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PM: Tourism Promotion Must Continue


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On 8/7/2020 at 5:04 AM, Grumpy John said:

Sad isn't it!  With the restrictions in place tourists will not be coming in great numbers.  

They may find even with restrictions lifted, the arrival numbers will be very low.....

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A couple of off topic posts dragging Mr Trump into the topic have been removed, also replies.


A further post commenting on moderation has now also been removed

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On 8/7/2020 at 12:17 PM, snoop1130 said:

Gen Prayut said the government was trying to raise the expected number of tourists from 2 million to 10 million this year

Fair play to him .. he don't aim low .. if he can pull this off it will be more of an achievement than J C raising Lazarus  .. 

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I am ready, have my bucket and spade packed along with my 200k to cover the various expenses and quarantine. BUT where are the flights, flight permissions, available ASQ hotels, the immigration system restart, the government go ahead??? 


Double speak they can't deliver on.



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7 hours ago, Aussie Col said:

The junta have to wake up and smell the coffee and realise that until they ease restrictions tourists are not going to come back to Thailand. If they don't the people will become more restless everyday as unemployment soars

Prayut will need his military to back up the police when crime increases as the months go by.......

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On 8/7/2020 at 6:58 PM, mr mr said:

so 8 million people are going to come to thailand in the middle of a pandemic to spend 2 weeks in quarantine while scrambling like idiots to get enough paperwork to save the amazon. 


am i close ? 



Isn’t that your boy making that intelligent comment? 

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26 minutes ago, CorpusChristie said:

Which problems would be solved ?

5555555, you don't know???


  • absolute undemocratic behaviour
  • military behaviour (I'm the general and you minions have to obey me)
  • criticising the PM not allowed (military manner)
  • buying very expensiv "tools" (ships) for the military when the poor people need support
  • not taking care for the people hit by  Covid-19
  • no real demeocratic election; suddenly parties with only 30k could win a seat in the parliament. Was manipulated. The small parties then had to vote for him - in return.
  • manipulated election. 250 Senat members not elected, but appointed by Prayut (very "democratic")
  • Future Forward Party had been dissolved. Therefore being hindered to build a coalition government with real democratic parties. 
  • a putsch general par excellence
  • no oath as MP

The list goes on and on.


And you don't know all these problems? What a shame that somebody must show you Prayut's problems.

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