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Has the General Section changed in 5 years?


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Okay this may be a test ???? I am ready for it.


I have left Thailand about 5 years ago or more and when I used to be an active member Digital Nomads were the lowest of the low, Member SoiBiker used to get a lot of abuse ???? is he still here. There used to a Visa genius of a moderator on the Forum from up north Thailand sorry forget his name. Experienced members gave English Teachers a hard time especially the illegal people. Other than that has the Forum or Thailand changed since the stricter regulation on Visa came in that drove many home or to neighboring countries? 

Edited by ECLV
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9 minutes ago, steven100 said:

the price of a beer has increased

Oh not good, How much is it now? I am currently drinking an IPA from Lidl only 1.37 Euro a 330 ml can and surprisingly good, I was surprised when i returned home Thai Food is one of the most expensive meal/take-away while so inexpensive in Thailand. 


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Soibiker hasn't logged in since July 2018, Ubon Joe the "visa genius" is still highly active.


@ECLV your old username is probably still active and we should be able to resurrect it if you mail support[at]thaivisa.com.


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3 minutes ago, Crossy said:

Soibiker hasn't logged in since July 2018, Ubon Joe the "visa genius" is still highly active.


@ECLV your old username is probably still active and we should be able to resurrect it if you mail support[at]thaivisa.com.


Thanks Crossy, great to see your still here, this is nostalgic for me tbh, Yep that's him, Ubon Joe a great asset to the community like yourself may i add. Thanks for the reply and advise.

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40 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

It’s pretty much still like it was ....... only worse !!

Theres a whole bunch of new groups doing battle on the pages of TVF :

Anti-maskers v maskers 

Thai bashers v apologists 

MAGA’s v Anti Trumpers 

Covid fearers  v  tin foil hat brigade

Noobies v old timers 

Elite visas v border jumpers


Actually whatever you feel is important to you or you like to do open a thread about it and prepare to do battle !!


A couple of years ago just mentioning Brexit would start an argument now it’s any topic ranging from American politics to where to buy cheese !!


If you’re looking for a verbal punch up TVF is the place to be !!


Come on in the waters HOT !!

Great observation, you have nailed 90% of the members and content.


The other 10% is, every 2-3 months,


A Sin Sod Thread

A bum gun thread

A what happend to high season thread

An empty condos, market is about to collapse thread

A pink ID/yellow book is usless thread


and a "everyone is moving to Vietnam" thread


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3 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Why don't you start a new thread off ECLV---something like should I pay Sin-Sot......or  ..I don't think my girl is cheating on me ..But....:coffee1:

Ah I feel at home now ????

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11 minutes ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

Of course if you really want to “ get into it “ start a thread about :

” thinking about buying a Chevrolet or MG “

” thinking about using an agent “

” do masks really work “

” should I pay sinsod ? “


Or if you are at expert level

” do you believe in god ? “

All joking apart TVF is still a good source of information for all things Thai and has some great well informed posters on here going above and beyond .


Just don’t mention politics or religion ????

Agree, I have recommended some youngsters from work to the forum for info on Traveling in Thailand, but I told them not to mention that they will be backpacking  ???? They did ask why though haha

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6 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Great observation, you have nailed 90% of the members and content.


The other 10% is, every 2-3 months,

Why is it that we stay here? & do you put yourself in the 90----or 10%


for me , there doesn't seem to be that many sites around, which in some ways is surprising with the amount of ex-pats here.

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The biggest change I have seen over the past five years, are regular posters who have turned into exactly the type of poster, they used to hate. In fact, some of them have posted on this thread. 

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