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Love is not Tourism: Petition lobbies Thai govt to allow unmarried couples to enter Thailand


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Its very stressful...have been trying to get back to my thai wife but the Thai Embassy London system doesn't work properly cannot register cannot book a hotel because they are full I missed out this month to fly back to be with my wife but the system crashed after 10minits after going live, sent all document information to embassy still could not register and there are no flights till next month and that's if you can get on them flights .????????????????


I know the Thai Embassy is working hard to get people back in very difficult times..????

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1 hour ago, Prince77 said:

"Safely open the Thai borders for Love!" 555


Up to now Thailand does not want any foreigner to return no matter what reason they claim to have. I am an investor, have a company, 15 Thai people employed but due to Covid I could not extend my work permit and it expired and so did my visa - mission nearly impossible to return.



That's excactly what i ment in the topic before this one where they ask foreigners and expats to save the tourism industry and travel and spend money , everyone is working his or hers own agenda in this country . One kicks you out and calls you dirty , the other wants you in and spend your money . 

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Just now, FalangJaiDee said:

Thailand should start issuing 1 year single entry “love visas” for 20,000 baht. They’d be making trillions and trillions of baht.

Visas arent the issue here , its the situation with the virus and the closed borders that is the issue

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They do not stand a chance. You are unmarried and you are asking for favors and special treatment lol. The married people should petition the outrageous terms imposed on them to enter. You all are not getting the message that's been dropped like a warhead.

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16 minutes ago, rvaviator said:

Why make entry so difficult ? Just say anyone can enter but has to quarantine for 2 weeks - and they will be given a 3 moths tourist visa ..





Because there's still an emergency decree in effect and no commercial inbound flights are allowed. And there are no 3 months tourist visas. 

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4 hours ago, Borzandy said:

My "girlfriends" are working in a bar, can I get a visa?

if you are married, so if you assume a family life situation honorably (so help of Thailand life economy by facts), you should have a married kind of visa. Only xenophobia mind thinking should be able to not see this fact.

Girlfriend is maybe love, i would not judge you on intentions. But facts stay factual. What you are really doing is a proof, what you are saying as a lower value by facts.

To be married has a real moral and social value, it means that two families become united by a promise in front of authority.

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9 minutes ago, Max69xl said:

Because there's still an emergency decree in effect and no commercial inbound flights are allowed. And there are no 3 months tourist visas. 

sure, they did it, but at high cost, because first you have to go in the listed high cost hotel by obligation (cost without food to paid... food you will not find outside, but food from this expensive service by obligation... can you understand the idea there ?).

So it is not only to push people in quarantine... we are talking about 1000 € for two weeks without food on place to paid... at the minimal price, and up to 3000 € for two weeks.

So it means that only rich families can apply.

I think Laos and Myanmar and Cambodgia cheap workers will not have to apply this (they will not be able to apply, do you know how much they win ?).

Chinese not also... it seems to have some very screened target on this place.

But why ? that is a very good question. Maybe the first minister can told you how he is thinking about "farang" he is knowing and would think all of them are the same ? It is very strange to think like that for a diplomat at this level.

Never mind, facts are on the applications, and it is very strange to see what's happening right now and from month.


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22 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Visas arent the issue here , its the situation with the virus and the closed borders that is the issue ?


like with Chinese tourists, and also with Laos, Myanmar low cost workers to be able to cross the border ?

there is some logic leakage in that way to explain what's happening.

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It is well intended but it is a pointless exercise I am afraid. Why? Simply because there are (1) Not enough repatriation flights and (2) There are not enough ASQ hotels (3) The whole process to get back is unnecessarily complicated and very very expensive.

The only way this will work is (1) Allow some commercial flights so that everyone who is allowed to come back has the opportunity to do so  (2) Allow home quarantine, with a Covid test 72 hours before departure and a Covid test at the airport on arrival. 

If they do not make changes to the process but keep adding more and more categories of people allowed to return there will be more and more of a backlog then ever. I realise Thailand is scared stiff of the virus but you have to move forward at some point. All this will have to be done before they even consider letting any tourists back into the country.

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29 minutes ago, Nanaplaza666 said:

That's excactly what i ment in the topic before this one where they ask foreigners and expats to save the tourism industry and travel and spend money , everyone is working his or hers own agenda in this country . One kicks you out and calls you dirty , the other wants you in and spend your money . 

is there any real morality and intelligence who can then explain what society, justice, hierarchical authority is meaning at the best place on top level of concept there ? It should have a link between justice and morality... isn't this concept no more existing ?

I mean... at least Thailand is a Buddhist country and economy has a concern, sure, but is it the only one concern there? Is there any law and morality somewhere ? Or no more ? I loose the point there. What does it means ?

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3 minutes ago, jerolamo said:

is there any real morality and intelligence who can then explain what society, justice, hierarchical authority is meaning at the best place on top level of concept there ? It should have a link between justice and morality... isn't this concept no more existing ?

I mean... at least Thailand is a Buddhist country and economy has a concern, sure, but is it the only one concern there? Is there any law and morality somewhere ? Or no more ? I loose the point there. What does it means ?

I realise that English is probably not your first language, but I do not have a clue what you are trying to say here.

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Just now, jimn said:

It is well intended but it is a pointless exercise I am afraid. Why? Simply because there are (1) Not enough repatriation flights and (2) There are not enough ASQ hotels (3) The whole process to get back is unnecessarily complicated and very very expensive.

The only way this will work is (1) Allow some commercial flights so that everyone who is allowed to come back has the opportunity to do so  (2) Allow home quarantine, with a Covid test 72 hours before departure and a Covid test at the airport on arrival. 

If they do not make changes to the process but keep adding more and more categories of people allowed to return there will be more and more of a backlog then ever. I realise Thailand is scared stiff of the virus but you have to move forward at some point. All this will have to be done before they even consider letting any tourists back into the country.

good point there. It is logic that to do it, we should be able to access.

How many fly can be full of married people with Thai ?

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47 minutes ago, rvaviator said:

Why make entry so difficult ? Just say anyone can enter but has to quarantine for 2 weeks - and they will be given a 3 moths tourist visa ..





If , say 50 000 people entered Thailand per day , you would then have 700 000 people in quarantine at any given time , that wouldnt work

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8 minutes ago, jimn said:

I realise that English is probably not your first language, but I do not have a clue what you are trying to say here.

yes, i'm not English. Never mind. Let me try again... if someone understand and want to re-write it better, feel free to teach me.

What i said is:

1/ there is morality concept linked with society idea, justice idea, hierarchical idea.

2/ where is the morality in a society who call "tourists" all the foreigner, what ever they are married, or in health safety help situation, or teacher, or professional at work ?

3/ What is the concept to talk about virus problem to limit access, then open with high cost some part of the world foreigner, and open easy for some other (who doesn't test in there own country, so that we can not know how deep is the virus there) ?


Tell me the logical links there to provide a proof of morality concept who justify the concept of law and justice ?

Edited by jerolamo
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2 hours ago, Prince77 said:

"Safely open the Thai borders for Love!" 555


Up to now Thailand does not want any foreigner to return no matter what reason they claim to have. I am an investor, have a company, 15 Thai people employed but due to Covid I could not extend my work permit and it expired and so did my visa - mission nearly impossible to return.



That is taking it all too far.

I understand Thais want to keep Covid out, however they should look at what Iceland and UAE are doing. Borders open a few weeks, they test at airport and monitor 3 days later if the test is negative. Positives to quarantine. So far neither have succumbed to a second wave.

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4 minutes ago, Donga said:

That is taking it all too far.

I understand Thais want to keep Covid out, however they should look at what Iceland and UAE are doing. Borders open a few weeks, they test at airport and monitor 3 days later if the test is negative. Positives to quarantine. So far neither have succumbed to a second wave.

I thought that the virus can stay undetected for 14 days ?

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Perhaps they'll offer 6 month love visas for 555,000 baht, with 555,000 bonds to stay safe, refundable on departure if the farang lover hansum man doesn't get into any trouble and we'll see a whole lot of accidental motorcycle accidents which are proven by autopsy to be definite accidents meaning the deaths were all accidental.

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6 hours ago, thailand49 said:

It is in Thai couldn't see where I could have it translated to English?

I think Change.org sets itself to the language of the country from where you are viewing it.

Just fill it in anyway (it's pictorial so you don't really need to understand it) or see here:




OR, use Chrome and Google will translate it for you

OR, sign in and set your preferences.

Edited by VBF
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7 hours ago, tso310 said:

What is interesting is that the number of ASQ hotels now stands at 34. Bearing in mind the difficulties of getting a flight into Thailand one wonders why the number has been increasing. I think it went up to 29 from 24 last Friday. 

allot of Thais are still returning, and then you have a visas sections that are allowed back in too. 

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