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More public holidays eyed in bid to boost economy


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9 hours ago, baansgr said:

Well it's my goldfishes birthday next week...let's have another 4 days holiday to celebrate that

Not if my cat has anything to do with it. sorry just joking. Anyway my dog and cat are adderment that as one year equals 7 yrs compared to us there should be a 14 day holiday as their birthdays fall almost together. 

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in normal countries on planet Earth,for every more holiday, there is a  loss in the GNP (grossnational product)

Economists normaly give a quite exact exact number for that.

But it seems, that far from this Planet, there seems to be  a country, in which the  clocks are going in inverse modus, -1-1=2 and the less people are working, the more the GNP is rising...

amazing Thailand

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Will they give these holidays to hotel and resort staff too ?, come on little Tu Tu tiss only fair init  Meanwhile i was just at the struggling bars where there was no customers and for the first time, witnessed first hand the police taking their monthly 1,000 baht blood money handed over in cash. <deleted> sad to the soul to see this, i hope they rot in hell.

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11 minutes ago, dieter1 said:

in normal countries on planet Earth,for every more holiday, there is a  loss in the GNP (grossnational product)

Economists normaly give a quite exact exact number for that.

But it seems, that far from this Planet, there seems to be  a country, in which the  clocks are going in inverse modus, -1-1=2 and the less people are working, the more the GNP is rising...

amazing Thailand

Maybe you should come back to planet earth.  Absolutely nobody - at all - is claiming that adding public holidays makes the country's GDP/GNP increase.  No one.  Only you are taking that out of the article just so you can sneer at Thailand.  Tell me where anyone said it increased the country's productivity.

What the holiday is supposed to do, quite clearly, is to help stimulate the local economies throughout Thailand as this is badly needed.  Get people moving around the country (as they do on long weekends) and local businesses benefit, money gets spent in places it wouldn't have been otherwise, local people benefit, and, importantly, people who are hurting the most from the lack of tourists benefit.  It is a local economy stimulus, not a national GNP increase.

It's really not hard to understand unless you choose to ignore it and just bash.

Edited by josephbloggs
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2 hours ago, Don Mega said:

Iam not civil servant and this WuFlu has not affected me or the company I work for, we are not in the minority.

another clown who is daydreaming, that he knows the number of the accountants department of the company, where he is employed. And, ofcourse there are companies, which are even make more profit in these time(Production of face masks, Propaganda, special medical equipment , etc. just look at the stock markets ...)

But I think, we are talking about the generell effects for a whole economy

you want to deny, that civil servants in Thailand are the group , marginal effected by loss of income  in this corono circus?


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6 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Maybe you should come back to planet earth.  Absolutely nobody - at all - is claiming that adding public holidays makes the country's GDP/GNP increase.  No one.  Only you are taking that out of the article just so you can sneer at Thailand.  Tell me where anyone said it increased the country's productivity.

What the holiday is supposed to do, quite clearly, is to help stimulate the local economies throughout Thailand as this is badly needed.  Get people moving around the country (as they do on long weekends) and local businesses benefit, money gets spent in places it wouldn't have been otherwise, local people benefit, and, importantly, people who are hurting the most from the lack of tourists benefit.  It is a local economy stimulus, not a national GNP increase.

It's really not hard to understand unless you choose to ignore it and just bash.

are you trolling?

"It is a local economy stimulus, not a national GNP increase?"

Do you really think it is a good idea to create a stimulus to local economies (whats that? "Througout Thailand" thats the opposite) with the effect of hurting the national economy in general? Its not only the tourists industry which is in a recession.YOU do not know this? amazing

And you seem also to think, that the governments all over this planet are  so stupid, not to make this <deleted>?

amazing you are...


People can only spent their money  one time. If they were stimulated to spent it for different things, they will spent less for others. Oh the dilemmas of economy ..... There are good reasons, why some economist say, the governments should not interfere. Why ? mostly the effect is opposite to what it should be. And normaly it means, take money from someone and give it to someone  else . It is getting too complicate ?

Ok. better stick to easier subjects...


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27 minutes ago, josephbloggs said:

Maybe you should come back to planet earth.  Absolutely nobody - at all - is claiming that adding public holidays makes the country's GDP/GNP increase.  No one.  Only you are taking that out of the article just so you can sneer at Thailand.  Tell me where anyone said it increased the country's productivity.

What the holiday is supposed to do, quite clearly, is to help stimulate the local economies throughout Thailand as this is badly needed.  Get people moving around the country (as they do on long weekends) and local businesses benefit, money gets spent in places it wouldn't have been otherwise, local people benefit, and, importantly, people who are hurting the most from the lack of tourists benefit.  It is a local economy stimulus, not a national GNP increase.

It's really not hard to understand unless you choose to ignore it and just bash.


The Tourism and Sports Ministry is looking into the option of creating new public holidays in a bid to stimulate the economy,

nothing , nada, about "stimulating local  economies. notthing. He is talking clearly about a generell stimulus for the economy . Iam commenting to the words of the Ministry and not to YOUR hallucinations ...

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2 minutes ago, dieter1 said:


The Tourism and Sports Ministry is looking into the option of creating new public holidays in a bid to stimulate the economy,

nothing , nada, about "stimulating local  economies. notthing. He is talking clearly about a generell stimulus for the economy . Iam commenting to the words of the Ministry and not to YOUR hallucinations ...

Yes, a general stimulus to the economy by getting people moving around, spending where they wouldn't normally spend.  Just because he didn't specifically say the word "local" you take it to mean he is talking about GNP?  Are you really that obtuse?  And you call me the troll.  It is extremely obvious, but never mind if you don't get it, some people are just a bit blinkered / dim.

One more question for you:  do you think they have any historic data from previous holidays that might show if they stimulate local economies or not?  Do you think they might have taken that data into account?  

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Excellent idea. All over the civilised world countries are looking at a 38 hour working week and a 4 day working week which in most cases has no impact on productivity but positive impact on family live, mental health and overall quality lf life and happiness. In terms of western countries the USA has the worst working week/long hours and short weekends. Truly wage slaves not much better than the Chinese.

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10 minutes ago, warcy said:

I think it's better to take 6 months off since there are no business anyway.


Ridiculous, the only way to stimulate the economy is to open up to tourists. Thailand is highly dependent on tourists.

Pattaya really came back to life with the extended weekends

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Exactly who do they think is going to be spending the money on these holidays if the People are not Working making money to even Buy food?? 

The whole Idea is Moronic!!

All they are doing is Creating a situation for the people without jobs to feel more depressed about because they can not afford to participate in celebrations. And they will end up having more suicides. The suicide rate is already at 22% in Thailand. That is higher than anywhere i have ever heard of.  They need to open up the country and allow the people and the country get back to work . Open up tourism and let the chips fall where they may. There have been so many Private doctors, Scientists, and other Health professionals that have done private studies that prove that the risk is not even remotely what the Media is claiming. Do NOT destroy Thailand over what boils down to a war in American Politics. and Yes I am American. and I do know that more countries are involved and affected. but the whole situation has been organized and perpetrated by the Left wanting to destroy the American Government, and therefore the nation. And I do not understand why Sovereign countries like Thailand are taking their Que from organizations from organized and influenced by private parties forcing their own agenda by pushing false Data . Do NOT destroy Thailand in the process. Do your own Testing, and research individually from other countries studies.

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12 hours ago, RichardColeman said:

There is a simple mathematical equation for this that may help these incompetent fools dealing with stimulating the economy and no people having not enough money.


And that is A minus B. Or 1-1=0

But, he will never understand this! Keep in mind that he and all the other junta ministers are all unusual rich. All.


After being minister for bending laws and filling his pockets for six year years already, he apparently forgot that not everyone is as wealthy and as corrupt as he and his gang are. If no one has bread to eat, 'let them eat cake', is his motto obviously. Or, if no one has work, let them enjoy holidays in a 5-star resort of his clique.

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3 hours ago, dieter1 said:

another clown who is daydreaming, that he knows the number of the accountants department of the company, where he is employed. And, ofcourse there are companies, which are even make more profit in these time(Production of face masks, Propaganda, special medical equipment , etc. just look at the stock markets ...)

But I think, we are talking about the generell effects for a whole economy

you want to deny, that civil servants in Thailand are the group , marginal effected by loss of income  in this corono circus?


We don't have an accountants dept, we do have finance and purchasing though.


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12 hours ago, Wildliferescue said:

It will not stimulate my economy, 105 of my staff to get another day off from the ministry of fools, paid by me! 

Yeah, of course he and his gang will never give one single Baht of their millions and billions of stolen Baht to someone in need. Never!


They are the law, and they decided that YOU have to pay now.


This is life in a banana republic led by a self appointed military junta. This is what they now expect especially from foreign investors with their mandatory staff. No morals, these guys, but power in excess. 


I feel with you.

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In addition to the government suggesting employers pay employees for an additional holiday, the government should suggest that employers also give every employee an extra 5000 baht to spend on this extra day of lost productivity to the company. If shortly after that the company closes the business, then the employees will have lots of free time for traveling.

The government seems to be full of ideas that cost them nothing. Although the government would also have to give the holiday to their employees, but they probably already have 3  people to do a job that 1 person could do.

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That's a really clever idea, more non productive Public holidays, that should really boost the economy. Deputy Prime Minister Wissanu Krea-ngam is an absolute genius, maybe he might consider introducing a very long public holiday for the full duration of October, November, December and January so that Thailand can really get its economy back and track.

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I think the Thai government has the same idea as Democrats in America. Create policies that might help someone but cost them nothing.
But what they need to do is to create policies bring jobs back to Thailand and provide policies that encourage companies to grow snd provide mire jobs. Make efforts to increase exports and decrease imports from other countries(china). But these policies might make someone unpopular as a leader, but will strengthen the economy of the country

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5 hours ago, Rks22 said:

The suicide rate is already at 22% in Thailand. That is higher than anywhere i have ever heard of. 

Wow, 22% of people commit suicide here, whoever knew?  That is indeed much higher than anywhere else in the world!  


If you are going to make a figure up at least make it a little more believable.

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5 hours ago, Rks22 said:

Exactly who do they think is going to be spending the money on these holidays if the People are not Working making money to even Buy food?? 

The whole Idea is Moronic!!

All they are doing is Creating a situation for the people without jobs to feel more depressed about because they can not afford to participate in celebrations. And they will end up having more suicides. The suicide rate is already at 22% in Thailand. That is higher than anywhere i have ever heard of.  They need to open up the country and allow the people and the country get back to work . Open up tourism and let the chips fall where they may. There have been so many Private doctors, Scientists, and other Health professionals that have done private studies that prove that the risk is not even remotely what the Media is claiming. Do NOT destroy Thailand over what boils down to a war in American Politics. and Yes I am American. and I do know that more countries are involved and affected. but the whole situation has been organized and perpetrated by the Left wanting to destroy the American Government, and therefore the nation. And I do not understand why Sovereign countries like Thailand are taking their Que from organizations from organized and influenced by private parties forcing their own agenda by pushing false Data . Do NOT destroy Thailand in the process. Do your own Testing, and research individually from other countries studies.

And breathe, deeply, in, out, in, out.

There, is that better?

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12 hours ago, sbf said:

I have an involvement with a firm which exports a perishable high value product to Europe every weekend. It must be available for our European customers to clear in Europe on Monday morning. These last few months have been incredibly difficult with the flight cancellations etc etc. We have had  a few times where we just could not get any flight availability and therefore we could not export. Our customer has been understanding at these times of course. 

Our product is licenced by the Thai government and needs to be cleared by government inspectors who are normally present at the main airports 24/7, before undergoing customs clearance in order to leave. On the recent 4 day holiday, we were told by the government office responsible for the inspection that they would not be working at all for the 4 days of the holiday finishing on Thursday evening and restarting on Tuesday. We received this news late Wednesday afternoon, and we just did not have the time to make another shipping arrangement for our product to leave on Thursday. We emailed our customer explaining the circumstances, and did not receive a response immediately which was a little disconcerting. They have now emailed reducing our order to 25% of what it has been for more than 25 years. Many millions of baht will be lost to Thailand in export earnings from this one small business alone. We will have to lay off 7-8 staff unless we can get things to revert to where they were or find other markets. I hope the civil servant enjoyed his holiday. 


A sorry tale and great example of the negative impacts of this kind of knee-jerk decision- especially when announced at relatively short notice !

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5 minutes ago, realfunster said:


A sorry tale and great example of the negative impacts of this kind of knee-jerk decision- especially when announced at relatively short notice !

Yes, holidays can have impact on people if government offices are closed, which is why we should plan around that.  But they hardly announce them the day before they happen.  The September holidays were announced about a month in advance, and the ones they are talking about now are for November.

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