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Deputy AG fails to show up at an independent hearing into the dropping of ‘Boss’ charges


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7 hours ago, webfact said:

A panel, headed by a former chairman of a constitution drafting body, Borwornsak Uwanno, summonsed Deputy Attorney-General Nate Naksuk to give statements at the independent committee looking into what lead to the dropped charges. But was a no-show at the hearings.

So he should be relieved of all further duties and best wishes sent to him on his retirement.

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1 hour ago, kingstonkid said:

Anyone want to bet that Nate turns up dead by suicide.   get a feeling that his actions were due to the color brown and favours promised by the Red Bull company.

You gonna run a book?


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There is one good thing this case shows: it evidences the (non) style and character this whole family has, and also the majority of the people on the other side of the table. How about standing up, express your sadness, apologize, and face and accept all consequences. The baby face himself does not have this quality, but how about the more adult people around him in his family? Nope! I do not have more disrespect for anything any other people could have done in their lifes.

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7 hours ago, Pib said:

Maybe the Deputy AG had a conflicting meeting schedule....like maybe a meeting with Boss's lawyers regarding the need for additional stuffed envelopes.

Anyone check if the cameras are working at the crossing points???

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7 hours ago, colinneil said:

Come on, did anybody actually expect him to turn up?

No way would he be there, far too many questions to be answered.

First question would be, how much did you get paid to drop the charges.

It's only fair to give him some more time to count the money ????

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8 hours ago, webfact said:

There have been three committees set up to look into the dropping of the most serious of the charges against Boss, the ‘reckless driving causing death’ charge. The decision, not initially made public in Thailand but published in a CNN.com news article, sparked public outrage.

So they are trying to figure out who leaked the information that was meant to be kept quiet.

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9 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

Your honor, I rest my case. Guilty as charged. Both Boss, and the army. 


This is ample demonstration that despite protestations to the contrary, Prayuth and the army are performing the job they were appointed to do. Protect the wealthy, the powerful and those in office. 


Anyone who thinks anything to the contrary, is naive at best. 

Yes thats the nature of the Beast - Power.

Its just so obvious to people from different cultures . Unfortunately the same is conducted in many different or liberalised systems.

Power & its maintenance of those structures at all cost is always ongoing but this weariness should not stop, and rightly does not stop the pursuit of justice and truth

Keep the faith

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10 hours ago, colinneil said:

Come on, did anybody actually expect him to turn up?

No way would he be there, far too many questions to be answered.

First question would be, how much did you get paid to drop the charges.

Personally i think the first question should be ''Who ordered you to drop the charges ? ''  These people are just Puppets of those well above them.

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6 hours ago, Emdog said:

"He eventually Fred the country in 2017 using the family’s private jet, flying to Singapore,..."

Who is this Fred fellow? Mistranslation? He didn't "Fred" the country. Maybe his mate instead: He eventually Dicked the country... and like lots of Dick activities here, recipients were well paid

Come on, give the translator a break, he's said in numerous posts in the past that he just translates "ad verbatim" so if he says it's "Fred the country" than it must be "Fred the country".


Note: The above post contains heavy sarcasm.

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In spite of all the rants, raves and whinging the Thai legal system is much more like than unlike others in the world. Mass murderers are protected while truth tellers are imprisoned. Swindlers and war criminals receive pardons while petty criminals receive lengthy sentences. Some who would have likely been hanged at Nuremberg instead receive lifetime appointments as  judges or tenured university positions. Other than the death of the unfortunate Sergeant Major this is rather a minor case in world jurisprudence.


Edited by HannahD
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Many years ago I was advised to compartmentalise Thailand. Enjoy the cheap lifestyle , the sunshine , friendly ladies and easy going ( for tourists ) way of life.

However for those choosing to live there , largely , one needed to turn a blind eye to reality, the fact that the country is a fuedal throwback.

Some expats , mostly away from tourist areas , have married well , and are content in their bubble.

Some have become bitter , the prices have risen , the girls have wised up.

Me , I still love the people but despise the system , my weakness is a surfeit of empathy , Thailand is not a country to be proud of


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19 hours ago, colinneil said:

Come on, did anybody actually expect him to turn up?

No way would he be there, far too many questions to be answered.

First question would be, how much did you get paid to drop the charges.

Please guys, understand-- his watch was faulty, he is in the process of borrowing one from the deputy PM.

He just can't decide which model he wants.

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