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Have you ever had a paranormal experience?

lee b

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14 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

Second one ............I was staying in Surrey with my mum and riding my Royal Enfield back to Devon next day where I lived , coming along too was a mate on his 1951 Sunbeam . The night before we left Surrey I dreamt There was a road to the right with blocks of flats going up to more side roads and flats. ( I can still remember th dream clearly and this was about 1995.)   We were in a one way system near Winchester and I looked to my right and saw the exact road I had seen in my dream.  I intended to stop on my next visit coming back from my mums.  But I looked and that road was no where to be seen.  So I do believe that some things can still not be explained.

The road wasnt really there though , you mind was just recalling your dream

Edited by CorpusChristie
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36 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Many people see things and cannot prove they saw things .

Did you see Concorde flying over when you were younger ?


Prove it 

Cannot prove it

OK, you didnt see it 

you clearly  have some neurological problems, would be easy to check the flight path for the date and  corroborate. it.

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2 hours ago, bluesofa said:

I always use that phrase as an oxymoron.


I can't remember what caused the fall, losing my footing or attempting to grab something and missing it.

It was the church at Kirkheaton near Huddersfield.


I even had a cartoon drawn at the time in 1988 by a local cartoonist:


Reminds me of that one years ago about Quazimodo ( wrong spelling maybe ).  Quazi fell down fom the tower and they got someone in to replace him . He looked just like Quazi.  Someone said he was a dead ringer for Quazi.

It seems Quazi got hit on the head by the bell which sent him down to his death.   Someone said ' I knew his face rang a bell '. Made I larf anyway.

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2 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

Reminds me of that one years ago about Quazimodo ( wrong spelling maybe ).  Quazi fell down fom the tower and they got someone in to replace him . He looked just like Quazi.  Someone said he was a dead ringer for Quazi.

It seems Quazi got hit on the head by the bell which sent him down to his death.   Someone said ' I knew his face rang a bell '. Made I larf anyway.

" I dont know his name..........................but his face rings a bell "

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5 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

You may not. 

Maybe because you can't resist disrespecting others person belief and faith. 


Or you are just being a bully or troll to antagonise and upset people on a topic you admit you have no interest or belief in.



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6 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Maybe because you can't resist disrespecting others person belief and faith. 


Or you are just being a bully or troll to antagonise and upset people on a topic you admit you have no interest or belief in.



The individual you so gallantly defend responded to my post and insisted they were correct and I was wrong because they did not like my position on the mythology of the paranormal. 

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Not my experience but an older cousin as documented by family members. Tara was in her teens then staying with an uncle and his family in a big city to go to school there. Her own family was in small town about a hundred miles away where her dad was a lawyer.


This was way back when to call another city it wasn't easy and you had to go through and operator. Tara was close to her dad and the routine was that he would call her every Sunday evening for a short father-daughter chat. Well, one Tuesday night, pretty late as everyone had turned in, she woke her uncle in an agitated state.

"I want to talk to dad. Can we book a call now?"

"But Tara you just talked 2 days ago. What's bothering you? Everyone's asleep now"

"I just need to talk to him. Please. Just for a minute" and she started to cry.

So they set up the call through the operator. And the connection was made a few minutes later. Tara's mom picked up the phone and said your father can't talk now, he isn't feeling well, the doctor's on the way, we'll call back in the morning.


Tara's dad died before the doctor got there. He'd suffered a massive heart attack.

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11 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Complete rubbish .

I asked you why you were posting in a thread about peoples paranormal experiences , this isnt a thread about whether you believe it or not , if you dont believe it or have no experience of it, no need for you to post in this thread 

No, that is not how the exchange began and you know it. 

I expressed a view based on the fact that the paranormal is nothing but mythology and you took exception to it. 

You do not decide who posts on a thread and just because someone does not share the views of those who choose to believe in the paranormal does not preclude commenting on it. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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12 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Yes, I have seen a ghost , as did three other people with me at the time , and you say that I didnt see it .

This thread is about peoples experiences , it isnt for you to tell everyone that they didnt see what they saw, simply because you dont believe it 

I don’t believe it but i never said you didn’t.

I said you can’t prove to me you saw it.



Edited by Bluespunk
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3 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

I can , but you would just say you dont believe it, so, I wont bother 

Ah huh. 

Yet in post #76 you say you have no proof. 

Edited by Bluespunk
Wrong post mentioned. Apologies.
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Just now, CorpusChristie said:

LOL, no physical proof , just written proof .

A written explanation which you would just dismiss as being lies

No, I would say that is not proof.

I could write I have seen Elvis working down the local chip shop but that wouldn’t make it true. 

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