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Trump to try going it alone on coronavirus aid after talks with Congress break down


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2 hours ago, scammed said:

just to be clear, the virus didnt threw tens of millions out of work,

elected governments around the world did that part

Just to be clear, you have grossly oversimplified a complex situation. 

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15 hours ago, wwest5829 said:

Ah, dare we look at where the “tab” is already as a result of tax cuts (2018) and increased military spending?


Indeed, the Republican Senators didnt bat an eyelash when they passed Trump's tax cut law that gave corporations huge tax breaks and thus increased federal deficits....


But now that the country is reeling from the CV, suddenly, they've remembered that Republicans are supposed to be in favor of balanced budgets/lower deficits..... but only when not cutting taxes for their corporate sponsors.


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2 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

So in your words anyone who does not believe the government should be in control of a pandemic is an Anarchitic individual and one who advocates or believes in anarchy,  or anarchism. And my view on personal responsibity is that I am seeking to overturn by violence all constituted forms and institutions of society and government, with no purpose of establishing any other system of order in the place of that destroyed.

I find it hard to believe that by living with personal responsibility I am a person who promotes disorder or excites revolt against any established rule, law, or custom.if the government can't meet in the middle and do what's right, it up to us to care for ourselves. It's not just one person's responsibility.

Having an anarchistic attitude with regards to handling the pandemic is not the same as 'being an anarchistic individual and advocating anarchism'.


Anarchism btw does not mean 'overturning by violence all constituted forms and institutions of government and society'.

Edited by stevenl
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12 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Having an anarchistic attitude with regards to handling the pandemic is not the same as 'being an anarchistic individual and advocating anarchism'.


Anarchism btw does not mean 'overturning by violence all constituted forms and institutions of government and society'.

Sorry, your on your own without personal responsibility. At the end of the day you are ultimately responsible for yourself. Your job, your money, and your retirement funding are your responsibility. If you expect a government pension or a subsidy to cover you always, you better not be standing on top of an unopened sinkhole because when that whooshing sound hits, your getting sucked under water, and under ground without anybody to assist you.

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6 hours ago, Yinn said:


They stupid. Money not control covid. 

Behavior control covid.

Wear mask, wash hands, social distance, stay home, tracing app. 

Control about 5 weeks same thailand.




But anti masker, riot and protests, covid party, anti vaxxer, refuse the app= not control, terrible economy, trillion++ waste money. 


Listen what doctor say, not politics loon.

i boring this idiots. Selfish. 





You are getting tiresome now .. same old banging the " look how superior we are " drum .. you need to expand with a little imagination if you are gonna continue to pedal this .. 

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5 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

Sorry, your on your own without personal responsibility. At the end of the day you are ultimately responsible for yourself. Your job, your money, and your retirement funding are your responsibility. If you expect a government pension or a subsidy to cover you always, you better not be standing on top of an unopened sinkhole because when that whooshing sound hits, your getting sucked under water, and under ground without anybody to assist you.

You really don't understand my reasoning or anarchism.


Where did I mention 'without personal responsibility'? In contrast, I agree with that being important.


We're getting off topic btw.

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8 minutes ago, stevenl said:

You really don't understand my reasoning or anarchism.


Where did I mention 'without personal responsibility'? In contrast, I agree with that being important.


We're getting off topic btw.

Its actually quite in line with the OP. Had people taken some responsibility themselves for there monthly income and ensured they had money to ride out a storm, then the US government wouldn't have to assist with a bailout for a situation the government caused when the economy was shut down, no matter what and who people percive as tge catalyst for there woes. The President, whomever it might have been has some tough decisions he/she has to make, but its never his alone. Handouts and expectations of said handouts have always been a democratic way of life for some folks. I hope that the person who is in the Whitehouse makes some sound decisions. But then I don't do politics.

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Just now, stevenl said:

Not at all. People not listening or not using common sense are the tiresome ones.

No in the context of this article it isn't .. why do we have to have the graphs comparing the U S with Thailand when the article is about U S politics .. it is a common theme running though the contributions of the member to big up Thailand's perceived success in the fight against C V and at the same time diss' other countries response to it with an air of dare I say superiority .. even when the article doesn't appertain to Thailand in particular ..  

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The Presidency hangs in the balance, high time for Trump to check out and head to his New Jersey Golf Resort for a long weekend. Oh yeah, this guy is working. :biggrin: I mean he is going to be on the phone with people.






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8 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

IMO even if Trump delivers the greatest aid package in American history there are those on here that will say it's terrible and the "other" guy could have done it better.

Doesn't matter what the Donald does, to some he's always bad.

IMO he'll get the best advice he can and try to sign something affordable and reasonable for as many as possible.

From what I gather, the Dems wanted a blank cheque for too much money, and the GOP rightly refused to agree.

He is totally incapable of any such achievement as it doesn't benefit himself. He is "what it is".

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So many haters. Does it matter who is at the helm. No one can manage such a country when even each States Governments, like California have failed as well as Florida. It has not mattered if its a Republican or a Democrat at the helm.  Pelosi and her group are no different. It has always been whats in it for them. 

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3 hours ago, Justgrazing said:

No in the context of this article it isn't .. why do we have to have the graphs comparing the U S with Thailand when the article is about U S politics .. it is a common theme running though the contributions of the member to big up Thailand's perceived success in the fight against C V and at the same time diss' other countries response to it with an air of dare I say superiority .. even when the article doesn't appertain to Thailand in particular ..  

Is tiresome the US etc will not control. 



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1 hour ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

Of course it matters, a decent president would have set a responsible, leadership tone from the beginning and brought the whole nation together for a unified consistent anti-CV policy -- mandatory mask wear, required social distancing, an early and complete package on international travel for all arrivals, such as banning travel from outbreak areas and requiring quarantines for other areas.


Had the president done that, the U.S. would not have anywhere near the current 160,000 number of U.S. citizen CV deaths and the economic hole he's dug the country into wouldn't be nearly so deep. But instead, we got fake science, false cures, lies that the virus was just going to magically go away, no national leadership, federal "guidelines" issued and then promptly ignored, etc etc.  A total sh-- show...



And you firmly believe that, well good on you. I don't believe he could have pulled it off and neither do I believe Pelosi and her crew could have either.  Even the governors of there own states tried and failed and few would and did listen but most disagreed and you had the cases there that exploded. The only way a President could have pulled it off would have by being truly polarizing and gotten all sides together.  The last such man was Ronald Reagan. The issue is getting constituents to do as asked. Had mandatory measures been put in place just think of the myriad of lawsuits that would have been filed and still people would not listen.  But I digress, the current President will put something together that some will like, but no matter what, the other side won't.  My opinion.

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2 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

And you firmly believe that, well good on you. I don't believe he could have pulled it off and neither do I believe Pelosi and her crew could have either.  Even the governors of there own states tried and failed and few would and did listen but most disagreed and you had the cases there that exploded. The only way a President could have pulled it off would have by being truly polarizing and gotten all sides together.  The last such man was Ronald Reagan. The issue is getting constituents to do as asked. Had mandatory measures been put in place just think of the myriad of lawsuits that would have been filed and still people would not listen.  But I digress, the current President will put something together that some will like, but no matter what, the other side won't.  My opinion.

Trump politicised mask wearing, he was the one who could have required quarantine, who could have banned flights when it would have been effective.


I do agree with you that the land of the free has evolved into a free for all and I don't care at all about anyone else.

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19 minutes ago, stevenl said:

Trump politicised mask wearing, he was the one who could have required quarantine, who could have banned flights when it would have been effective.


I do agree with you that the land of the free has evolved into a free for all and I don't care at all about anyone else.

Thank you, it is the main issue that keeps it all screwed up. Banning flights, would have worked, however, even that would have been a true cluster and lawsuit riddled policy.

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3 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:


At the state level, there were some governors, mostly Democrats, who wanted and tried to do the right things, and then there were a lot of Republican governors who consistently refused to do the right things until it was too late.


Trump made the whole mask wearing and virus doubting debate such a toxic political football and encouraged active opposition to CV measures that in the end, even some right thinking governors such as CA were forced to lift restrictions prematurely, and ended up paying the price.


Trump was regularly and publicly maligning Democratic governors for their lockdown and other CV policies, which is exactly the opposite of what he, or any right-thinking president, should have been doing. And the country paid the price for his ignorant, science and medicine-ignoring views and lack of national leadership.


I still think personal responsibility and morales people have co-opted any think that may have come down the pipe. Bailouts aside, if folks would do what's truly necessary and stop being pig headed then maybe things would resolve themselves, but the me me me attitude and pork barrel add ons to any bill are just ridiculous.

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12 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

If Trump does 100 things, how many of them are good? 1? Or maybe best case 10?

He was such a bad president for most of the last 4 years. Even if he would be on perfect behavior for the next 3 months he would never be able to compensate for all he did already - or didn't do.


But maybe we should see Trump like Covid: It will go away.

At least he hasn't destroyed other countries such as Bush in Iraq and Obama in Libya.

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If Trump is actually able to sign some good relief efforts this could blow up in the dems faces. I would love a tax payroll cut. Completely cut off the money the politicians want to steal. Local governments are beginning to panic. The extent of their past stupidity can not be kept hidden much longer with out federal money.


It's funny how the dems always try to tell you Amazon and Apple are stealing your money and then openly rob you like it is actually their money. I guess Pelosi and crew will be forced to take yet another vacation with no deal. Not a sexy optic. The reps have the same problem but if Trump can intervene that takes pressure off them to some extent. 




The clip of Cuomo begging people to come back was funny. Let's have dinner, I'll buy you a drink. LOL 



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12 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

Not up to him really. Each person has there own morale responsibility but want to blame someone else for there woes and selfishness. But that's my fellow Americans, well a few at least.

I don't take responsibility at all.

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