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Trump and Biden clash over Western wildfires as blazes become election issue


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38 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Is Biden actually claiming that he could change the climate if he took over? LOL.


The climate isn't going to change any time soon so forest management to remove fuel for fires is about the only plan in town, IMO.

Not too late to avoid or limit some of the worst effects of climate change if we mitigate and adapt. Biden has a climate plan, Trump has none. 

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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

Not too late to avoid or limit some of the worst effects of climate change if we mitigate and adapt. Biden has a climate plan, Trump has none. 



The problem we face is rampant consumerism causing excessive pollution in China which makes most of the toys western people buy; overpopulation and about 7 billion people wanting to live American lifestyle; massive deforestation of rain forests around the world to feed the overpopulation, rampant over exploitation of natural resources- fish stocks are apparently at tipping point to extinction due to over fishing and ocean pollution; tremendous pollution by fossil fuel- mass air tourism uses vast amounts of oil so people can sunbathe in a different country; and many other problems.


What are Biden's affordable and achievable policies to reduce world population, preserve rain forests and fish stocks, and reduce air travel?

Edited by thaibeachlovers
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6 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:

China is still committed to the Paris Accord, US is not and is putting burden on the world with their denial. China still has much lower emission per person than US.


Yet China is the most populous place on the planet by far. Per person is a less meaningful metric when you have 1.4 billion people.

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1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Is Biden actually claiming that he could change the climate if he took over? LOL.


The climate isn't going to change any time soon so forest management to remove fuel for fires is about the only plan in town, IMO.

Scientific American, a non-partisan science magazine who has NEVER endorsed anyone for President, endorses Biden.


[Scientific American backed Democrat Joe Biden for president on Tuesday, the magazine's first-ever White House endorsement in its 175-year history.]


[The magazine's editors wrote that they felt "compelled" to back Biden in his effort to unseat President Donald Trump. Scientific American cited Trump’s handling of Covid-19 and his skepticism of expert opinion and mainstream science on issues like climate change as the impetus for its decision.]



Speaking of endorsements, Wharton (Trump's alma mater) says Biden would be better than Trump for the economy.


[Joe Biden's economic proposals would create a faster growing economy, higher wages for American workers and reduce the debt compared to where the U.S. is headed under President Donald Trump, according to new analysis from the University of Pennsylvania's Wharton School.]




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On 9/14/2020 at 4:05 PM, Mama Noodle said:

It’s still the feds responsibility noodle the state in California only has control of 3% of the landthe feds 53% of the land bottom line imo trump always blames inflames(no pun intended)and offers nothing to address the issues time for adults to take over common November!

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:



The problem we face is rampant consumerism causing excessive pollution in China which makes most of the toys western people buy; overpopulation and about 7 billion people wanting to live American lifestyle; massive deforestation of rain forests around the world to feed the overpopulation, rampant over exploitation of natural resources- fish stocks are apparently at tipping point to extinction due to over fishing and ocean pollution; tremendous pollution by fossil fuel- mass air tourism uses vast amounts of oil so people can sunbathe in a different country; and many other problems.


What are Biden's affordable and achievable policies to reduce world population, preserve rain forests and fish stocks, and reduce air travel?

I can agree that environmental issues are creeping up in China's move towards a more consumerist society to sustain their economic growth. Even their diet has moving towards a more carbon-intensive Western lifestyle. There are lots of push-back by the citizens on environmental issues and the government has responded but still are not sufficiently efficient. The point is that they are committed to targets set by the Paris Accord. China is doing their part and US is not. 

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43 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:

They just became partisan.

Not at all they are reacting to trump that’s not partisan it’s more calling it as they see it now the cdc doj homeland security they are acting in a partisan manner imo probably beeing bulleyed into it you know trumps style do what I say or I will ruin you and your families lives 

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Is Biden actually claiming that he could change the climate if he took over? LOL.


The climate isn't going to change any time soon so forest management to remove fuel for fires is about the only plan in town, IMO.


You say: "The climate isn't going to change any time soon".


Trump says: "It will start getting cooler. You just watch".

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Did he say when? It's going to get cooler sometime so he's right on that. It might be after humans have polluted ourselves into extinction though.


Guess you missed that "You just watch".

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:

Nothing burger in comparison to "Mexico will pay for the Wall". Thousands of other lines of nonsense from trump, do you want to keep going?

Actually, it might be quite funny to compile the official "Biden and Trump Greatest Hits" of blunders committed recently and compare. Encourage participation from all TV posters, go for it.

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32 minutes ago, i84teen said:

Actually, it might be quite funny to compile the official "Biden and Trump Greatest Hits" of blunders committed recently and compare. Encourage participation from all TV posters, go for it.

Well you have over 20,000 of trumps lies to consider. Will take you a while, better get to it.

Edited by Sujo
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6 minutes ago, Smigel said:

Aagh the old Trump has told 20000 lies, lie. 

It doesn't matter how many times you post it. nobody believes it and nobody cares. 

Lets ask the public. Majority is distrust information from Trump because he lie too much. They trust the media more than Trump. Case closed.


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8 hours ago, Cryingdick said:

They just became partisan.

And that is the point....Trump is driving the non-partisan to speak up and speak out against him. Of course I am sure now you think they are just another liberal biased rag because they are not kissing the posterior of Dear President. It must be completely exhausting to defend Donald Trump and his failed presidency on a hourly basis. Just the last two weeks for MAGA Force has been a horrible escapade of denial lying and deflection.

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A number of off topic posts, trolling meme posts, and replies have been removed.

Let me make this very clear. Stray off topic, make false allegations unsupported by fact, insult other members, play games with politicians names, use trolling memes etc. will ALL see your post removed and you may well get a warning too, as 2 members are already about to find out.

On topic or don't post!

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12 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

China is still committed to the Paris Accord, US is not and is putting burden on the world with their denial. China still has much lower emission per person than US.

As manufacturing shifts from China in the coming years, I would expect China's emission levels to further drop. Quickly. The Stated policy of some European countries, Japan, and the USA is to cease to depend on China for manufacturing. That should have a pretty noticeable effect on China's emissions.

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20 hours ago, Eric Loh said:

Not too late to avoid or limit some of the worst effects of climate change if we mitigate and adapt. Biden has a climate plan, Trump has none. 

I read Biden's "plan" on https://joebiden.com/climate-plan/#.

Reads like a wish list to impress the easily impressed but IMO, most is not going to happen in his lifetime, if at all.


The Biden plan will make a historic investment in our clean energy future and environmental justice, paid for by rolling back the Trump tax incentives that enrich corporations at the expense of American jobs and the environment. Biden’s climate and environmental justice proposal will make a federal investment of $1.7 trillion over the next ten years, leveraging additional private sector and state and local investments to total to more than $5 trillion.



Sooooo, he's going to spend 1.7 TRILLION taxpayer dollars and alienate the very people he needs to put the plan into place. Good luck with that. Does he actually realise the economy is rather screwed by something called corona?



However, among the yards of wishes are two gems that I agree with 100%

Protecting America’s natural treasures by permanently protecting the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge and other areas impacted by President Trump’s attack on federal lands and waters




small modular nuclear reactors at half the construction cost of today’s reactors

Identify the future of nuclear energy. To address the climate emergency threatening our communities, economy, and national security, we must look at all low- and zero-carbon technologies. That’s why Biden will support a research agenda through ARPA-C to look at issues, ranging from cost to safety to waste disposal systems, that remain an ongoing challenge with nuclear power today. 


IMO the future of clean energy is in nuclear


I also like


Spark the second great railroad revolution. Two centuries ago, the first great railroad expansion drove our industrial revolution. Today, the U.S. is lagging behind Europe and China in rail safety and speed. Biden will develop a plan to ensure that America has the cleanest, safest, and fastest rail system in the world – for both passengers and freight.


IMO none of the above ( excluding Arctic reserve protection ) are going to happen in his term if he wins, given the cost and the antipathy to nuclear- nuclear plants are currently closing and not being replaced, far as I know. Perhaps after his time.


Pity he seems wedded to battery cars. I didn't see anything about hydrogen which is the great hope for our future, IMO.



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The rosters have come home to roost, to much dry ground cover, to many greenies having to much to say, in Oz their was a town in NSW that last year couldn't complete their burn offs because of placard waving locals, that town isn't there anymore , just sayin.

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