplomatic reaction - OK then Thai officials must take the heat of Thai people's horror at this screw-up. Gonna get nasty if Rayong ultimately needs to lockdown again.


I think there is a term for the circumstances here that resulted in less stringent rules applying to visiting foreign government delegations. The government may have 'done a Cummings'!*



* Reference to the UK government adviser who, having helped the UK government to hoist rules upon the hoi polloi chose to select a more convenient version of policy for his own interests.

You need to get your facts right or use a more accurate comparison like Niel Ferguson. Cummings did nothing wrong and as a parent I would have done exactly the same. You obviously know that the reports and the people who made them admitted they lied. The man was persecuted all because of revenge. Try quoting facts and not fake news.

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Maybe one day, i hope very soon, authority would realize that they should test everybody (or the max that they can do) and discover that in fact, there is much more people infected in Thailand that what they are thinking about (but really so much more). And maybe also test people who die...


Just yesterday i get news from a man we know good who die (48 years old) because of alcohol (they said). And i ask: "Alcool ? how ? His liver very big and blood infection ?", and my wife said: "no, he has big difficulty to breath from Monday and trash some blood out of his mouth, and die quickly, but we know it is alcohol, because he usually drink too much". Well... i asked: "did they test him about COVID-19 ?", she tell me: "No".

I tell her that the COVID-19 alert is for most of the people if not all to be dangerous by attack the lamb hardly on first place and that people who are low power or strong virus charged can have quickly hard difficulties to breath, low oxygenation linked with lamb obstruction and die... and she didn't know that.

This is the Thailand situation with COVID-19... a lot die because they can not breath, but they don't test them (i suspect because they are poor and test has a cost). But... they are testing farang.


Actually, it looks like Thailand government (and i think only them and a minority of supporters for any advances) is thinking there is close to no one infected in Thai population and only farang can infect them.


But there is many clue indicate that this situation exists only in a few minds that are self-persuaded without any proof and no clue opposing it.

And very soon, not only infected as every country (suddenly the real situation would wake up... late, but wake up by facts), but also very poor.

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The PM should read TV.  When the government said they were going to allow 'special people' to waltz into the country and bypass the quarantines set up for everyone else because this class of 'special people' are comprised of the Hiso, the wealthy, and so-called VIP, a segment of the TVers out there picked up on that right away - the government was saying those with social status would be assumed to be virus-free.
Any fool can understand that SARS-cov2 doesn't bypass the rich and upper-crust.  Well, almost any fool.

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21 hours ago, Mavideol said:

the Egyptian military didn't transgress the protocols, your people did by allowing them to go through. Virus doesn't know borders, doesn't differentiate rich or poor, black or white, the safety protocols should be enforced regardless who is coming, diplomatic or not, military or civil all should be checked the same way

Agreed the Virus knows nothing but hosts , but this is the New Normal prelude to the WEF New world order, it will take a few years to iron these control issues out, they jumped the gun with the preferences, same as travel bubbles , ordinary citizens are way down the list of preferences

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I wasn’t aware that he had experienced being hit by a plane must of been painful. I’ve experienced pain in a boxing ring when I was in the military but being hit by a plane no thanks .

Edited by crazykopite
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I read threads like this and wonder if the majority here think the rest of us around the world are living a life similar to a zombie apocalypse?


The VAST majority of us are living quite normal lives with a bit a social distancing thrown in.

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