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Phuket announces ‘5T’ model for receiving tourists, includes mandatory US$100k health insurance


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...vacation in Thailand must be first be approved by a Royal Thai Embassy
...provide evidence of COVID-free within 72 hours before departing or a ‘Fit to Fly’ or other documents proving the free of infection
...must have health insurance coverage of US $100,000 in case they need to have medical treatment for whatever reason
...must also acknowledge that after arriving, will remain at an ASQ hotel venue for 14 days, during which they will be tested two times during their stay at the hotel: the first test to be conducted sometime between the 3rd and 5th day of there lovely vacation, with the second test conducted between the 11th and 13th day of there by now wonderfully enjoyed quarantine, after which they can then be free to enjoy whatever remaining time they may have

...and if my grandmother had wheels, she was a trolley

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Before opening up for foreign tourists, could someone please tell me, exactly what Thailand has done, in order to be prepared to handle a potentiel large increase in local and foreign Covid 19 patients??

Edited by Xonax
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Seems to be different versions of this plan but whatever version may finally be published looks like non runner. Yes Thailand lovely country to visit but not under draconian conditions and any costs. Best plan is to officially announce no foreign tourism for at least another 12 months then every one will know where they stand.

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2 minutes ago, Dialemco said:

Seems to be different versions of this plan but whatever version may finally be published looks like non runner. Yes Thailand lovely country to visit but not under draconian conditions and any costs. Best plan is to officially announce no foreign tourism for at least another 12 months then every one will know where they stand.

I can't see that working. They need the tourists' money to pay for the submarines, then perhaps some crumbs for the plebs.

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6 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:
31 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

'the Bugatti plan' - is that some kind of vegetarian option with Mediterranean food?

It's the 2 week millionaires plan

If my wife and I ate the vegetarian option with Mediterranean food we'd end up as two weak millionaires.

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Just out of interest, is there any travel health insurance that covers COVID and up to 100,00 USD?

Previously, they didn't even cover some "normal" sport activities so I doubt they cover COVID treatment...

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17 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

So, basically anyone wishing to vacation in Thailand must be first be approved by a Royal Thai Embassy and have evidence of COVID-19 test proving they are COVID-free within 72 hours before departing. Alternatively, they must present a ‘Fit to Fly’ or other documents proving they are free of infection. Additionally the tourists must have health insurance coverage of US $100,000 in case they need to have medical treatment for whatever reason.

With that being said they must also acknowledge that after arriving, they will remain at an ASQ hotel venue for 14 days, during which they will be tested two times during their stay at the hotel. The first test to be conducted sometime between the 3rd and 5th day of there lovely vacation, with the second test conducted between the 11th and 13th day of there by now wonderfully enjoyed quarantine, after which they can then be free to enjoy whatever remaining time they may have.


However, if they test positive then there time now is spent at a glorious beach front hospital where there 100K US policy will pay for there remaining vacation time in a luxuriosly appointed hospital suite.


No flickking way will anyone, except those expats who have family come and subject themselves to an out of pocket cost nearing the 300,00 baht range, before they can even began to enjoy there time here.  Plus jumping through the hoops just to get approved.  God forbid you take time off from work to go to through the initial testing but then to be denied or accepted at the discretion of the Royal Thai Embassy in your home country is Ludicrous.


Additionally, what airlines are they going to be allowed to travel on or just specific chartered flights which will only fly on certain timeframes guaranteed by the Thai Government.  I personally do not know anyone who has all the free time in the world just to sit on there <deleted> and wait for a vacation that may or may not ever come.  Additionally, whose job will allow them to just take off whenever.


This appears to be aimed at those with unlimited funds and High Flyers who will just unfortunately go elsewhere to avoid the three ring Thai circus that this is becoming.


Ok Flame and Rant over.

and that's not all folks!

according to another poster on here who went through all these procedures recently ... no alcohol served for the duration of his quarantine at the ASQ .. sounds like the vacation from Hell!

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1 hour ago, Surasak said:

There is one other added difficulty, finding the insurance company who will supply the Covid19 cover !! Very seriously few and far between.

I tried getting the Covid insurance here in Thailand from the SCB bank. They refuse foreigners outright. Only Thais may purchase the insurance. 1800 baht for 1m baht coverage. 

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17 hours ago, JusticeGB said:

Quoting from Phuket News:

"Of note, the 5T policy and its measures must be submitted to the CCSA in Bangkok for approval, before they can be put into effect." 

In other words "hogwash". 

As always. Hot air and brain fart of a government repesentative.

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I have been staying here for 6 years and from now on I can no longer go to my home country because I cannot enter Thailand afterwards. After all, it is impossible to take out insurance after your 75th birthday. I made attempts to buy health insurance from my arrival here six years ago. The exclusions were such that insurance became ridiculous. The expat insurance with AXA, which I was able to take out, was canceled this year.
Someone a solution? I have a wife, a home and a family here that I take care of.

Vertaald uit het Nederlands

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1 hour ago, BritManToo said:

In the end it will me renamed '0T' which stands for Zero Tourists.


Forget 'applying at a Thai embassy', no tourist will do that.

Forget '$100k' mandatory COVID insurance, no tourist will be interested in buying that.


If you want any tourists to return to Thailand, stop trying to extort them.

If you feel any extra COVID precautions are required, provide them all free of charge at the airport on arrival.


Free COVID testing on arrival, OK

Free COVID insurance on arrival, OK

Free VISA waiver on arrival, OK

14 days quarantine at resort, OK ....... but make all food/drink/alcohol inclusive in the holiday price (no extortion).


Note to the Thai government.

COVID isn't an excuse for additional extortion from tourists, everyone knows what you're like, the world knows your reputation. If you really want tourists to return, stop the extortion. This isn't a chance for your pals in the insurance and health care business to make a bit of extra cash.

???  You expect the thai tax payers to foot the bill for tourists to enter thailand?

Free covid tests
Free insurance

Free visas

Not allow hotels to make any profit on F & B?
what country in the world would agree with this?
what planet do you live on?

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25 minutes ago, hansgruber said:

I tried getting the Covid insurance here in Thailand from the SCB bank. They refuse foreigners outright. Only Thais may purchase the insurance. 1800 baht for 1m baht coverage. 

I got it months ago at scb for 800 baht, 1 million coverage/1 year

get it here as well


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13 minutes ago, zzzzz said:

???  You expect the thai tax payers to foot the bill for tourists to enter thailand?

Free covid tests
Free insurance

Free visas

Not allow hotels to make any profit on F & B?
what country in the world would agree with this?
what planet do you live on?

I'm on the planet where people trying to make money need to advertise a product people will want to buy.

Let's face it a few bags of saline and some aspirin don't really cost that much money.

No need for insurance at all, free care in government hospital would do, that costs almost nothing.

It's not as if Thailand has ever been that concerned about a few foreigners dying while over here.


And does anyone really believe a Thai resort with a captive foreign clientele won't be charging 10x the normal price for everything?

Edited by BritManToo
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8 minutes ago, thairookie said:

If you run a hotel - big or small - what does it take to become accredited as a ASQ Hotel ?  Do you need to have connection with some of those people up there and probably pay something down there ?

details can be found here http://www.hsscovid.com/registerHotelasq

For small hotels more thank likely that a major investment to upgrade would be required and since no one knows how long the program will run I suspect majority of hotels are not going to spend money to upgrade

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