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The week that was in Thailand news: Surviving the sinking ship of Thai tourism, without an amulet!


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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

One was 500,000 baht for the two weeks. I just hope that the maid is removing the virus from the gold-plated bath taps.

I'd be taking the taps with me at the end and they'd wanna be solid gold as well for 500k .. 

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2 hours ago, puipuitom said:

See how the European states + people did not care enough, as want to have parties, go in holidays and forget 99,99 % of al precautions. As a statistician told on TV: just continue all precautions a few cycles ( get infected - spread the virus) and we have CRUSHED the curve and not only flatten the curve. We now see the results over there, after the continuous blundering of let it spread the first time. Without a proper vaccination, we are stuck with that virus. A few months ago we had a few break-out points, now the virus is spread over the world, so let's see how autumn and winter will be. Remind the last pandemic, the Spanish Flue, which lasted 4 years, and killed somewhere between 0.5-2% of the world population.


Looking to Thailand: I cannot escape from the idea, not the publics interests are served but those of the owners of some stadiums, with the proper connection to the military. (as often in TH) 


Tourism will be for a long time on its bottom, as many - European - tourists hesitate to go outside of their country, and if.. not far away.

Second, as Ai Farang I would prefer to spend my holidays in a country where I myself am welcome also, and not only my spending.


Speak for yourself, do not implicate other in your "don't care story time". And you trust what pseudo remote expert TV show said ?


You should open your eyes and read some other sources and compare death from this virus and Malaria or Deng or people die on the road, or from alcoholism, and anything else, but compare and try to thinking without TV hypnotist experts.

Also, sure, it should have more death and contaminated people than it appears in many countries they don't test enough (Thailand test 600 000 a bit up, from the start, it is close to what we test every week there in French), so they also have a kind of deny mind thinking about this. Look also at there own experts who, same as many other around the world, win money from pharmaceutic big companies... money, money, money... they all want to force population to buy a vaccine (big money), even if this one is not enough tested, even if the virus is gone, even if the virus efficiency defense will be around 2 month, even if the virus doesn't kill 1% of the population. But in the same time, welcome poor cheap worker (no more problem... for you ok...).


Please... look at facts first.


Again, it is not because of you or some other (all over the world there is some, depend on where the camera target and zoom your brain will only see what they want to show to you... don't be so easily manipulable) don't care that everybody same don't care and don't respect a law. Most of the people respect the law. Much more when they are not very young and have a family to care about.


My situation is not to be a tourist (what ever some Thai authority speak about tourism for everything disrespectfully), but to be married and to stay far from my family from 8 month now. You situation is not the situation of everybody. And many like us are locked or blackmailed (between 30 000 THB to 500 000 THB for 2 weeks locked in a 4 stars hotel i never go inside in all my life as i win my money who serve for all my family and don't want to trash it like that (without price of extra for food and more), reservation before to know if can come, no warranty...) by this kind of government, even if i have no virus contamination and care to stay safe to be able to come back when there panic attitude will end (by the absolute necessity and at very late time, i see...).


This year is full crazy.


And from my job, I know how the majority of humans get "weird" when a new, potentially dangerous, unknown event that can be exposed occurs.
Fear arises from weak brains who have never seen anything other than their city-dwellers' lives, and then the spirits are carried away, the experts speak for their employers (who lick their chops), preachers of the end of the world and miracle solutions that will save them, the business becomes that of the worst lobbyists because there will always be people wanting to take advantage of it. It's as old as business, as old as the world.
Take advantage of a situation of exceptional panic fear, intense emotions, favorable to all kinds of manipulations (as an initial prerequisite for any form of sectarian thought). What better today than a television to spread the commercial propaganda of the moment (in a free market world, what is there other than business?) And to surf on fear.
And all of this outside of all reasonable logic.


Edited by jerolamo
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I only started coming to Thailand for years ago and everyone says it was at its peak and prime 15 to 20 years ago so why is this drop in tourism so badd for Thailand now?   I think 10 million visitors each year is plenty for Thailand to handle properly.   Yes many people are going to have to find real jobs.   There will be pain but if they do things properly Thailand can become a better destination. 

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19 minutes ago, Elkski said:

I only started coming to Thailand for years ago and everyone says it was at its peak and prime 15 to 20 years ago so why is this drop in tourism so badd for Thailand now?   I think 10 million visitors each year is plenty for Thailand to handle properly.   Yes many people are going to have to find real jobs.   There will be pain but if they do things properly Thailand can become a better destination. 

Because 20 years ago there was not all the not so attractive infrastructure associated with recent numbers and that now devoid of tourists ,makes the place look like an ugly deserted ghost town. Indeed ,some aspects like the beaches and sea will look and be cleaner /better but knowing it represents mass unemployment and lost livelihoods takes the edge off somewhat.

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I think that the Winter of 2020 will be very low in tourist numbers.  The Spring and Summer of

2021 may see some movement if a vaccine is effective and is being taken by the tourists

and people of all countries.  The USA will have at least 400 thousand less people by

2021 and most of the red necks will be less vocal to say the least.  I am hoping that I can go back to Thailand during the Winter of 2021 or for sure 2022.  Glad that I have a secure pension and have

not spent foolishly with the low interest rates.  Good Luck Thailand, Asia, and the rest of the

World, as most people who are not rich, will be very slowly getting their jobs back and their

savings restocked by 2022.


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Thanks for another good weekly news update, with your usual Humour, Rooster.

  Where would we all be without you.  Some of the Forum posters seem like a gloomy lot, and if they are in Thailand, should be happy that they are not stuck in America, trying to escape.


Edited by Stargrazer9889
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4 hours ago, Farang99 said:

As for the "mai mai mai mai, chai mai"  exercise, as I am elderly and tone deaf it all sounds like "no no no no yes no" to me


krai kai kai gai ?       

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35 minutes ago, 3NUMBAS said:

tourism is a lost memory for a decade or  more so they better have an ace up their sleeve

Lost for Thailand. Other countries in the region will pick up the Farang tourists that Thailand doesn't seem to want creating jobs and security for the less well off in them countries.

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On 8/9/2020 at 1:16 PM, pennine said:

I thought we would have had a mention of Trump's Thighland.

Sure is a lot of people on this forum that have TDS! Can't even have one article without his name being slandered! What you going to do after he gets re-elected for another 4 years?

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6 hours ago, Aussie Col said:

The junta have no business acumen, so are as much use as chocolate teapot when it comes to sorting out the countries problems.

Well they certainly know about investing in high quality wrist watches. 2nd hand market is always strong.

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On 8/9/2020 at 5:16 AM, Rainsberger said:

Why do they continue to moan about tourism when there are NO flights to Thailand and no foreigners are allowed in, open up and i will be there quick to help you out it's been a long boring time for all of us. 

Amen. Me too, and I think , thousands of others wanting to escape the virus-ravaged West.

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