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Investment or partner for game application project

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Hi guys


I'm currently looking for a investment in a game application for IOS & Android to start 


it's the perfect time right now for out of the box ideas and building a game that has been in my head for some years now but having 2 young daughters and the road of life taking many turns and sometimes loops and corkscrews it just didn't happen back then. But now, in this this era I got all the time and focus in the world getting it done and launched.


The theme that surrounds this little game project, is very matrixy and current world events like wrapped in a candy paper to it for all ages and fun and not to serious but engaging and destressing as a game should be, but for some of us with eagle eyes and hearing will find that things are not what they seem in-game and there's more going on like there are two worlds making it more interesting and appealing for a different audience.. That's pretty much what I can give away about the premise of the game. I have stacks of scribbles and writings and some years old that I'm reworking, updating or changing where needed to have it fit and work for this time and place right now. 


Also I like to note for people understanding and actually playing a game sometimes, that it will be a direct sell game strictly. So not filled with predatory IAP (in app purchases) or continues useless AD's  in your face or these types of revenue model's. I have some better ways of doing that, that fit the theme a little and preserving a bit of a standard going forward. 


Having said Al that and pretty Sadly, me and the misses had to make some sacrifices like many others to keep floating and our little ice cream and smoothie shop open in this whole covid circus, that if you ask me will take alot longer and things will get probably much worse soon altho the situation seems to be getting better for now. Great time to invest and that's what I'll be doing and hopefully with some help because that's what I'll be needing.


I'm located in Bangkok, Phra Khanong area and living on and of for about 10 years here now. I'm a digital artist and animator, understand different kind of game engines and somewhat of a campfire guitarrist so I'm able to do most of the work that is needed to kick-start this project and keep cost low and able to work on it 24/7 sorta speak. 


I have no interest in dealing with banks and rather deal with a human investor or even a partner that hasn't a 9 to 5 mentality and is open minded and interested in the industry. Crowd funding will also be part of the project as a marketing tool and extra funding as soon as the fundamentals are ready and a nice demo has been build 


I would need a investment of a 100.000THB that can be put into an agreement and for example if wished, daily recoupments are definitely possible and actually  desirable. If you would like to become a partner it will be a 50-50 deal, nothing else. But like mentioned before you need to be sorta all in like myself to make it work, it's a bizarre time with tons of ancertiny and there will always be bumps in the road for sure, but failing is not a option right now. This will work 


For any serious interest or questions please don't hesitate to message for discussion





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Appreciate if you'd keep us updated on how this goes for you and your future business partner. I think it's stories like yours that people are really interested in right now as there are a lot of people in similar situations. I like how you are pushing forward, resurrecting your old ideas, and maintaining hope through troubled times.

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On 8/12/2020 at 1:34 AM, techietraveller84 said:

Appreciate if you'd keep us updated on how this goes for you and your future business partner. I think it's stories like yours that people are really interested in right now as there are a lot of people in similar situations. I like how you are pushing forward, resurrecting your old ideas, and maintaining hope through troubled times.

Thanks for the comment and inspiring words!  


While it's hard to find someone right now that wants to take a gamble and try perhaps  something new, it would be still amazing to have other folks think about where they are right now and make them  consider doing something out of the box. Strange times ask for strange counter measures

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  • 11 months later...

Just read this post now, wondering how you have progressed so far ?

Crowdfunding is not hype in Thailand, perhaps you just need to start some youtube channel to showcase your work first and get some engagement ?

I wish I could meet a game developer into edutainment... kill two birds with one stone

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