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76 people killed on Thai roads on Tuesday, 483 killed in August - year's fatalities top 8,500


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31 minutes ago, Pilotman said:
1 hour ago, Bangkok Barry said:

Does it matter? 76 dead in one day isn't meaningless. Nor is 68 the day before. Sometimes the comments on here leave me completely baffled.

I am talking about statistically, which you surely must have realized.  The humanitarian aspect is another, but related  issue. Of course, each individual death is a tragedy, but to make sense of it, is to make a contribution to improving it and without knowing trends and details, its impossible to have a realistic view of what is actually happening on Thailand's roads.  Too many people just throw out negative opinions without knowing the full facts.  It was ever thus on TVF.  For example, why so many deaths when people fall asleep.  Is it that they work too long hours, in order to provide for their families because there is no other option for them?  Probably.  Is it their fault that they are not trained properly, as proper training is just not available here? Maybe. It's never as simple as just quoting death numbers in isolation. 

The basic reason is very simple. Thais do not receive proper instruction, nor a meaningful test to ensure they are capable of driving safely. And, to make matters worse, far too many lack personal discipline. If they had all of the above they would have the common sense not to drive when they are tired etc. The bottom line is the fatality figures, which no-one addresses because the problem is far too difficult and complex to solve. See my post #16 above.


Edited by Bangkok Barry
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No proper education, lack of common sense, not sticking to the rules, police unwilling  to enforce those rules (except on farang) and blatant egoism are just a few reasons for this mess.


But the government is more concerned about keeping the borders closed for a supposed virus that killed 58 people.


Clowns all of them. 

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It is a epidemic here world numbers it ranks pandemic!  Lock the place down put the alcohol ban back and top it off with a curfew.


When that is done push the reset and start all over again with proper education and training. Then reset the legal system and keep the BIB out of the equation that would be a good start! 


And they are worry about the Virus open the place up Internationally the road death is your real pandemic always has and always will until the leaders decide to make it a priority like the Virus!

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these stats are totally useless and boring now. why bother even reporting on them ?


who cares ? nobody.

who's going to do anything about it ? nobody.

what's going to change ? nothing. 


over 95% of ALL thai should have their licence taken away. everyone knows that driving here is a clown show. 

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Why dont the corrupt politicians do something about the idiotic infrastructure?

Insane u-turns still allowed, why?

Short distance allowed between the vehicles, why?

Allowed to drive without head lights on, why?

To easy to get a drivers licens, even possible to buy one, why?

so on, so on......

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20,000 deaths a year, and the government is scared of Covid19?

there is more to the Government closing the borders than meets the eye.

if a Government can accept 20,000 people dying each year, and does nothing to tackle the problem. Then Covid19 has other subliminal issues that are not known to the public. Because , smaller European countries never even topped 10,000 or even 5,000 deaths during the pandemic.

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What's the point in reporting this? It is the same day after day, week after week, month after month, and year after year. Nothing changes and nothing ever will. You may as well report about me taking a <deleted> every morning, it would be about as relevant as reporting the deaths on Thai roads.

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5 minutes ago, LeoCesar said:

Why dont the corrupt politicians do something about the idiotic infrastructure?

Insane u-turns still allowed, why?

Short distance allowed between the vehicles, why?

Allowed to drive without head lights on, why?

To easy to get a drivers licens, even possible to buy one, why?

so on, so on......

Very simple, they don't care. End of!!


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Oh my, time to close the country, lock down the bars, stop alcohol sales, stop all international flights, close down all sporting events, impose a curfew, close down all massage parlors, bars, mandate masks, and maintain detailed information on where everyone travels.  OH WAIT, THAT ONLY APPLIES IF YOU HAVE 58 TOTAL DEATHS FROM VIRUS  Deaths from road accidents are OK

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10 hours ago, webfact said:

the death toll on the Thai roads has been accepted by government figures as being in excess of 20,000 annually and some estimates put the figure at between 24-26,000, notes Thaivisa.

what about the death toll from the covid-19? maybe thai government should take action to improve road safety, on first place

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10 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

The roads are not causing a problem...Thai drivers should be in government quarantine until they can follow the rules of the road...police forced to enforce driving laws instead of looking for tea money...

That's not entirely true. The state of the roads is often poor, even new roads are surfaced in a dangerous manner (I'm currently in Chachoengsao and apparently the newly built road is a disaster whenever it rains) and the u-turn systen is too dangerous. It might have been OK 25 years ago with fewer cars on the road but there are too many cars to have safe u-turns on many highways and people take risks. Roudabots would be a better option........if the Thais knew how to use them properly.


That said, it's stil 99% down to bad driving!

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Falling asleep at the wheel seems to be one of the main causes of road deaths here. Thais could sleep on a washing line. My 23yo stepdaughter doesn't get up until lunchtime and then has the cheek to go for an afternoon nap at about 4pm. The only thing that gets her up is hunger. It appears that no matter how much sleep Thais have, they can still nod off at the drop of a hat, sadly in a lot of cases, whilst driving as appears to be the case here.

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Dramatic pictures of a tragic pick up incident. Be aware though that 70% of deaths are on motorcycles. How many of those could be have saved by wearing crash helmets?

Motorcycles accounted for up to 70 per cent of the fatal crashes, followed by 14 per cent involving personal cars or pickups and 10 per cent pedestrians. - Quote the Nation July 2019.

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12 hours ago, mtls2005 said:

Road deaths are #9 on the list here.


Are we going to get a daily tally on 


heart disease


lower respiratory infections

liver cancer

kidney disease

lung Cancer







You missed out farang suicide and murder by a 40kg bargirl or her "boyfriend"

which according to some of the academics here are highly prevalent.


Not to mention mauling to death by packs of wild dogs or katoeys.

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17 hours ago, Phuketshrew said:

76 deaths on the roads, but no reported deaths from Covid. Priorities?

Strange isn't it. Around 20,000 a year die on the roads yet nothing is done about it. A bunch of people succumb to a virus and they shut the country down. 

The vast majority of all road accidents in Thailand involve Thai nationals exclusively.

Of the few accidents involving foreigners, including minor incidents, how many would be set up by Thais in the classic extortion racket?

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