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New French Europe minister - Brexit deal possible but not 'at any price'


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13 hours ago, bannork said:

This macho posturing by Brexiteers makes me laugh, backbones and balls indeed. What do you say to female Remainers?

I've got a new phrase for you: 'Brexit builds character'.

Nothing like a bit of suffering to make a man out of you. Cancer medicines late, food prices going up under WTO conditions, mass unemployment.

'Aye lad, it wuz tough, but we were happy!'

More of "The Independent" stuff.......????

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12 hours ago, bannork said:

You mean like Boris's dad, taking out French residency? Lol 

So first it's Boris having a ruck with his bird, and now it's a member of Boris's family.

Chap, you really must lift yourself out of your desperation, nobody is going to take any notice of daft posts about the PM's family and their private life.


Again I will repeat, Brexit is done, get over it before you have a heart attack, which the other bloke is heading for....????

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16 hours ago, Lormak said:

No point in having a never ending post mortem.  Remain lost! FGS get over it and move on!

Remainers can either keep dribbling and whinging or they can grow a backbone and balls and join with us in rebuilding the nation. We have nearly 50 years worth of damage by the EU Mafia to undo. But with hard work and resolve we will return to our rightful place on the world stage.

As for the French, well its a pity we just didn't leave them to learn German!

Says the man living in Thailand.

You better get on a plane mate and help rebuild the nation.

Our country needs you. ????

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25 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

Says the man living in Thailand.

You better get on a plane mate and help rebuild the nation.

Our country needs you. ????

This is a Thai based forum, why are you on it then, complaining about Brexit, Scottish independence etc, your confusion astounds me...????

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24 minutes ago, transam said:

This is a Thai based forum, why are you on it then, complaining about Brexit, Scottish independence etc, your confusion astounds me...????

What astounds me is how some people manage to cross the road at any time given that it must be laden with catastrophic consequences.


I Export and my wife Imports, should I be worried about leaving the EU, possibly, but I won’t, I’ll just see any changes as a challenge and work around or with them. I might (will) even see the change in a positive light and along with my suppliers in the UK realise that up until C-19, business was good.


However some people are born to be negative. It reminds me of the local TV news in the UK in the 70’s. The film crews would turn up at the gates of a large factory where 200, 300 or 500 (the bigger the number the more sensational) and interview people being made redundant.


I can still recall some of the responses. Not untypical was ‘I’ve worked here for 50 years. What am I going to do now. This is devastating’


No hint of, ‘well I’ve had a good run, now I’m looking forward to doing something different and exciting’.


No wonder a lot of posters on here find problems obtaining visas, opening bank accounts or loading credit on their phones.


NB. I didn’t vote.

More NB. I haven’t voted for anything in 30+ years

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2 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

I am not astounded by your confusion.

The poster I was answering makes many posts encouraging everyone to work harder and get behind Brexit in order to make it a success. 

I was simply pointing out his hypocrisy as he posts from several thousand miles from the UK. If he feels so strongly about Brexit and everyone working hard maybe he should practice what he preaches. 

In fact all you Brexiteers should probably return to the UK in order to help.

Your country needs you. 

Struggling eh....????

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Just now, Rookiescot said:

If you were presenting posts which had content and were backed with evidence then I would like your comments and replies. Might not agree with them but would be interested in reading them.

However you dont do that do you.

I have done 4+ years of commenting over Brexit, now Brexit is done, the UK moves on, but now, I am having fun with you and a couple of others who are wading in their own miserable stuff and can't move on...It's my daily routine to see what comes up regarding Brexit, good fun...????

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5 minutes ago, Rookiescot said:

We have all moved on.

What gives all us remainers joy is asking you Brexiteers to justify what you have done and to ask you all to explain each and every issue and problem which arises from it.

Watching you all squirm and twist trying to do so gives us all a good laugh.

Yes, its great eh......:clap2:.......I look forward to tomorrows episode, especially when the "Link" shows up.......????

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5 minutes ago, bannork said:

Put him on ignore,RS, he has nothing of value to say.

That is a naughty suggestion, plus its running away...????

But, you are wrong, I told you Brexit is done, move on, but you are ignoring a simple fact and wallowing in your mire....Up to you....????

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21 minutes ago, transam said:

I don't need to cheer up, Brexit is done, and nothing will affect me up or down except the exchange rate....Those who are wallowing should get over it....????



Yes the only thing which will bother you is the exchange rate.

Thats because you are in Thailand rather than doing your patriotic duty and returning to the UK to help forge the UK into the world leader it once was. Who better to lead the country to the sunny uplands complete with unicorns than the plucky Brexiteers with their Dunkirk spirit ????

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