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Foreign tourist arrivals to Thailand could be as low as 6 million in 2021, warns TAT


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6 minutes ago, Percy P said:

I'm in Thailand locked down at the moment having a wonderful time.I can only hope the lock down continues . Australia's locked down until 2021 and it's got a good chance of being extended until 2022 .

Lucky you have money others doubt

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2 hours ago, skorp13 said:

Even if they open i can't see the two week millionaires coming back to spend their entire time in quarantine

what's two week if you here for six months. People with money who come here want peace and quiet.With a 14days lockdown they have it.

What is this life if full of care. To have no time to stand a stare. No time to stand beneath the boughs and stare as long as the sheep and cows. " leisure "

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Reading the replies on here its not giving much confidence for the future 

  to the foreign owners of bars restaurants ect in places like Pattaya Hua Hin of future business except depending on  those Farangs already here

Looks like Its going to be a long wait for tourists 2021 ?

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7 minutes ago, Werner Mayerhoffer said:

Thailand has a very low infection rate, if the figures are true. I cannot see a reason why not open the borders again and Manage the epidemic like other countries do. If isolation is needed, then the guests own hotel or house would be efficient enough. A government arranged accommodation is not acceptable. I spend 4 months every year at the cost of about 8000 pounds but unless stipulations change, I will spend it elsewhere, especially as some Thais don't want dirty forangs anyhow. 

Dirty?..... There is more dirt in the back of Thai houses then anywhere in the world. 

W. Mayerhoffer 

You are the low spending tourist not wanted in Thailand

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After a conversation with a doctor this afternoon, I now understand that hospitals in Thailand could easily be overwhelmed.  I think that the next step should be to admit people with long-term permission to stay, gradually.   

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31 minutes ago, DogNo1 said:

After a conversation with a doctor this afternoon, I now understand that hospitals in Thailand could easily be overwhelmed.  I think that the next step should be to admit people with long-term permission to stay, gradually.   

I believe this is true aswell, all of the countries in SE Asia that are locked are for the same reason, health service won't be able to cope with a large outbreaks.

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1 hour ago, Rockbottom said:

Why does the TAT insist on leaking speculation after speculation to the press on a daily basis?

what else do you expect them to do, they are bored,  no tourists to hassle 555

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6 million tourists. What all of you are forgetting. That was the tourist count until March 28th !!! There are NO MORE...

These figures they are posting are historical, NOT forecast !!!!

Thailand is ruined now, they have dug their own grave. I am very surprised. 

Remember an army has to follow orders. So all the subordinates just say YES SIR... So if those in power are s@it scared of dying from another form of strong flu, then it will never change.

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4 hours ago, sahibji said:

these are tough times for all the countries as tourism is interdependent and until most countries recover from the pandemic.

and more importantly, recover from the self imposed economic suicide as a 'cure' from covid

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2 hours ago, Sonny Karlsson said:

This government deserve a Hughe  drop in tourism, as Being so hostile and discriminating to western (read farans);people. Just feel sorry for the thai people loosing their Jobs. 

Proud to be your first responder and thumbs up.  Welcome aboard.

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90% of Thais don't want dirty foreigners coming to their clean country.
What part of rolling up the welcome mat is hard to understand. 

"Come to beautiful, clean, Covid-free Thailand.  Quarantine in luxury for 14 days - then - get out!  We don't want you here dirty foreigner.  And take your dirty foreign expats that have been here for years too!  They still dirty like you which is why even though they stay here for many, many years, we no allow them to run in marathon, or go to some restaurant, or go to some wat, or ride on some buses.  All foreigners dirty.  Anutin tell us so.  We no want you here.  Go home!" 

<In Farangland:  "I know honey.  Let's go to Thailand!">  Not.

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My motivation for returning is to see my fiancee (I'm in UK, she BKK). Otherwise I'd be giving Thailand a wide berth for the forseeable.


I have given up on a further 4 week visit this year (May visit was cancelled) and have been targeting an extended 6 months in the region from end of Feb next year. I'm willing to jump through all the hoops to get us back together - C19 test, quarantine etc.


If the Thai government has any sense, they'll accept people like me who need a tourist visa and are willing to meet all the medical requirements. Also, that they won't try and enforce further stupid restrictions around freedom of movement - if you have completed the medical requirements then that should be that.


But I expect the reality is the vast majority of potential tourists are 2 or 3 week visitors and they aren't going to come back anytime soon if quarantine is a requirement. And also if they are herded into certain areas. 

Edited by MarkyM3
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2 hours ago, Rockbottom said:

Why does the TAT insist on leaking speculation after speculation to the press on a daily basis?

Either they are doing this at government direction or they are trying to get the government to realize the severity of the situation unless they make some changes.

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3 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Six million?


Yeah, right.


How are they going to get here?

6 million is very very optimistic even if they open up the borders.

At this moment in time people are booking holidays and Thailand isn't on their radar and once these tourists who use to come to Thailand see how far their money goes in other countries they won't be coming back here any time soon.

Basically this shows that the soldier boys don't know how to run a country on a business level.

Thailand is heading into a winter of discontent with probably riots on the streets by those who have lost their jobs because of the inept soldier boys trying to run a country.

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