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Chula virologist calls for strict scrutiny of borders to prevent virus from spreading


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on contrary, europe is open ppl travel, beaches are full, friends went from country to country, now in Albania, going Serbia then Macedonia.....


Tanzania is totally open for tourism, 509 cases and 21 deaths. They had very short lived lockdown, then decided to open borders.


Thais bans foreginers from resteurants, and running in maratons. Pretty retarded if you compare two.



Edited by Xaos
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4 hours ago, djuiiy said:

If you recall back in February it was supposed to spread like wildfire in a field of dry grass doused in petrol. It was all over the world in a month. Now 6 months later we're being told it still has the potential to spread in places its already been spread. Why didn't it do so in any of the 5 previous months? Was it having a holiday?
The only logic is it been and gone long ago, and 99% of people don't realize they had it monthes ago, had little or no symptom and are now immune.

Alternatively its all just a myth to scare people while bankers contract the money supply to bankrupt small businesses so that big businesses can buy up the market ( same as every other forced recession in history )

Had slight sniff and sore throat in March for a few days no idea if it was covid19 though.

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Good advice indeed, though I feel for those who are dependent on tourists to make a living. No matter what they decide to do in regard to the borders, there will be sacrifices and victims. Having to make these decisions is not an enviable position.

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It totally amazes me that for all the usual cynicism many of you TVF mob put out on a daily basis, some of you are actually believing that Thailand has no Covid?

No tests, no Covid. But strangely record amounts of death from Influenza, Stroke, Pneumonia 

Talk about the Ostrich burying it's head in the sand.

Stay safe, stay home


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Buthan 1 dead
Cambodia 3
Myanmar 6
Mongolia 6
Vietnam 10
Singapore 27
Hong Kong 46
All less than Thailand 58 and as close as China
Where is there recognition then?
Oh and they didn't put an emergency decree to reach those numbers.

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