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Will the future be very bad or fabulous?

bert bloggs

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1 hour ago, bkk6060 said:

Well, in the 60's and 70's sexual revolution, drug use, hippies and rock and roll the older adults thought there was no future the world was a big failure coming to an end.

Now, many of those hippies have had successful lives and are very wealthy.

So who knows, but interesting how people/society over the years find a way to figure things out.


Wow in those days i thought the world was going to be a great place ,so much optomism  ,and so much freedom of thought ,,but now those freedoms seem to be coming to an end ,its as if we are not going to be allowed to much freedom of anything ,

Also what Brunolem said seems to be coming true ,not sure about the war ,but yes with idiots like Kimmy with their finger on the button it could happen ,also i fear far far more religious problems are on the horizen ,also far from there being more food ,many of the less developed nations are having problems producing anywhere near enough ,and that will be a very large problem.

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On 9/9/2020 at 5:47 PM, bert bloggs said:

What are your thoughts, what do you think it will be like?

Can't say I care, my thoughts are I'll be dead soon.

I consider myself lucky, if I'd been born earlier I'd have hit WW2, if I'd been born later I'd have missed cheap international travel.

Edited by BritManToo
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It is going to get better in many ways, and worse in some - for some better and for some not - same as always.



Never give in and never give up - tomorrow is always another day - and then there are no more - so make the most of each one - especially today.


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15 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:

It is going to get better in many ways, and worse in some - for some better and for some not - same as always.



Never give in and never give up - tomorrow is always another day - and then there are no more - so make the most of each one - especially today.


I think for the very rich it might be ok ,but overpopulation and shortages will be bad for the majority.

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When the USSR didn't exist anymore and the Berlin wall came down I had hope the world will become a better place.

I wish I had the optimism from that time again. Now I don't have much hope that the world will become a better place in the foreseeable future and maybe even ever.

And a good part of the why are all those stupid people who vote for populist who talk a lot and that's about it.

As long as people vote in masses for people like Trump and Boris there is not much hope for this world.

Facebook etc. are also partly responsible for all the s$#@ that is happening.

I guess maybe I will live another 20 years, maybe a little longer. And I don't think I want to live much longer than that in a crazy world like this.

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2 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

I think for the very rich it might be ok ,but overpopulation and shortages will be bad for the majority.

Call me an optimist - but I think it will work out just fine.


Predictions of apocalyptic events that would result in the extinction of humanity, a collapse of civilization, or the destruction of the planet have been made since Year 0.



Older men have a habit of seeing things very negatively, and younger ones very positively - the truth is in the middle.


PS - That asteroid is overdue, so maybe tomorrow they will finally be right  ????



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1 minute ago, AussieBob18 said:

Call me an optimist - but I think it will work out just fine.


Predictions of apocalyptic events that would result in the extinction of humanity, a collapse of civilization, or the destruction of the planet have been made since Year 0.



Older men have a habit of seeing things very negatively, and younger ones very positively - the truth is in the middle.


PS - That asteroid is overdue, so maybe tomorrow they will finally be right  ????



Its not a matter of being old and seeing things negativly , its just the facts ,just check them ,billions of people are going to be short of water  ,if we keep breeding like we do ,its said there will be 4/5 billion more people on the planet in 30 yrs time ,thats more than the amount that were already on the planet when i was born .

You can see what is happening already ,its a trickle ,it will become a tsunami . food shortages ,water shortages (both happening already).

then you have people like Kim with his finger on the nuclear trigger ,not to mention the Islamic nutcases that run some countrys .

At the  moment we just see the good life . we are lucky ,but its getting worse ,and the internet and social media does not help ,people now know things in minutes .

i hate that i think like this ,as i have famill that will  be around then.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:


Other things too. Our entire way of life depends on computers. One country has most of the rare earth needed to make computers.


Rare earths are not rare, just about every country has them. The Mt Weld deposit in Australia is the richest on the planet. The American military is currently negotiating supply from there.

The only reason China dominates production is because it discards all environmental and occupational health and safety precautions in mining and processing rare earths.

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12 hours ago, bert bloggs said:

Just read that by 2030 3.2 billion people will be short of water ,Vietnam ,one of them ,so maybe Thailand?


     Good point .

     Natural Climate change , is something we have no control over ..


Edited by elliss
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5 minutes ago, Lacessit said:

Rare earths are not rare, just about every country has them. The Mt Weld deposit in Australia is the richest on the planet. The American military is currently negotiating supply from there.

The only reason China dominates production is because it discards all environmental and occupational health and safety precautions in mining and processing rare earths.

So how much will they cost, from producers following the proper extraction methods? 


Three of four times more than what they cost from China? 


And what will it mean for the prices of all our electronic gadgets? 

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Dreaming. Water is going to be the end of us, or rather lack of water.

Short of desalination, which is only realistic for rich countries, man is running out of potable water.


Other things too. Our entire way of life depends on computers. One country has most of the rare earth needed to make computers.

Disease is becoming immune to antibiotics and there are no alternatives available as yet. welcome to pre Penicillin life.

Lots of other things that will stuff it up, like governments response to a new flu variant.

water is the very last resource that will become scarce,

one country can make it profitable at current cost,

if the task can be handed over to robots altogether.

the cost goes up, or environment takes a back seat

due to vital interest, all other nations will be mining it too.

medicine science keep on improving as ever,

maybe it has become too good already when people average 80 before they croak ?

we can rest assured that plagues like hippies/climateologists/BLM/[insert nonsense] will become increasingly noisy

as we become richer and can keep dishing out allowances that gives them the time to protest rather then work for a living,

that is the nature of the beast

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21 minutes ago, AussieBob18 said:



Predictions of apocalyptic events that would result in the extinction of humanity, a collapse of civilization, or the destruction of the planet have been made since Year 0.

The extinction of humanity can only happen once, but collapse of civilizations have happened again and again. 


As for the destruction of the planet, our predecessors didn't have the means for that... they hadn't managed to come up with technology... but in the last 70 years we have done more than our share, at an exponential rate. 


There are many things that we don't see but nevertheless exist. 


We are just waking up to the massive pollution caused by plastics, but not many are aware of the destruction of soils, most of which wouldn't produce anything without massive amounts of artificial fertilizers, which are making the situation worse... 

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