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Expats sought to help Thailand’s tourism industry in its hour of need, end to dual pricing mooted


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The ***t is going to hit the fan in the fall when all the flights are... dead empty.  Not that there will be that many anyways.  And it will be worse when there is a vaccine and they stay.... empty because the vaccine will take probably a year for widespread use.  Travel is not expected to return for 2-3 years.  At first it was shock and awe, with people saying "no, no".  This will be the next hurtle for the powers that be to get the kittens heads around.  

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On 8/4/2020 at 1:08 PM, PatOngo said:

So..........where's the stimulus package to accommodate expats, time to free up a bit of swill from the trough! Oink, Oink! Or better still, get on your knees and beg!




        Wai ??,

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10 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

Not sensitive. Just stated the facts. Disgruntled, Nope! Pros and Cons of living anywhere and even though it is wonderful to live here it is true that we are not given a fair shake and treated equal. But it is just the way it is. My family do not like many things about things here as well. Just a part of life. Have a good day! 

holy cow. You seem to take comments as a personal attack. Not the case it’s a forum for opinions some of which we all tend to disagree with that’s understandable I have also lived here under the same conditions as everyone else. Immigration hasn’t changed in the years I have been here it’s still difficult for some , nor have the people changed the only changes I see are in the attitudes of the expats some of who expect the Thai citizens to treat them like royalty because they spend a few baht.What I said is in my opinion things haven’t changed all that much in the 10 years I have been here. Only changes are the attitude of the people who chose this as their place of residence and if it’s not suitable to them to return to their country of origin.Thats what I would do if I was as pizzed off with the place,people, and hierarchy as some posters seem to be.

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No lack of rudeness as the dual pricing systems even are admitted even by the government ???? with a representative and his words: has also mooted plans to end dual pricing of foreigners. In most western countries dual pricing is regarded as plain racism.


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13 hours ago, Silent Number said:

holy cow. You seem to take comments as a personal attack. Not the case it’s a forum for opinions some of which we all tend to disagree with that’s understandable I have also lived here under the same conditions as everyone else. Immigration hasn’t changed in the years I have been here it’s still difficult for some , nor have the people changed the only changes I see are in the attitudes of the expats some of who expect the Thai citizens to treat them like royalty because they spend a few baht.What I said is in my opinion things haven’t changed all that much in the 10 years I have been here. Only changes are the attitude of the people who chose this as their place of residence and if it’s not suitable to them to return to their country of origin.Thats what I would do if I was as pizzed off with the place,people, and hierarchy as some posters seem to be.

No not really unless it is. In my almost the 30 years here I have seen and felt the immigration changes, but perhaps in the last 10 years there have been gradual hoops brought in to jump through, but still quite noticeable. I have no worries for the most part, same as everyone else who is financially set with family.

I was with my Thai best friend the other night who is a Med/Large factory owner. Haven't seen him since February. Anyway his last statement to me on the night before parting was was that there is a huge wave of racism here now and this is spurred on by the you know who's. As for the foreigners self sense of entitlement, there actually should be more consideration f easy stay for us long term and family people here, but we should never expect to be treated like royalty by the general population just because we are foreigners or with money. But we should not be looked down upon as well. Two way street.


Anyway, it is a forum and at least we all have one to check in with and splash our comments on to feel some sort of fun or relief. Have a good one and enjoy your time here, as the time sure flies now we are getting older. To me it is still the best place and like a Disneyland. 

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When Thailand is compared to Panama, the number 1 rated place to retire, there is vast difference. Thailand should just copy Panama benefits and immigration processes for retired people. Thai people are very good at copying.  Thailand would jump to first place for retired people, creating substantial steady income flow. Thailand should stop relying on the 2 week millionaire tourists, since it is now definitively proven that source of income is not reliable. Even in the 2019 low season and the beginning of the last high season, many longtime businesses had closed.


If Thailand wants expats to start spending more, just do 2 things:

1. Give expats a 15% discount card, which gives them a 15% discount off Thai prices. The card works in all hospitals, pharmacies, government facilities like national parks, all public transportation like BTS, MRT, but is optional, but encouraged, for restaurants, shops, hotels, and other private enterprises. All places that accept the card could display the card icon/trademark similar to VISA and MasterCard.

2. Improve foreign currency exchange rates, to a minimum of 34B to USD.



Edited by Banana7
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Anyway, it is a forum and at least we all have one to check in with and splash our comments on to feel some sort of fun or relief. Have a good one and enjoy your time here, as the time sure flies now we aregetting older. To me it is still the best place and like a Disneyland. 

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3 hours ago, holy cow cm said:

No not really unless it is. In my almost the 30 years here I have seen and felt the immigration changets, but perhaps in the last 10 years there have been gradual hoops brought in to jump through, but still quite noticeable. I have no worries for the most part, same as everyone else who is financially set with family.

I was with my Thai best friend the other night who is a Med/Large factory owner. Haven't seen him since February. Anyway his last statement to me on the night before parting was was that there is a huge wave of racism here now and this is spurred on by the you know who's. As for the foreigners self sense of entitlement, there actually should be more consideration f easy stay for us long term and family people here, but we should never expect to be treated like royalty by the general population just because we are foreigners or with money. But we should not be looked down upon as well. Two way street.


Anyway, it is a forum and at least we all have one to check in with and splash our comments on to feel some sort of fun or relief. Have a good one and enjoy your time here, as the time sure flies now we are getting older. To me it is still the best place and like a Disneyland. 

I agree with most you have posted and the rules change with the ruling party but I have learned to roll with the changes and they don’t bother me if you get all upset it won’t change anything we don’t have any input into internal decisions by the hierarchy in Thailand .My opinion was one of if the country,its government and its citizens upset you to the extent of some posters on here they would be better to reside elsewhere,but remember the age old saying the grass always looks greener on the other side.Or something similar to that..

Edited by Silent Number
Added info.I have experienced not what I call racism but I put down to ignorance since COVID-19 where a Thai man at a local lands office walked pas every thai person within inches but as he approached me he took a 4-5 metre arc yes I was masked
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On 8/4/2020 at 12:34 PM, Mavideol said:

555....555 now they want/need us and came back begging......, all good no problem but we have a couple requests such as : No More dual pricing at ANY facilities, that includes hotels, restaurants, water parks, natural parks and so forth and since our purchasing power has been dropping on a daily basis due to baht appreciation, once and for all just depreciate the damn baht to allow us to spend some more money

100% correct the GBP Should be 80 baht to the pound it was 70 baht to uk pound 20 years ago so with prices going up in thailand it should be 80 baht to the uk pound and us expats have been getting ripped off ever since now at 40 baht to GBP  riddiculous i cant buy a condo here now and wont while its at this rip off value about time thais realised this no wonder condos are not getting bought or sold until GBP goes back to 70 straight away dont buy  a condo or spend less not more 




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The blatantly disinterested in expats wanting to live in Thailand and the dual pricing strategy that is verging on racism has led many, such as myself to finally leave Thailand until things get sorted out. I am aware of thousands in the same situation as myself. So, too little too late for many of us.

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On 8/5/2020 at 11:10 AM, 0815 said:

How does Immigration make your life hard when travelling in the country ?
The hotel makes the report for you when you check in.
TM30 is not necessary to make anymore after you returned from another province.
So what is "making life so hard" when you travel ?

if you happen to go to Immigration for an extension of stay or other permits ect, they will fine you.

even at offices that do not require a TM30 , they done this  to me in January. filled one in when i came back in May and i was asked why ? no rules they make it up as they go along.

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It would help if Thai authorities would allow O-A retirement visa holders to re-enter Thailand like O visa holders.  Some of us got stuck outside the Kingdom and have been waiting for four months to get back in.  Some of us own property and also have loved ones waiting.

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