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Fauci resists Republican effort to turn testimony against protesters


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1 hour ago, Mavideol said:

this guy needs to step down from his horse and attitude adjustment, he's a jerk, why at any hearing he's always insulting people on the opposite panel, does he not understand that people have the right to different opinions and they can agree to disagree without sounding/acting like a jerk


There's that. And then there's the same thing on offer from the Democrats, all too often, sadly. Case in point, Barr's session covered in a recent topic.

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yet another hand bags at dawn face off in USA politics and it spills over onto the forum,ok girls calm down dont smudge your lipstick,we are all sick of rep and dem shananigans .the list is almost endless and the rest of the world holds their head in their hands.shut up the pair of you we all need a break.respect of others is forgotten as they bitch whine and bleat constantly,only thing theyve gotten right is china. its the only thing they can agree on,move forward on that and do us all a favour.yep all the things you keep calling each other,they apply to xi and his stormtroopers greedy ,nationalistic, non democratic, racists, cheating, lying, stealing ,USA aint china so pipe down and see where the real enemy is,your both on the same page there.

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