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Tourism-reliant Thailand shelves 'travel bubble' plan as Asia virus cases rise


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13 hours ago, The Barmbeker said:

What happened to "we have to let the Chinese in, NOW"?

I believe that was the view of one of the tourist industry or hotel organizations leaders, whose job it is to promote tourism; what is being expressed here is the view of the official government Covid response team, whose job is to manage the government's Covid response.

Edited by Pattaya Spotter
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so what are you saying exactly?tourism is dead?thats about it. it appears,dodo land.businesses and millions of jobs can kiss it all goodbye,forever.a vaccine ...maybe and a big one at that.the real estate biz is dead too another victim of covid so the economy gets another death blow.buildings still going up everywhere and no buyers local or overseas in any nos.still the head in the sand and short term rip offs mentality to the fore.get a plan going.bring back people with properties and retirement visas,this will at least get the rental mkt going in bkk pattaya puket cm etc.let them in with a covid neg test and 14 days quarantine at home.their wives and families too,it will kick up the economy to some degree,cleaners ,nannies, repair work, more money being spent etc this do nothing inability to decide anything is a killer and guess what millions are effected,tourist jobs  and firms gone forever building work too etc etc its a huge chunk of the economy and add manufacturing.that wont come back the same as before ,big comps dont like the local attitude any longer,better places to plant seeds.time to do something.get on with it or yes even the apathetic locals will start to scream in pain soon,no more freebies ur 5000 mnth is gone too.now the trouble will start.the push will start from within ...eventually when they dont have what they want in enough nos.theyre apathetic obedient and scared of authority and uniforms but eventually somethings gotta give.the talk in the shadows is there some months now,unspeakable things,the things that can never be spoken of.... are so...... guys with big guns,no honour[see tonglor etc] and little brains...the clocks ticking.

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Don't get me wrong I understand both sides Medicine/Economy this Virus you can't see nor does it draw a line in the sand not to cross.


This relates to everything in life, trying to pick and choice that is the real problem same as trying to pick the type of tourist you want to visit and how much they might spend in Thailand before the virus.


It is just impossible to contain the problem unless they continue the process in place now I understand why expats living and stuck here want to keep it shut down because majority in general are of the age that could easily catch it once the country starts to open.


Even with a vaccine in place there will still be cases and my guess those numbers will rival what they have now before the numbers start to drop the question to me do you spend billions and trillions promoting tourist to visit or do you get all the medically steps ready to control it.


Personally, if I needed to get into Thailand I don't need a 500,000 baht quarantine package just put up some tents at the airport, provide me with some clean water and noodles?????



Edited by thailand49
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12 hours ago, DirtyHarry55 said:

Immunity is the way to go but that people need to be exposed to the Virus.
Flatten the curve not eliminate it.

And what percentage of the population do you think should be sacrificed?

It's an unproven theory, don't they have flu vaccines every year?

Immune people can still spread the disease and what immunity they have can deteriorate if they become seriously ill, or old. There is a good reason why third world countries have a younger population.

A better plan would be the way to go.

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15 hours ago, ukrules said:

It's not about the 'dirty farang', it's about the Chinese and what's now happening in Vietnam.


Vietnam remains closed, no cases for more than 90 days yet it still got in and it's not the same strain as before. I hear things from Vietnam that suggest it got in from Chinese nationals crossing the border illegally.


Now this is quite important because the strain that's going around Vietnam now is the newer strain more common in Europe and the US yet it's believed it entered the country from China.


This is the important point, the Chinese did everything they could to keep out this mutated strain which apparently has an R0 of between 5 and 6 as opposed to the original which was much, much lower at around 2 to 2.5. The Chinese have failed and even the illegal border crossers have the European strain.


Keep it closed and keep it out.


If they plan on opening it in say December then they might as well just open it all up now - the result will be the same. They will know this, it's a matter of waiting it out or opening up.



UK has a very high rate of CV cases and deaths.If you follow Nigel Farang's highlights of  illegal immigrants crossing into the UK by boat and the Government doing nothing about it you can see why. Thailand's a safe heaven.

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